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Book of Wars Against Jehovih

Or, God's labors in atmospherea. Containing an account of the establishing on the earth the names: Lord God, De'yus, |844| Dyaus, Deity, Te‑in, Sudga, Osiris, Baal, and Ashtaroth. Covering a period of two thousand four hundred years, that is, from the time of Abraham, Brahma, Po, and Eawahtah, to the time of Moses, Chine, and Capilya. This book of God pertains to both the earth and lower heavens, and contains an exposition of the labors of the above false Gods; and their fall and environment in hells, all except Baal and Ashtaroth. |845|












844  Among the ancient Greeks, the name of this false God was pronounced Theos and Zeus.






845  Note that these were not wars by Jehovih, not wars with Jehovih's participation, but wars waged against Jehovih by those who sought to destroy worship of Him on earth and in the hadan heavens.




25/1.1. Jehovih spoke to God on the throne, in Craoshivi, saying: These are My divisions in the cycle of My Daughter, Cpenta‑armij: Two hundred years; four hundred years; five hundred years; three hundred years; four hundred years, and six hundred years; after which I shall send dawn. You shall have five successors, and their reign shall be according to the divisions I have made.

25/1.2. My Son, I have allotted to you forty years' indulgence in a great light, so that you shall perfect all the orders of Lords and Lordesses in the lowest lower kingdoms of these My heavens. Nor shall it be dark during your reign; and your labor shall produce a great harvest for My etherean worlds. Accordingly, you shall prepare to reap in fifty years, and again in fifty years, and again in fifty years, and again in fifty years. |846| And for each reaping, My daughter Cpenta‑armij will send you ships of deliverance for all you have prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms.

25/1.3. And behold, I give you a new law, which is, that you shall have your Lords deliver to you, for your kingdoms, all whom they have raised to grade fifty, doing this in advance of your reapings (ascensions to etherea), and in the same divisions of time as yours.

25/1.4. And once every reaping, you shall call to your capital, your Lords from all the divisions of the earth; and together you shall sit in Council of Div for seven days each time, and you shall constitute My Holy Eleven; nor shall the Div be larger or smaller than eleven during its lifetime. And the Div shall make laws relating to the affairs of each of the heavenly places, to make them harmonious with each other, and these shall be called Divan Laws.

25/1.5. God inquired concerning the light and darkness of the cycle. Jehovih said: The first division shall rate seventy; the second, fifty; the third, forty; the fourth, eighty; the fifth, thirty, and the sixth, twenty.

25/1.6. God inquired concerning the Lord of the Lord‑dom. Jehovih answered him, saying: Because he is not a teacher, he shall not be eligible to the rank of Div. But he shall have the benefit of all the decrees, and all the kingdoms of My other Lords; for he is the earth's bodyguard, and a beneficent |847| to them.



















846  quarter harvests, i.e., four harvests during this first dan of 200 years






















847  A person who is an opposite of beneficiary, and yet not a benefactor. One whose passive presence is of benefit, though he gives nothing [directly pertaining to the beneficiary's business]. --Ed.










25/2.1. When the Diva was assembled, God propounded the duties of Lord‑dom. On which the members spoke at length, and then God decreed:

25/2.2. First: From this time forth forever, the Lord God of Maitraias shall not use force to enforce, except in delivering hells or knots where the use of violent force by fire or water may be permitted.

25/2.3. Second: By the Arc of Spe‑ta: By the decree of the Most High: The Lord God of Maitraias is bound by the same rule as the Lords of the lowest heavens; whose walls and pillars of fire are abolished, except on special occasions; thus making their respective kingdoms open and free for all spirits above the es'yan grade.

25/2.4. Third: The Lord God of Maitraias' times and successors shall be the same as the Diva. And the stations of the hosts of the Lord God shall be according to the heavenly realms of the Lords, with Maitraias as the Lord‑dom in chief.

25/2.5. Fourth: The hosts of the Lord God shall be distinguished from ashars and asaphs by the name Mishm, but a single one shall be called Mishm‑ah. And their leaders shall be called captains and generals.

25/2.6. Fifth: The labor of the Lord God shall be to prevent drujas returning to the earth to dwell with corporeans; to capture drujas on the earth and carry them off to the nearest Lord's heavenly place, and there deliver them. Force by violence or without consent being abolished, the mishm shall devise stratagems, such as games and tournaments, to persuade the drujas to go with the mishm.

25/2.7. Sixth: The mishm shall not arrest fetals, infants, the wards of ashars, or spirits in chaos on battlefields; for these labors belong to the Lords and their hosts.

25/2.8. Seventh: Where there are companies of millions of drujas, and the Lord God does not have a sufficient number of mishm, the Lord God shall summon the nearest Lord for help, and it shall be given to him.

25/2.9. Eighth: In no case shall it be the labor of the Lord God to teach the captured drujas, or to house them, or to provide them with schools, factories, hospitals, or nurseries, for these labors are the Lord's, to whom the Lord God of Maitraias shall deliver them.

25/2.10. Ninth: To prevent the establishing of heavenly kingdoms by self‑constituted Lords and Gods, otherwise false Lords and false Gods; the Lord God of the Lord‑dom of Maitraias shall be the central head, in conjunction with all the Lords of the lowest heavens; and his voice will be the rule and guide as to how to deal with them.

25/2.11. Tenth: The Lord God shall have one hundred thousand messengers; and he shall determine their stations and routes of travel.

25/2.12. This was the first section of Divan Law in the heavens of the earth for this cycle.












25/3.1. In God's heavenly place, Craoshivi, Jehovih said: For My chosen on the earth, of Abram, Po, Brahma and Eawahtah, provide a place in Craoshivi for when they die, for they shall not dwell in the lowest heavens.

25/3.2. And for the infants of My chosen, who die in infancy, do not allow them to be engulfed in hada, but bring them also to the place of My God.

25/3.3. The Diva then decreed: First, lines of roadways to be established from the earth up to the kingdom of God for such transport, and second, appointed officers and laborers to prevent the spirits of God's chosen from falling into the hands of the drujas, and to bring the chosen to Craoshivi. The Diva said: On the third day after the death of such a mortal, his spirit shall be borne to the home of God. And it was so.

25/3.4. But as to the heathen, the Diva decreed: The labor of the Lords of all the divisions of hada and of the earth shall be with the undelivered sons and daughters of the earth and her heavens; but in no case shall they labor anymore with the Faithists; for the Faithists, mortals and spirits, come under the higher law, which is of Jehovih, through His Son, God of Craoshivi. This was the second section of the Divan law.

25/3.5. And from this arose the saying: The believers go to God, but the unbelievers go to his Lords; they who live the higher law on earth, escape hada. And after some years the Diva passed a law, according to the saying, and called it the third section of the Divan law, and it was proclaimed as such throughout heaven and on earth.

25/3.6. Now it came to pass in course of time, that some corporeans, who did not belong to the societies of Faithists of any of the tribes of Jehovih's chosen, became believers in the All Person, and believed that to live by the All Highest light was the fulfillment of the Divan law. And they did not join the Faithists, or follow the rites and ceremonies.

25/3.7. God propounded this in Diva: Where shall the spirits of these be delivered? Behold, even on the earth they have delivered themselves away from the druks; shall we now suffer them to fall into the kingdoms of mixed company in hada?

25/3.8. Upon this the Diva decreed: A separate kingdom shall be prepared for those who believe, but have lived isolated, and who do not know the rites and ceremonies. This was the fourth section of the Divan law. The fifth was like it, but explanatory, which was:

25/3.9. To have faith in One Great Person, the Ever Present Spirit; Creator and Ruler, is well; but to have such faith, and yet not commit one's self to an association of brethren of like faith, proves a lack of discipline; and that requires beginning at the fifth grade in the es'ean world. |848|

25/3.10. The sixth section of the Divan law provided: The kingdom, for those who profess faith in the Great Person, Jehovih, but are without practice, shall be called Me‑de, |849| and its place shall be in the first remove from the earth.























































848  i.e., above the grade of helplessness but below that of association

849  Medes, half‑way between savageness and civilization. A name given to a land by the Caspian Sea, and to its people. Medes is from the Greek language; the word in the Panic should be, Me‑de; and if applied to earth, Me‑de‑ya. In China it is Me‑de, and in Algonquin, Me‑dah, and in Phoenician, Me‑dwe. --Ed.










25/4.1. Jehovih spoke to God, saying: Because you have founded Me‑de you shall make Me‑de‑ci laws; and you shall send your surveyors down to hada and to the earth also, and they shall choose a heavenly place for your new kingdom. And there you shall go and create a plateau and holy place and capital, and provide a throne for it.

25/4.2. And when you have completed your work you shall appoint a sub‑God to the throne, who shall rule in the place with wisdom, power and love, in My name.

25/4.3. But since many of My chosen forget Me, and so, apostate |850| themselves, your sub‑God shall also receive their spirits, and his kingdom shall be their kingdom till they are purged of their sins. |851|

25/4.4. God spoke in the Council of Craoshivi, relating what Jehovih had said to him, and the Council then ratified the commandments of Jehovih. And A‑chung‑le was selected and made sub‑God of Me‑de, with the title Anubi, signifying mediator, and judge of grades.

25/4.5. God said: Anubi shall have a badge, and a pair of scales; with my own hands I will invest him. And, accordingly, through his kingdom of Craoshivi, God, under the commandment of Jehovih, duly established the place, kingdom, person, and the badge of office. And the term of office was made to correspond with God's and his Lords'.

25/4.6. Thus put upon the throne in the heavenly place, Me‑de, was Anubi, who had been A‑chung‑le, an angel of a thousand years in the colleges of Jehovih, most wise and full of love, and industrious also.

25/4.7. Again Jehovih spoke to God, saying: From this time forward My colleges shall be in Craoshivi; and from this time forward My schools and primaries shall be in the kingdoms of My Lords. || The Diva afterward made this another section of the Divan law.

25/4.8. So God and his Lords removed all his colleges and places of great learning to Craoshivi; but the schools and primary educationals were left in their heavenly places in the dominions of the Lords.

25/4.9. Now during the dawn of dan, four etherean Gods had sojourned on the earth, walking with four mortals, namely, with Po, of Jaffeth; Abram, of Arabin'ya; Brahma, of Vind'yu, and Eawahtah, of Guatama. And the four Gods preached through these four men, explaining Jehovih and His kingdoms; and the angels of Jehovih inspired many followers to them. For four years these Gods dwelt on the earth, and then ascended into the upper regions.

25/4.10. Jehovih spoke to God concerning the matter, saying: For four years I bestowed My light in Person on the corporeal earth, and then I departed; for it is well that men and angels learn to be self‑raising. For which reason I left four substitutes, Lords of heaven, on the earth, with My four peoples whom I delivered. And I commanded these, My substitutes, to abide upon the earth for forty years, in order to indulge My chosen in a surety in My creations founded in corpor. |852|

25/4.11. Because My substitutes are ethereans you shall provide for them; and (at the end of forty years) you shall have their places filled by atmosphereans from the highest grades. ||

25/4.12. The Diva then made a section of the Divan law, providing for the four who stood highest in the grades in Craoshivi to take the places, to dwell with the Faithists in the names of the Great Spirit; and the names of the Great Spirit given were: to Jaffeth, Te‑in; to Arabin'ya, Jehovih; to Vind'yu, Ormazd; to Guatama, Egoquim; according to the languages and capabilities of mortals to pronounce words.

25/4.13. The Diva then made another section of the Divan law, which was the title to be given to the four angels thus provided to bestow the Voice of Jehovih on mortals, and the title was O‑yra; that is, O the High Heaven; and Y, going to; and ra, the earth. |853|

25/4.14. The twelfth section of the Divan law provided for each O‑yra to have ten thousand attendants---angels from above the eightieth grade, from the colleges of Craoshivi. And the attendants were to sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as inspiring spirits and protectors.

25/4.15. The thirteenth section of the Divan law made the term of office for the O‑yra eleven years each; and the same for their attendants.

25/4.16. The fourteenth section of the Divan law explained the duties of the O‑yra and their attendants, which were: That the O‑yra was to reside with the chief rab'bah or high priest, and be his inspirer; being with him day and night; and by virtue of his presence make the chief rab'bah know the Voice of the All Highest. And the attendants first in rank were to dwell in the same way with the ordinary rab'bah, and for the same purpose. And the other attendants were to dwell with the multitude in like manner, and for the same purpose. And each O‑yra was to have a heavenly place in the mortal temple, where he could meet his attendants in Council in reference to the Faithists and their affairs.

25/4.17. The fifteenth section of the Divan law made the O‑yra and his attendants the heavenly kingdom for the ashars of the Lords who dwelt with mortals.

25/4.18. The sixteenth Divan law provided for the O‑yra to increase the number of his attendants, according to the increase of the number of Faithists in each of the four divisions of the earth.

25/4.19. Such, then, were the chief of the Divan laws made in heaven in the cycle of Cpenta‑armij, during the first two hundred years. And all the kingdoms of atmospherea were established and officered; and all the people in these heavens became organic as soon as they passed the es'yan age. Nor was there any dissatisfaction among any of the Gods or Lords, or other officers, or in any of the colleges, or hospitals; and never since the foundation of this world had there been such prosperity in the resurrections of the inhabitants in heaven.















850  abandon some or all of one's religion, e.g.,  faith, practices, vows, rites and ceremonies, etc.; to backslide; to become a skewed believer, misbeliever

851  Here we have the origin of purgatory. --Ed.












































852  That is, to securely establish via the Faithists, the anchorage of Jehovih's light within the corporeal creation, so as to make it irrevocable, irreversible, sealed, permanent.














853  This is the origin of the word oracle. --Ed.










25/5.1. And the harmony of heaven reigned on earth; war ceased among men on all the divisions of the earth. And man began to esteem wisdom, truth, virtue, and industry. The inspiration of the angels set man to imitating the affairs of heaven. He built schools and colleges, nurseries and hospitals; and factories for cloths of silk, linen and cotton, and for paper, and for making glass, and leather, and for smelting iron, copper, silver and gold.

25/5.2. Three great peoples sprang up on the earth within two hundred years; in Jaffeth, in Vind'yu, and in Arabin'ya; and a fourth great people were overspreading Heleste in every quarter. And the kings of Heleste were sending emigrants by thousands and thousands into Uropa.

25/5.3. The Lords sent ashars of great wisdom to dwell with mortals, to teach them by inspiration in regard to all knowledge; to teach them to spin and weave finely; to teach them the seasons, the times of the earth, moon, sun and stars; and to observe them with lenses, as had been the case in the cycle of Osiris, but was lost on the earth. || Yes, the spirits who had been mortal thousands of years before were brought back to the earth to reveal to mortals the lost arts and sciences.

25/5.4. By night and by day these angels remained in the presence of mortals, and by virtue of their presence spoke to the souls of men, and thus made them understand.

25/5.5. And the Lord God of Maitraias restrained the drujas of heaven from coming back to afflict mortals or lead them astray. He guarded the earth around on all sides, so that, in heaven, the Lords and the Divan hosts, in mirth, styled him The Savior of Men!

25/5.6. Jehovih rebuked them, saying to God: They who sow in mirth often reap in sorrow. But even the Lords, with all their wisdom, did not see what was in store for their successors.












25/6.1. The O‑yra, the four angels with their thousands of assistant angel hosts, dwelt on the earth, with the Faithists; inspired them in peace, and rites, and ceremonies; inspired them in prayers, and psalms, |854| and sacred dances; dwelt with them day and night; talked to their spirits when they slept; led them by inspiration to happy marriages, so that they might beget offspring capable of the Voice.

25/6.2. And in each of the four countries the Faithists became as bands |855| of brothers and sisters. And there came to them from the kings' peoples tens of thousands, who joined them, living as Faithists, casting their wealth into the rab'bahs' hands, for the benefit of the poor.

25/6.3. In two hundred years there were in Jaffeth three million Faithists. In Arabin'ya there were two million Faithists, In Vind'yu there were four million Faithists. In Guatama there were one million Faithists.

25/6.4. But the Faithists were mostly poor people, and inhabited many far apart regions.

25/6.5. But the kings' peoples were rich; had large cities, and an abundance of elephants, horses, camels, asses and cheetahs.

25/6.6. The Faithists had little learning as to books and instruments for measuring the stars, moon and sun; they derived their knowledge from the angels of the Lords. The Faithists' knowledge pertained mostly to perfecting the soul; but the knowledge of the kings' people pertained mostly to earthly matters, and to the gratification of self.







854  sacred songs (hymns, anthems), some perhaps not unlike chants




855  groups of people, associations, clans










25/7.1. The Anubi's labor on earth was to win the disaffected of the kings' peoples into association; and as far as possible bring them to the rites of Faithism.

25/7.2. Anubi sent tens of thousands of angels into all the regions of the earth. By inspiration and otherwise, these angels established the rites of Anubi. |856|

25/7.3. By these rites even kings were converted to Faithism and the full ceremonies of the brethren.

25/7.4. And by the same means the Maichung, of Jaffeth, were made into Faithists; and by the same rites the Effins, of Vind'yu, were converted into Faithists, adopting all the rites and ceremonies of Emethachavah afterward.

25/7.5. And it came to pass in course of time that there were no suffering poor in the world. The Faithists had gathered them all up and made brethren of them; and the contributions to the Faithists by the kings' peoples rendered all the people comfortable.

25/7.6. || Anyone (who desired to learn heavenly things) was eligible for the degree of Anubi. The rites and ceremonies were in dark chambers; and the angels of heaven, clothed in sar'gis, took part in them. And the angels taught mortals, by the voice, the mysteries of spirit communion; how to sit in circles and in crescents; taught the four dark corners, and the four bright sides; taught them how to ascertain from what grade in heaven the spirits came; how to keep off evil spirits; how to attract righteous spirits; taught them how to develop in su'is and sar'gis; the secrets of falling water; and the application of lotions to the skin, that would make poundings and rappings. |857|

25/7.7. The second degree taught the people of the Great Spirit and His secret names; taught them His high holy heavens, where all is rest and happiness forever. Whoever took the second degree had to live one year with the poorest of the poor, going about soliciting alms, reserving only the poorest of things for himself. And if he found a person naked he must take off his clothes and give them to that person. Men and women alike served the same conditions.

25/7.8. The third degree taught the dominions of God and the Lords, the place of their abiding, and their respective labors in heaven. And the members had to learn the names of the God or Gods, Lord or Lords, and the Divan laws; the words of salutation; the anthems; the prayers; the praise; the positions of utterance [oratory --Ed.]; the orders of marching; to write sacred names; the secret of begetting pure offspring, and the key to the two preceding degrees.

25/7.9. The fourth degree taught the arrangement of the heavens; the places of the sun, stars and moon; the places and grades of the unseen worlds; the localities of the lower and higher heavens; the places and dominions of false Lords and false Gods; the places in hada, and of hells and knots; of familiar spirits, and also of fetals, both the harmless and the destructive vampires, that live on mortals and in swine and cattle, that induce mortals to eat flesh food for that purpose; the key to the place of the north star; the position of the earth's vortex; the vortices that move the corporeal worlds and hold them in place; and the rules for building temples and pyramids, with their spirit chambers.

25/7.10. Besides this there was the fifth degree, which reached the secret of life in the flesh; the power of will and how to use it far and near; how to rule over others without their knowing it; to cast spells; to enter the prophetic state; to estimate numbers without counting; to find proportions and distances without measuring; |858| to forecast the time of things; to find the weight of things without weighing; to find the power of the capstan before it is made, and of the lever and screw; to find the friction of things before they were moved, in order to know the power required. The fifth degree was called the degree of prophecy; and the place of initiation was called the college of prophecy.

25/7.11. In this degree the angels came in sar'gis and taught these things orally, and initiated mortals thus learned them. But no one could take the fifth degree without having become proficient in all the four preceding degrees, and without the recommendation of the rab'bah (or priest) who had charge of the college.

25/7.12. And such was the wisdom of God that only Faithists could receive the degrees, except the first degree; and, therefore, the greatest knowledge of the earth was kept in secret with the Faithists. And the kings' people, even the richest and most powerful, were beholden to the sons and daughters of the Faithists. To build a palace or a temple, or an aqueduct or canal, or a ship, or any great affair, the kings and the kings' people were obliged to employ Faithists of the fifth degree to superintend the work.









856  A later version of part of the Anubi degree is given further on in Oahspe.
























857  These rappings and poundings were caused by spirits (a spirit rap is sharp sounding, like rapping a knuckle against a door; a spirit pounding is dull sounding, like pounding the fleshy part of the fist on a door).



































858  Mathematics was at that time taught in colleges as a branch of prophecy. --Ed.










Of Anuhasaj; who, by treachery, becomes Lord God, second in rank to God, Son of Jehovih

25/8.1. Jehovih spoke to God in Craoshivi, his heavenly place, saying: Behold, I have given great light to the earth and her heavens for hundreds of years; and My Gods and Lords are becoming conceited in their own power and wisdom to rule in heavenly places.

25/8.2. Now I will try them for a season, by sending them a'ji'an darkness; for My Gods and Lords must learn to master the elements I have created in the firmament.

25/8.3. So Jehovih brought the earth and her heavens into a dark region for a season.

25/8.4. Anuhasaj, a one‑time sub‑God under Ahura, the false, had been cast into hell, and then delivered out of hell, at which time he repented, and became a Faithist in heaven; serving many years in holy works in Ailkin, a heavenly place of great wisdom.

25/8.5. And it came to pass that Ailkin was raised into a new heavenly place, called Vara‑pishanaha; and in the removing, behold, Ahura ordered Anuhasaj from the line because of his disharmony. And Anuhasaj allowed himself to become angered.

25/8.6. Satan (self) said to Anuhasaj: Who are you, that one of less wisdom orders you? Anuhasaj said: Alas, I am a fool, and without will to assert myself.

25/8.7. For many years afterward Anuhasaj became a wandering spirit in heaven, going from kingdom to kingdom, doing nothing; and at times descending to the earth, observing the kingdoms of the earth.

25/8.8. Satan came again to him and said: Listen to my voice, and you shall triumph over all other Gods. Anuhasaj said: What shall I do? And satan said: Go to Ahura, who offended you in presence of the Chieftainess, Cpenta‑armij, and say to him: O God, I crave |859| your forgiveness. You were right, and I was wrong. I have repented most bitterly. Now I come to you, with faith in Jehovih. I will serve Him forever. Do not turn me away, O Ahura; remember your own onetime shortness; and the high Gods above you accepted you.

25/8.9. Satan continued: Ahura will delight in you and take you at your word. And you shall enter Vara‑pishanaha, asking for the lowest of places; practicing humility in all your behavior. But be fruitful in making acquaintances with those who shall serve you afterward.

25/8.10. Satan continued: And whether it takes fifty years, or a hundred, or even two hundred, bide your time. But the time will surely come when you shall be exalted; and you shall solicit and accept a place in the dominions of the Lord God in the Lord‑dom of heaven and earth, Maitraias.

25/8.11. Satan continued: And whether it takes one hundred years more, or two hundred years, it does not matter to you; but you shall finally attain to the Lord‑dom, and be duly installed and crowned Lord God of heaven and earth.

25/8.12. And when you are thus exalted, you shall seek to have appointed to the ten divisions of earth those Lords who are your own special friends. And it shall come to pass that the whole earth and her heavens shall be yours, and your title shall be Lord God, and all people on earth and in heaven shall be your servants.

25/8.13. Anuhasaj said: You are the wisest of Gods, O satan. All you have advised, I will do; nor shall anyone in heaven or earth know my designs.

25/8.14. And it came to pass in course of another hundred years, Anuhasaj was promoted on the staff of the Lord God, the guardian, where he served the Lord God one hundred and seventy years. So the Lord God named Anuhasaj for his successor.

25/8.15. So God came from Craoshivi and crowned Anuhasaj Lord God of heaven and earth; with great pageantry and display, God gave him a throne and placed him upon it. And from this time onward Anuhasaj was known and saluted as Lord God, which is the first rank below God.

25/8.16. The Lord God said to satan: Who first shall I bring into my favor? Satan said: You shall first bring into your favor Anubi, Master of the Scales of Heaven, and when you have this to your liking, you shall call him Your Son and Savior of Men!

25/8.17. The Lord God said to satan: Who next shall I bring into my favor? Satan said: You shall next bring into your favor the ten Lords of the heavenly kingdoms of the earth. And when you have them to your liking, you shall exalt the chief one of them to be above the rest; and you shall call him Osiris, for it is a name loved on earth and in heaven.

25/8.18. Satan said: You shall re‑establish your Lord‑dom and call it Hored, and it shall be the central kingdom of all the heavens belonging to the earth.

25/8.19. And Anubi shall send the spirits of his department to your heavens; and Osiris and all the other Lords shall send the spirits of their departments to your kingdom. And in no case shall any more spirits be sent to Craoshivi; for all people in heaven and earth shall be taught that your kingdom is the All Highest Place; and that you are the All Highest God, even the Creator of all things; and all angels and mortals shall be your servants.

25/8.20. Then the Lord God went to work earnestly, but slowly and surely. The Lords of all the divisions of the earth were his special friends, and the type who would willingly do his bidding. And they were learned and of high grade, having heavenly experience of more than a thousand years each.

25/8.21. And the Lord God told no one in heaven or on the earth about his designs; gave no sign or token in his behavior that would make messengers or swift messengers look at him to read him; and he passed for the meekest and holiest of Gods.

25/8.22. But the time came at last for which the Lord God had labored hundreds of years; and he gave a festival in his heavenly place, inviting the Lords, captains, generals and marshals, whom he knew would willingly do his bidding.

25/8.23. And they came even as the Lord God had planned, and it was a time of great joy. And when the feast had ended, the Lord God spoke before them, speaking as one moved in sorrow to do a solemn duty for the sake of Jehovih.

25/8.24. The Lord God said: O my brothers, hear the words of your Lord God! Behold, I have charge of the Lord‑dom of heaven and earth, I am like a guardian that stands by a cornfield to see that the corn grows unmolested. My experience is not of a year, nor of a hundred years, but of thousands of years.

25/8.25. In Jehovih's name I speak before you; for the love I bear for the souls of men and angels. I do not belong to the Diva as you Lords do; my voice finds vent in the fullness of the Father in me.

25/8.26. Who is here who has not seen in these heavens during the last hundred years, great decline in the faith of angels in the All Person? Speak then, O Lords; and if you have hearts for more energetic service for the Father and His kingdoms, now let your tongues have full liberty, as becomes |860| Gods.

25/8.27. Anubi said: You are wise, O Lord God. God of Craoshivi lays the blame on a'ji.

25/8.28. Then spoke Hi‑kas, whose heavenly place was over Jaffeth, he said: My Lord God and my Lords, before your wisdom I bow. I am barely a child in heaven, little more than a thousand years. My tongue should be silent before you, my long-experienced Lords. Hear me though in my little wisdom, and pity me for it.

25/8.29. To the east or west, or north or south, all things grow [progress --Ed.], in heaven and on the earth; I have seen no greater wisdom than this. One thing does not grow, the Diva. Behold, the Diva made laws hundreds of years ago, and they were wise laws at the time they were made. You and I, all of us, are bound by the old Divan laws. The laws have not grown.

25/8.30. Gods older than I am, and Lords also, tell us that the All Light is a Person and has Voice; and, moreover, that long ago He spoke to high‑raised Gods, saying: These things, shall be thus and so.

25/8.31. I appeal to your judgment, O my Lord God and my Lords, was that not a wise doctrine for the ancients? For on this authority angels and mortals fell down and worshipped Him Whom they did not see. And they where obedient to do the will of their masters and teachers on this self‑asserted authority of a Person no one had seen!

25/8.32. Which is to say: It is wiser to worship Him we do not know, and cannot comprehend, and is therefore as nothing before us, than to hearken to the words of most wise Gods and Lords.

25/8.33. If to worship 'that which we are ignorant of' is the highest of worship, then the fool is the greatest of worshippers. For he is ignorant of all things. And by virtue of this reason, he who is the wisest must be the poorest of worshippers. And in truth, is it not so, both in heaven and on earth?

25/8.34. With the acquisition of knowledge, they all put away the Unknowable; |861| the ignorant are devout worshippers. Shall we hold our tongues, saying: Wh‑ce, wh‑ce! |862| The ignorant must not hear the truth; the whole truth!

25/8.35. Are we not hypocrites in doing this? Some have come to us from far‑off regions, saying there are more delightful heavens, much higher! Why, then, shall we not all run away and leave this?

25/8.36. My Lord God, and my Lords, these heavens are good enough, if improved. The earth is good enough, if improved. We want larger kingdoms and more adorned thrones in our heavens and on the earth.

25/8.37. Next spoke Che‑le‑mung, whose heavenly kingdom was over Arabin'ya. He said: My Lord has spoken soul words. With knowledge obtained, what more do angels or mortals need? What value is it to them to say: Beware! The Unseen hears and sees! or, Stop and consider the Divan laws!

25/8.38. My Lord God, for the wisest, best and most honest to assume dominion---this I have not seen. Your kingdom should be the largest and most adorned of all kingdoms. And you should have, to labor with you, Lords with kingdoms greater than all Craoshivi. Can our Gods and our Lords not make these heavens the greatest of all regions in the universe? Shall we and our people continually run off to etherea in search of higher heavens? And not improve our own? To exalt a place by going away from it, who has seen this done?

25/8.39. Arc‑wotchissij, whose heavenly kingdom was over Vind'yu, spoke next. He said: O if only I had not struggled so long to put away wisdom like this! All that has been spoken I have understood. But I curbed my soul; I thought I was alone in such reason. Now, so suddenly, I do not have words well schooled. I speak little, lest I later trip myself up. It is the joy of my life to listen to such wise arguments. Another time I will say more.

25/8.40. After him spoke Baal, whose heavenly kingdom was over Heleste and the south end of Jaffeth to the sea, a young Lord of great promise. He said: How shall one of my inexperience speak before such Gods as are here! But because you have touched upon a matter dear to my soul, my words will come forth. I have seen all these heavens, and even Craoshivi, waning for hundreds of years. Our kingdoms are like old women, resigned to routine, living, but dead.

25/8.41. We have the same rites and ceremonies as the ancients; parades, salutations, and anthems sung for thousands of years; and to whom? A figurehead that is void of shape and person and sense. Who is here that has not deserved honor more than such a being? My Lord God has labored two thousand years! I have seen him in Vara‑pishanaha for more than a hundred years, stooped to the vilest labor, over bad‑smelling drujas, teaching them, washing them!

25/8.42. The Lord God should have a kingdom wide as the earth, and a million attendants to do him honorable parade. And when he goes forth he should have hundreds of thousands of heralds and trumpeters to proclaim he is coming. We need such. We need wider fields and more pomp and glory in our heavens; and kingdoms with great capital cities, and thrones arrayed in splendor.

25/8.43. Then rose Ashtaroth, assistant to Baal, and Lordess of the East Wing of his heavenly place. She said: Here are other Lordesses who can speak wisely. As for me, my words are few. The ancients have taught us to be plain in all things. And we have made our heavens like orchards stripped of leaves and blossoms. As fast as angels are made bright and useful, they are persuaded to become Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, and fly off to remote worlds. Our own beloved earth, that brought us forth, together with her heavens, are thus forever stripped of the most valuable fruitage and ornament.

25/8.44. We all know that atmospherea is extensive enough to contain all the angels the earth will bring forth in millions of years! I appeal to you, my Lord God, and to you, most wise Lords, are these Brides and Bridegrooms not hoodwinked |863| by the tales of the etherean Gods? And by the parade and pageantry of the marriage ceremony? And by the fire‑ships, and pomp and splendor of the marshals, and trumpeters, and music, and the high‑raised Gods?

25/8.45. Behold, we have one here who can invent all these glories, even our Lord God. He should have such a heavenly place of splendor that the Brides and Bridegrooms would fly to him instead of the far‑off heavens.

25/8.46. The other Lords and Lordesses spoke similarly, and when they had all spoken, Anuhasaj, currently the lawfully anointed Lord God, rose up. He said:








































859  desire deeply, ask humbly for









































































































860  as is fitting for, right for, suitable for








































861  Note that this is an Osirian (materialist) speaking, and truly for him, at that time, Jehovih was Unknowable. But for the Faithist, the understanding or experience is that Jehovih is knowable, but never in His entirety.

862  Equivalent to shh... or shush or hush---the sound of the wind. Thus: Shall we keep quiet, saying, hush, the ignorant must not hear... [Note this seems to be said in mockery of Eolin, Eolin being taught as being like the wind.]









































































863  misled, deceived, tricked, cheated, duped










25/9.1. Most wise Lords, in words you have done me great honor. There let the matter end. I perceive what anyone can understand, which is that the center of the heavens should be here. Why should the heirs of the earth and atmospherea be carried off to other heavens? It is sufficient for us that we cultivate our own. I am not competent for so great a work. Rather you should choose from among yourselves the highest and best wise man, and make him your God. I will be his servant to do whatever he puts upon me.

25/9.2. I have traveled far, and took the measure of many worlds. I declare to you there are no glories in the far‑off worlds (etherea), that cannot be built up in these heavens, and even on the very earth.

25/9.3. Hear me then and judge me, not for my fitness, but for my unfitness, and so dismiss me except to make me your servant.

25/9.4. Do not send off the highest raised angels, but make these heavens suitable to them.

25/9.5. Make this kingdom the All Highest heavenly kingdom; and make your God the highest of all Gods, even the Creator. You shall surround him with a capital city, a heavenly place paved with diamonds and most precious gems. And his throne shall be the most exalted, highest of all glories. To which none can approach, except by crawling on their bellies. Yes, such majesty should surround your God as befits |864| a Creator, and such newly‑invented rites and ceremonies as will dazzle beyond anything in all the worlds!

25/9.6. The rites and ceremonies should be carried to the highest. |865| Without rites and ceremonies a people are like a dead people; they are like an army without discipline. In fact, discipline is void without the formalities of rites and ceremonies. To not have these is to have everyone do for self, which is the dissolution of all union. Baal has spoken wisely on this; we need new rites and ceremonies, adapted to the highest grades. We shall no longer bow to a God we do not know, a scattered substance wide as the universe!

25/9.7. Because you have spoken, I am pleased. Because you have come to my feast, I am delighted. To be with one's own loves, what is greater than that? It has been said, man shall love all alike; but I say to you that this is impossible. We have our preferences, and we delight to come together. Who shall tell us not to?

25/9.8. And yet, my Lords and Lordesses, shall we not deliberate on these things? And council with our best loves upon it; for such is the construction of the mind that it often sees better through others' eyes. And, above all, shall we not mature the subject to know if in our own souls we are sincere, doing all things for the good of heaven and earth, and not for ourselves.

25/9.9. You know how Ahura's kingdom prospered until he began to work for his own glory; let us not, then, fall into his errors, but from his errors learn to avoid similar ones. And now, since the time of the feast has ended, and our respective kingdoms await us, I declare the assembly dissolved. Arise, then, my Lords and Lordesses, and go your ways. And if you desire further communication with me regarding this matter, do so through messengers, which you already have.






























864  is appropriate for, corresponds to, comports with



865  highest perfection, highest degree, highest potency, highest priority, suitable even for the highest persons, etc.










25/10.1. Satan |866| went to all the Lords and Lordesses in hada, and said to each and every one: Yours shall be exaltation without labor; because you are wise, others shall serve you; and great shall be your glory. As you have witnessed the rites and ceremonies, in Craoshivi, of the high‑raised Gods, even so shall it be with you. Behold, the heavens of the earth shall become the brightest and most glorious of all heavens. Be patient, enduring anything, for you shall surely, in time to come, be second to none, the highest of Gods!

25/10.2. And your name shall be sung in the ceremonies, and shall be honored even in the far‑off heavens. It shall be said of you that you are among the youngest of Gods, who, by your own self‑will, mastered all things so suddenly that even the oldest of Gods stood appalled at your daring.

25/10.3. Be patient, and seeming most humble, and bide your time; you were born to be a leader even among Gods. Be secret, disclosing nothing. ||

25/10.4. Satan said to Anuhasaj, who was Lord God: Be dignified, and by your much‑professed love, like a father to all the others. And it shall come to pass that they will thrust these great dominions upon you.

25/10.5. Now while these matters were with these Lords, behold, in far‑off Craoshivi Jehovih spoke to God on the throne, before the Council of Jehovih's Son, saying: Because I indulged your Lords and Lordesses in prosperous places, they are becoming forgetful of Me.

25/10.6. For so I created man: In prosperity he idolizes himself. He says: Behold me! What great things I can do: Yes, I am wise; I perceive the nothingness of the Creator! || And he builds to his own ruin. I created life and death all around him, so that he might learn My power before he quits the earth. And hada I made wide, with a place of ascent and a place of descent. Upward I placed My holy lights, saying: Come! Downward, I made darkness, saying: Beware! Hell lies here! But they plunge headlong into misery.

25/10.7. God said: What have they done, O Jehovih? Jehovih said: They are laying their heads together to rebel against the manner of My everlasting kingdoms. Summon the Diva before you, and bid them speak outright as to what they desire.

25/10.8. God sent messengers into all the divisions of the lowest heavens, to the kingdoms of Jehovih's Lords and Lordesses, as the Father had commanded, summoning them to Craoshivi. On the other hand:

25/10.9. Satan spoke to Anuhasaj, the plotter of the mischief, saying: Lest God in Craoshivi get wind of this matter, and so bring to nothing your long‑laid plans, send word to him, saying: Greeting, in love to you, Son of Jehovih, God of the heavens of the earth. From the light before me I am resolved to resign the Lord‑dom. Search, therefore, and provide one in my place. ||

25/10.10. Satan continued speaking to Anuhasaj: Send word to your Lords and Lordesses, saying: Greeting in love to you, Lord of Jehovih. I foresee that many will desire me to take the place of God of the earth and her heavens. Seek to relieve me of this, and choose one less radical, so that you may more fully endorse him. Behold, I am about to resign the Lord‑dom, and desire to see you. ||

25/10.11. The Lords and Lordesses received the two communications at the same time; and they each laid the matter before their Holy Councils; and great was their excitement. That which had been planned to be in secret was thus made public before billions in all the hadas in a day!

25/10.12. The Lords and Lordesses hastened at once to Anuhasaj's capital, each attended by ten thousand attendants.

25/10.13. Now when they were assembled, perceiving that God in Craoshivi knew of the matter, and with their own shame over disobeying the Divan summons further inciting them, they at once proceeded to found a consolidated kingdom, with Anuhasaj at the head. Anuhasaj made believe he did not desire the Godhead, and only agreed to serve provided they installed him with oaths of fidelity. And this they did.

25/10.14. So, after a session of three days, Anuhasaj was elected and enthroned in Hored, a new heavenly place, and crowned Our God of the earth and her heavens, the Very Lord God in Jehovih. Thus he became a false God.

25/10.15. But they did not crown him with the true crown, for that was with God in Craoshivi; but they made one, creating it in the sacred circle. But since he could not be crowned by those beneath him, they were in a quandary how to proceed. Then satan spoke to Anuhasaj, saying: Command them to lie on their bellies in token submission to you, and say to them: Lay the crown at my feet, and I will stand with my head bare; and when you have prostrated yourselves, I will command the crown in my own name to rise up and lie on my head; and if it so rises, then you will know in truth our work is the highest, best work.

25/10.16. Anuhasaj then repeated this to the Lords and Lordesses, and they laid themselves down on their bellies, each being anxious to show fidelity, in hope of exaltation. And when they were down and could not see, Anuhasaj, having no power in Light, said: Crown of these most holy, wise Lords and Lordesses of heaven and earth, arise and lie on the head of him who shall have dominion on earth and in these heavens!

25/10.17. And with that, he stooped down on the sly, and with his own hand raised it up and crowned himself, and commanded the Lords to rise up. And lo and behold, some of the Lords and Lordesses said they saw with the second sight of the soul, and that the crown rose of its own accord, being under the will of the circle!

25/10.18. And they clapped their hands, saying: All hail, Our God! All hail, Our God! All hail, Our God! Proclaiming him in the east and west and north and south.

25/10.19. He responded: The Lord, your God, reigns! Peace be yours. Behold, the heavens and earth are mine; be steadfast to me, and you shall be glorified in my name. You who have been Lords and Lordesses shall be Gods and Goddesses, with great powers and with mighty kingdoms. As I foresaw this, so have I provided for you beforehand. In this very time and place I will crown you and apportion you with great glory. Yet do not think that this is the last; it is only the first, and temporary until the new heavens are founded with broader boundaries.



866  Satan here is not in the figure of a person, but as the expression of coherent darkness within the souls of the unripe that inspires the self toward self-serving ends.





Of the Deity, alias Dyaus, alias De'yus, alias Deus; origin and power in the heavens and on earth






25/11.1. Anuhasaj said: I, the Lord, your God, being the All Highest, through your choice, decree, for the sake of harmony and concert in our labors, the establishment of a De'yus [Congress --Ed.].

25/11.2. As the Craoshivians have had a Diva (Divinity), so will I have a De'yus. And by virtue of my own authority I proclaim you, my Lords and Lordesses, as its holy members.

25/11.3. As the Diva has been taught in these heavens, so also shall be taught the De'yus, in which I assume the rank of chief head.

25/11.4. As the Diva had laws, so also shall our De'yus; and they shall be promulgated on the earth, and taught to mortals as the laws of De'yus (Deity). |867| Therefore by my own voice I dissolve the Diva of heaven; and it shall not exist from this time forward forever. And whoever of you are its members, shall this day resign from the Diva, and send word to the ruler of Craoshivi, for his benefit, and for his kingdom's benefit.

25/11.5. And the ruler of Craoshivi shall continue in his own place and kingdom; for it is his.

25/11.6. And the ruler of Vara‑pishanaha, called Ahura, shall continue in his own place and kingdom, for it is his.

25/11.7. First, then, I take to myself Anubi, the Lord loved by you all, and he shall be my associate, and his title shall be Master of the Scales of Heaven, for he shall determine the grades of the spirits and send them to their respective departments. On earth his title shall be Savior of Men, Son of De'yus.

25/11.8. Second, you, Hi‑kas, shall be Ruler over Jaffeth and its heavenly kingdom; and your title shall be Te‑in, and of the first rank of God of the Earth.

25/11.9. Third, you, Wotchissij, shall be ruler over Vind'yu and her heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Sudga, |868| and of the first rank of God of the Earth.

25/11.10. Fourth, you, Che‑le‑mung, shall be ruler over Arabin'ya and her heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Osiris, and of the first rank of God of the Earth.

25/11.11. Fifth, you, Baal, shall be ruler over Heleste and her heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Baal, and of the first rank of God of the Earth.

25/11.12. Sixth, you, Ashtaroth, shall be ruler over Parsa, |869| and its heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Ashtaroth, of the first rank of Goddess of the Earth.

25/11.13. Seventh, you, Fo‑ebe, shall be ruler over Uropa and her heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Fo‑ebe, and of the first rank of Goddess of the Earth.

25/11.14. Eighth, you, Ho‑jab, shall be ruler over Japan and her heavenly kingdom, and your title shall be Ho‑jab, and of the first rank of God of the Earth.

25/11.15. After that the false God made appointments for the other divisions of the earth and their heavenly places, and then he said to them:

25/11.16. All my Gods and Goddesses shall have thrones in their places, and holy councils and attendants, as is fitting for Gods of the first rank. And every one shall have a capital city, with subsidiaries according to the number and place of their spirits and mortal subjects.

25/11.17. And every God and Goddess shall manage his or her own kingdom in his or her own way; but every one shall nevertheless be tributary to my kingdom, according to the exactions I put upon him or them.

25/11.18. So that you may resign the Diva, and choose your assistants, before being crowned, I declare a day of recreation, to assemble at the trumpeter's call. ||

25/11.19. And so the hosts relaxed from duty and made their resignations from the Diva, sending these with messengers to God in Craoshivi, but not one of them mentioned the new state of affairs resolved upon. On the next day, at the trumpeter's call, they assembled again; and Anuhasaj said to them: Come with me, and I will show you the place of Hored and its boundaries; for it shall not be my kingdom alone, but yours also, for my kingdom shall be the kingdom of your kingdoms.

25/11.20. And they entered an otevan, and arrived in the fourth belt below meteoris, in the sign of the twelfth arc of Chinvat; and Anuhasaj said: From this time forward this belt shall be called Hored, and it shall be my place forever. It shall be the central kingdom of all the earth's heavens.

25/11.21. And the multitude said: Hail, Kingdom of Hored, the holy hill, place of the Most High God! And after that it was known as the belt of Hored, hill of God. It was a three‑quarters belt, |870| and its base was ten thousand miles from the earth, and the summit was fifteen thousand miles high; habitable within and without. And its ascending rank in the grades was twenty, that is, it was easily habitable by spirits who had attained to that grade; being above the grade of infants and drujas, and above the region of hells and knots, except in cases of great panic. Now, from the first place of Hored, where Anuhasaj crowned himself, which was the eastern base of the hill, to the place for his capital city, he made a roadway and called it Loo‑hored, and it was the only opened roadway to the kingdoms below.

25/11.22. So it came to pass that Anuhasaj had two capital cities; and the first was called the City of the Gate of Heaven, that is, Anubi; and the other was called the Place of Everlasting Rest, that is, Sanc‑tu. Anuhasaj said to Anubi: Behold, the City of the Gate of Heaven shall be your place. And you shall determine the rate of all souls who desire to enter the Place of Everlasting Rest. You shall be judge over them. And whoever is not for me shall not enter, but shall be cast into the kingdoms of hada (the lower plateaus). And those who are for me, you shall send to me.

25/11.23. And you shall have a Holy Council of one hundred thousand; and you shall have one million examiners. And your capital shall be guarded on every side but one, with pillars of fires, so that none can pass except by the Gate of Heaven. And you shall have seven million guardsmen, divided into seven watches, one for each day. You shall have ten thousand messengers between your place and mine; but between you and the Gods and Goddesses of the lower kingdoms, you shall have five hundred thousand. But the number of es'enaurs, trumpeters, marshals, and your attendants, shall be left to your own choice.

25/11.24. And all Gods and Goddesses coming to me, or sending messengers to my holy place, shall come through your city, even through the Gate of Heaven; and they shall come according to certain rites and ceremonies, which I will give to you. Come, therefore, and receive your crown.

25/11.25. Anubi was thus crowned; and after him the other Gods and Goddesses were crowned; and Anuhasaj bequeathed to each one his own kingdom, according to the custom of the ancients. And when these matters were completed, he again spoke before them, saying: Behold the example I have made before you; even before I provided myself for my own kingdom I have given to every one all things required. It is fitting and proper, therefore, that you contribute to me and my place workmen and materials, so that I may build in great glory also.

25/11.26. For, as I am exalted, and my kingdom made glorious, so do you have something to preach gloriously about to your inhabitants regarding the place in store for them. || In that way Anuhasaj put Gods and Goddesses under obligations to himself, and they acquiesced in his proceedings, saying: No, we will not only contribute men and women for this purpose, but we will labor with our own hands for the space of twenty days, helping to build the capital city, and to open roads, in all directions.

















867  This [explanation] corresponds with the sacred books of India and China, Dyaus and D‑yin being the words they use. Our term, Deity, is most likely from the Greek Zeus or [Latin] Deus. There is no word in Hebrew corresponding; this shows that the Jews [i.e., the Israelites] were protected from the word. Only idolaters have ever substituted this name for Jehovih. The Greeks rated Zeus as the All Highest God, i.e., a person in figure of a man. The word Jehovih has never had any such signification. He is co‑extensive with the universe. --Ed.













868  Sudga means Apollo.










869  The word, PARSEE, and the country, PERSIA, and the tribe, PARSIE, and, in Vedic, Par‑su, are all confined to the same region of country. --Ed.













































870  That is, it extended three-fourths the way around the world (but above it).





Anuhasaj, the false God, declares himself against Jehovih






25/12.1. Anuhasaj never established the De'yus as projected at first, but took the name De'yus upon himself, and became known in the heavens by that name. When he had thus established Hored in its entirety, he gave a feast to the Gods and Goddesses; and after it had ended, he spoke before them prior to their departure, saying:

25/12.2. The time of duty is now upon you, and upon me, the Lord your God, also. Be, then, solicitous of |871| these things I speak of, so that in the everlasting times we may be brethren, and there shall be no other Gods but ourselves, forever.

25/12.3. Behold, I have given into your hands to manage your own kingdoms in your own way; for which reason I can no longer say, do this, or do that, for my affairs are in my own kingdom. But if I have wisdom I shall freely impart, and the choice is yours, whether you will follow my advice or do otherwise, for you are of equal rank with me. And, moreover, my kingdom is dependent upon you, and not yours upon mine. Hear then my words as if I were merely one in a Council with wise Gods:

25/12.4. To overturn Jehovih and His dominions on the earth and in these heavens will be your first labor. And whenever corporeans embrace Him, calling themselves Faithists in the Great Spirit, or Faithists in Jehovih, or Faithists in Ormazd, or by any other name signifying the All Light, or Unseen, or Person of Ever Presence, you shall pursue them, and destroy them off the face of the earth. To accomplish this you shall use the oracles, prophets, seers, magicians, or inspiration; and you shall set the kings and queens of the earth to war upon them, and not spare them, man, woman or child.

25/12.5. And those spirits of the dead who are Faithists and fall into your respective kingdoms, bring them before Anubi and his hosts, and he shall send them into regions of darkness, saying to them: Behold, you have your Jehovih! And Anubi shall place guards over them, and they shall not know where to go, but will cry out in their darkness.

25/12.6. At which time they shall be sworn into servitude in Hored to the Lord your God forever, and become slaves within your kingdoms.

25/12.7. And you shall teach both mortals and spirits that Hored is the All Highest heaven, and that it is the place of the All Highest God, even De'yus. Which for them to attain, you shall exact servitude from them in your heavens accordingly as you may desire.











871  attentive to, seeking toward, considerate of, ask questions concerning




25/12.8. In the rites and ceremonies, both in your heavens and on the earth, you shall enforce the exchanging of words signifying Great Spirit to words signifying Lord God, who is of the form and size of a man, declaring in truth that I sit on my throne in judgment of the world, for it is mine, and you are one with me.

25/12.9. And all songs of praise, prayers and beseechings shall be changed to your God, instead of Jehovih, or Ormazd, or the Great Spirit. For both mortals and angels shall be made to know that He is my enemy, leading my people astray. And as to the prophets and seers on the earth, who will persist in preaching or singing to the Great Spirit, you shall incite torture, punishment and death to them.

25/12.10. And whether I am called De'yus, or God, or the Lord God, or the All Perfect, they shall worship me only, forever. And my place, Hored, shall be the sacred hill of God forever! And none shall approach me except by crawling on their bellies; for I will so exalt my lights that none can stand before me.

25/12.11. When the Lord God had finished his discourse, the other Gods responded in love and adoration. Thus ended the feast, and, similar to the rites in other heavens, the Gods and Goddesses went and sat at the foot of the throne, and De'yus came down and took them by the hand, one at a time, and raised them up, saying: Arise, O God, and in my name, wisdom and power, go your way. And they departed.



i077 The Earth in Kas'kak. Jehovih said: So that My Gods could learn to master the elements of My heavens, I brought the earth into the etherean Forest of Kas'kak. And lo and behold, angels and mortals fell in the darkness. And Anuhasaj established the names Lord God and De'yus (Dyaus) (Deity) as worshipful on the earth. Before that time, man worshipped Me under the term Great Spirit. And man built the great pyramid as a monument of his own darkness.   (see image only)



25/12.12. Accordingly, regarding the earth, great havoc and persecution were visited upon the Zarathustrians and Israelites, being put to death by hundreds of thousands. |872|






872  see image i077










25/13.1. Swift messengers coursing the heavens, from far‑off etherean worlds, bound for destinations remote, passed over the regions of Hored; and the high‑raised travelers felt the discordant plots of satan's Lord God and his hosts, thus bent to overthrow the Great Spirit's happy world. And so they sent word of it to Cpenta‑armij, through whose fields the great serpent moved along. And her Most High Council, one with the Creator, cast about to know the cause and treatment of the dastardly outrage.

25/13.2. Then Jehovih spoke to His Daughter, Chieftainess, saying: The Lord God was duly honored in My name, and swore before Me to serve faithfully, forever, by his highest light. Hold him to his purpose, and bind him in the world he has assumed to rule for his own glory. And to his fellow‑Gods, conspirators against Me, Who brought them into being, give them full sway to destroy My worshippers. Let them raise the name of their God, and bait mortal kings and queens to glut themselves in the havoc of My chosen, the Faithists.

25/13.3. The earth nears her greatest corporeal growth, and these self‑assuming Gods, through their mortal emissaries shall, in the greatest divisions of the earth, build monuments: temples, pyramids, and oracle‑palaces, which shall stand thousands of years as testimonies of the audacity of Gods and Saviors. To honor whom, the Lord God has sworn to make angels and men suppliant slaves in heaven and earth.

25/13.4. For I will use the corporeal temples and pyramids they shall build on the earth at the expense of My chosen, as testimony, in coming ages, of the oppression in the hadan heavenly kingdoms of these self‑Gods. Till that time, I cannot teach mortals of the vanity of the lower heavens, except in the deserted ruins of their moldering monuments.

25/13.5. For in kosmon, mortals shall know that even as the earth has been a place of foolish sacrifice to persons born of woman, so were My heavens debauched in that day by similar oppression and cruelty.

25/13.6. Let him who is falsely crowned Osiris, build in the Osirian field, |873| and him who is proclaimed De'yus, build in the hadan field, |874| for the time shall come when these testimonies shall be required in the sum of earth and heaven.

25/13.7. For I will show them that without an All Highest Person there is no resurrection for angels or men. Regarding which, the ten billion who are slaughtered and bound by the Lord God, shall swear in kosmon, the fall of all things except Me. ||

25/13.8. Down to the lower heavens, to God in Craoshivi, Cpenta‑armij sent swift messengers, with the words of Jehovih, comforting to God and his hosts, as to the wide plans on which the Father lays the destinies of worlds. And God received them, and now comprehended why, alas, his Diva did not come, nor answered his call except by resigning.

25/13.9. But God, the true ruler of heaven and earth, now saw how the prosperity of the indulged heaven had made bad men out of most holy Gods, even as prosperity on the earth closes up man's eyes against his Creator, making himself an egotist in self, and vociferous |875| as to Jehovih's shortcomings, according to man's views. And God remembered how he had prayed for the continuation of the light in heaven, which Jehovih granted him; and he repented now, saying:

25/13.10. O Jehovih, why did I not say: Your will be done; let darkness come! || Had I not seen on the earth how night must follow day, and winter after summer; and yet I prayed for endless light in a heaven where Your sons and daughters are as yet only babes in the time and course of worlds. My own judgment should have shown me that spells of darkness should follow seasons of light in Your lower heavens. For, then, these half‑tried Lords and Gods would have stopped to consider before they rushed into so mad a scheme.

25/13.11. God called together the Holy Council in Craoshivi, and told them about the words of the Creator, through His High‑Raised Daughter. Then within the Council, all who chose to, spoke, and the thirty million listened. And, meanwhile, messengers fresh from Hored, the seat of rebellion, came in, bringing full news to Craoshivi of the proceedings of the Lord God, alias, De'yus, and his self‑Gods and Goddesses.

25/13.12. When the full particulars had been related, and the Council had spoken upon it, then the light of Jehovih came upon God, and God said:

25/13.13. In the name of our Father, I will speak to these Gods and Lords and acquaint them with Jehovih's words. Yes, I will entreat |876| them to return even as they were.

25/13.14. Then God was overwhelmed by the terrible adversity of the heavens entrusted into his keeping. As in a small degree the captain of a merchant's ship, far out at sea, meeting with a mishap of broken masts, stripped to the hulk, and rudder gone, powerless to save, feels the burning shame of incompetence before mariners, so God, before the High‑Raised Chiefs of the etherean worlds, must helplessly view his shattered kingdoms.

25/13.15. With great sorrow God sent word of Jehovih's warning to De'yus and his Gods; and he pleaded for them to return, as a father pleads to a wayward son. Off went the messengers swiftly; and God, even though long schooled to adverse trials and suspensions, burned with impatience for his messengers to return, hoping that his sweet pleadings might yet reverse the scenes.

25/13.16. Then the messengers came back, empty-handed! Not one of the truant Gods had deigned |877| to answer him. And God wept, scarcely believing his messengers, that so great an insult could be heaped upon him, who had done nothing anyone could complain about. Then Jehovih came and spoke to God, saying: Do not weep, My Son! He who follows his highest light from day to day---great is his glory; and in whatever he loses he shall regain a thousand‑fold. Behold, I will bring love to you that you do not know of: Remember, as this season is upon the earth and her heavens, even so do I send a season like it upon all My worlds.













































873  Osirian field, here as elsewhere, seems to mean materialism, or that material philosophy which maintains that materiality rules over spirit, and not spirit over matter. --Ed.

874  Hadan field, here seems to mean spirit world, and without a Great Spirit or All Person. --Ed.













875  vigorously raising voice; loud and conspicuous outcry; speaking up against; intensely calling attention



























876  earnestly request, implore, appeal to, beseech



















877  vouchsafed, lowered themselves, stooped, condescended










25/14.1. In course of time, word came to Ahura, in Vara‑pishanaha, of the proceedings of the Lord God, now styled De'yus, and of the revolt of all the lowest heavens in one fell swoop. |878| And Ahura remembered his own shortcomings, thousands of years ago, and the terrible bondage that came upon him in the end. And he knew De'yus, who had been a sub‑God under him for hundreds of years, under the name Anuhasaj, who had tried to break the lines in the arc of Spe‑ta, in the resurrection of Ailkin.

25/14.2. So Ahura prayed to Jehovih, before the Holy Council in Vara‑pishanaha, to know what he should say or do in the matter, or if he should do nothing at all. Jehovih answered him, saying:

25/14.3. My Son, you are no longer a child. Address the Lord God, or not, as seems fit in your own eyes. Behold, I allowed you to try the same road, so that you could understand Me and My kingdoms.

25/14.4. So Ahura decided to send, in his own name, and in his own way, word to De'yus. This, then, is what he sent:

25/14.5. To Anuhasaj, my one‑time sub‑God, greeting to you in justice and wisdom. If you were inexperienced, I would treat you with respect. But you know you are false. And because you are false, you shall reap in falsehood.

25/14.6. Behold, the day shall come when your Gods will desert you; for such is the tree you have planted in your kingdoms. This rule holds on earth and in all the heavens. Can that which is unborn, restrain its own birth? Or that which is not quickened into life, restrain the Creator's hand?

25/14.7. So also does it hold true for him who sows for self: He shall reap a harvest of selfs. |879| And your Gods will be for themselves, and your marshals, and all your hosts; every one pulling in an opposite way.

25/14.8. Not suddenly will these things come upon you; for you shall have a mighty kingdom and great honor and glory, like no other God before you has had in these heavens. And your people shall be jealous to serve you, striving with all their might to outdo one another in worshipful obedience to you. And your name, even the names De'yus and Lord God, shall stand for a season as the highest on the earth of all the names that have ever been.

25/14.9. And yet the time shall come when your names shall be cast out of earth and heaven. And it shall be the deeds that you shall do, that shall be the means of making your names execrable. |880|

25/14.10. Do not think, O my Lord God, that you will deal righteously, and keep yourself holy. Behold, I, too, was a revolted God who set up a kingdom for my own glory. And at its beginning I was most resolute to practice righteousness in all things.

25/14.11. But the surroundings overcame me; for as I was allied to self, so selfish officers under me beset me on all occasions, and I was forced to find new places and new glories for them, or, by their grumbling, they would sow my fields with mutiny. I was powerless in the great kingdom I built up. You know the result.

25/14.12. Do you think the larger your kingdom, the greater will be your power to avert your fall? My experience was the opposite of this.

25/14.13. I admonish you in wisdom and justice; I know you are doing these things not for the raising up of the fruit of the earth, but for your own aggrandizement and glory. And I say to you, the time will surely come when your Gods will do the same things against you. And in that time the wise and learned and truthful will fly from you, but the drujas and slaves will not leave you; but you shall be environed |881| with them, and cast into hell.

25/14.14. You shall heap misery upon millions of your subjects, but you shall not escape the hand of justice: You shall reimburse every one of them. You have cast your net in shoal water; |882| your own feet shall be tangled in its meshes.

25/14.15. Behold, I, too, once craved a great heavenly kingdom; now I weep day and night because I have it. And you, too, shall experience the time of scalding tears, to be rid of that which you crave even now.

25/14.16. Yet, how else shall the dumb be raised in heaven? Who else shall minister to the wandering spirits that overspread the earth; and the evil drujas; and the lusters; and the foul‑smelling? Shall I say to you: Go on, you self‑presuming Lord God, the Great Spirit has a rod in pickle |883| for you!

25/14.17. Yes, He answers the ambition of men and Gods sooner or later; in a way they do not think of, He brings them up with a round turn. |884|

25/14.18. You are like a man who, desirous of great bulk, shuts up the pores of the skin of his flesh; you seek to shut up the course of the heavens that rises out of the earth, upward forever. And as the man chokes up with a foul smell, and dies, so shall it be with your kingdom. Behold, the way of everlasting light is outward, onward, away from the corporeal worlds; but the way of darkness is toward the earth.

25/14.19. Do you say the spirits of the dead shall not rise away from the earth? And, in their ignorance of the higher heavens, become guides to mortals!

25/14.20. Behold, you have traveled far; and you strut about, saying: It is enough; I, the Lord God, have traveled in the far‑off heavens (etherea); stay at home, and work for me forever, so that I may be glorified!

25/14.21. Will you say: I, the Lord God, I, De'yus, am the only Son of the Void! Behold, my kingdom lies in a little corner! Come and worship me, the Lord God, and you shall see me on my throne!

25/14.22. Or will you say: The impersonal space, senselessness, by accident fructified itself in corporeal substance, and became me, the Lord God, in the form of a full‑grown man, and then I created all the creations! For which reason let men and angels fall down and worship the man, De'yus, who dwells in Hored, a ripple in the lowest heavens!

25/14.23. I am not professing love to you, Anuhasaj, but justice toward those beneath you. For you shall hoodwink mortals, and even angels of little experience, to believe you were the very Creator; but your Gods know who you truly are, and the Gods above you know also. All your days at most have been only two thousand and seven hundred years! And the time shall come upon you when you shall be forced, by your own fault, to assert you were the very Creator, Whose worlds have run billions of years! Who can carry so great a falsehood as this! And not carrying it, it shall fall down on you and on your people, and take root and spread abroad, till your place and your Gods' places are the foundations of nothing but lies.

25/14.24. For the rule holds in all places, high and low, that according to the seed sown so shall be the harvest, whether good or bad. Nor can any man or God alter this rule, or bend it to the right or left.

25/14.25. If it is Jehovih's decree that someone shall make the names of God, and Lord God, and De'yus, execrable on earth and in heaven, it may well be that you have put yourself into the yoke to that end. Yet I would not have you so, if I could prevent it.

25/14.26. You were once my sub‑God, and I remember you well; you were young and full of promise. My judgment spoke to me of you, saying: A sub‑God to be proud of for thousands of years! But my judgment was not Jehovih's. My love for you was early nipped in the bud, for you were forever talking about yourself. You made your neighbor Gods sick by forever relating your experiences and your prophecies as to what you would do.

25/14.27. And when Jehovih encompassed me about in my own evil, you tormented me because I had not followed your advice. Now I repeat to you, I could not follow anyone's advice. And you too shall be environed about and unable to follow anyone's advice; for such is the bondage of the Godhead, unless we cut ourselves loose making Jehovih the Head and Front, and ourselves His servants. For the God should not only be the greatest in his kingdom, but the most menial servant of his people; forever casting off responsibility, |885| and forever urging his subjects not to idolize him, but Jehovih! Forever showing them that their God is nothing more than they are; that they must stand alone, and become, not slaves to their God, but independent beings full of manliness, |886| having faith in the Great Spirit only.

25/14.28. By which the God binds neither himself nor his people; giving full sway to the love of liberty in every soul, but in tenderness and love that harmonize with Jehovih's proceedings.

25/14.29. Now when you came back to me after I was delivered out of hell, and my kingdoms raised to Vara‑pishanaha, you did profess to understand these things, and, in truth, to love this philosophy. And you prayed fervently to Jehovih, repenting of your former ways, and taking part in the rites and ceremonies.

25/14.30. Then I opened my heart to you. My much love for you, as when I first knew you, returned upon me a thousand fold. In joy and in tears I fell upon you, and I praised Jehovih that He had sent me so sweet a love.

25/14.31. In each other's arms we repented, and we swore our mutual love forever. Then we both saw the way of Jehovih clear, and He made us strong and wise, full of rejoicing.

25/14.32. And we fell to work, hand in hand, laboring with drujas, dark and most foul, teaching them day and night, forever repeating to their stupid minds. And when we were both nearly exhausted thousands of times, and we slacked up, and withdrew for a short spell, we rested in each other's arms!

25/14.33. Then we reasoned and philosophized on the plans and glories of Jehovih's works; watching hopefully for signs of progress in our wards. O the glory of those days! O the richness of your wisdom and love to me in those days of darkness! For a hundred years we toiled thus, and I was blessed, and my people were blessed, by you, you star of our love.

25/14.34. When we raised up my four billion wards a small way up out of darkness, our far‑off Goddess, Atcheni, needed one who was great, like you, to travel in other regions. And I parted with you. My soul was as if divided in two.

25/14.35. For hundreds of years you traveled and became rich in knowledge; but did not return to me, to my bursting heart! What more can I say? You are in your place, and I am in mine; but Jehovih is with Wisdom, Love, Truth and Fidelity, |887| for these are His abiding places. ||






878  in one deadly, descending, sudden sweep, seizure, or snatch





























879  In other words, by setting up his kingdom for himself, Anuhasaj could no more prevent this ultimate harvest of selfs than a fetus can stop its own birth.












880  offensive, repulsive, deplorable, loathsome, fit to be excreted (cast out)























881  bound on all sides; trapped; imprisoned; obliged; beset; surrounded; girdled; hemmed in



882  shallow water, often with sandbars (ridges of sand) that lie hidden just beneath the surface, difficult, even dangerous to navigate, and can become turbulent compared to the deeper waters









883  in storage; has preserved a rod for you



884  a full turn; like an anchor being lifted up by the turn of a capstan






































































885  That is, to direct the petitioner to Jehovih; and to induce the petitioner to take responsibility and make his own decision in the light of Jehovih, and within the parameters of His kingdom.

886  having the attributes of a wholesome developed man (male or female); see e.g., 20/24.16<fn-make>









































887  faithfulness; e.g., to Jehovih; and to one's own holy vows and obligations










25/15.1. De'yus did not reply to Ahura, God of Vara‑pishanaha, but sent the messenger away without a word. And satan came again to De'yus, saying: Send word to your Gods to be firm, for today Ahura and the God of Craoshivi have beset them to return to Jehovih's worship.

25/15.2. De'yus feared nevertheless, so he inquired of satan what was the best great thing he could do. Satan said: O Lord, my God, this is the best thing you can do: For all the Divan laws you have destroyed, make De'yus laws instead. Why shall you follow in the footsteps of the ancients?

25/15.3. The Lord God said: Yes, yes! I will not be bound by the laws of the ancients, but I will have laws of my own, and they shall be called the Laws of the Lord God.

25/15.4. Satan (self) said: These, then, shall be your words, O Lord God, which shall be the laws of De'yus, namely:

25/15.5. I, the Lord God, have made self‑preservation the first law.

25/15.6. You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul, heart and mind.

25/15.7. You shall worship only him, now and forever.

25/15.8. You shall not worship Jehovih; He is void; He is nothing.

25/15.9. Nor shall you worship any idol of anything, on the earth or in the heavens of the earth.

25/15.10. Whoever worships anything except me, the Lord God, shall be put to death.

25/15.11. Behold, I am a God of justice and truth; I am a God of anger; vengeance is mine.

25/15.12. I have a gate at the hill of Hored; my guardians are cherubims and seraphims, with flaming swords.

25/15.13. Whoever raises his arm against me shall be destroyed; to do my will is the sixth law.

25/15.14. Whoever puts the mark of the circumcision on a male child shall be put to death.

25/15.15. No man shall do evil for evil's sake; nor by violence oppress any man, woman or child.

25/15.16. Whoever exalts me on earth, him I will exalt in heaven.

25/15.17. Whoever overthrows other Gods, except the Lord God, who is the De'yus of heaven and earth, him will I exalt in heaven. ||

25/15.18. Now it came to pass that these decrees of the false God were established on the earth. And the name of Dyaus became paramount |888| to all other Gods in Vind'yu and eastern Par'si'e; and the name Te‑in, in Jaffeth, and the name Lord God, in Arabin'ya. And these peoples now had a new sacred book given to them. And yet all of these names represented one angel only, Anuhasaj, a one‑time mortal.

25/15.19. Prior to this the Faithists on earth were taught non‑resistance; to ignore leadership; to return good for evil, and to dwell together as brethren.

25/15.20. But now, because of the decrees of Anuhasaj, alias De'yus, Faithists were led astray, becoming warriors, and aspiring to become kings and rulers.

25/15.21. Nevertheless, many of them still called themselves by names signifying Faithists, but changing their belief from the Great Spirit to a God in shape and figure |889| of a man, with attributes like a mortal.

25/15.22. And mortals in these countries made images of cherubims and seraphims, having flaming swords; and images of Anubis holding a pair of scales; the same as is made to this day, and called Justice.

25/15.23. In addition to these earthly decrees, Anuhasaj, alias the Lord God, made heavenly decrees between his own kingdom and the kingdoms of his Gods. The chief decrees were: That, for the first one hundred years, all angels borne up out of the earth shall fall into their respective divisions, and shall belong as subjects to my Gods, to be appropriated by them in their own way.

25/15.24. That after the hundredth year, my Gods shall deliver to me one‑tenth of their subjects of the highest grades.

25/15.25. De'yus made two hundred laws in reference to the kingdoms of his Gods, concerning such things as their boundaries and ornamentation, providing great pageantry and countless numbers of heralds, staff‑bearers, musicians, and players of oratory (theatricals), besides innumerable servants and decorators, so that the pageantry could be in great splendor.

25/15.26. When he had completed these forms and system of government, he sent an invitation to his Gods to again feast with him, so that they might ratify his laws and receive them.

25/15.27. And it came to pass that the laws of De'yus were thus ratified and accepted by the Gods; and they went away rejoicing, returning to their respective kingdoms, where they fell to work at once to provide themselves in their glory.




















































888  highest ranking; first; chief; dominant; foremost















889  likeness, representation










25/16.1. Thus was established the Confederacy of Selfs; that is, the false Lord God, and his false Gods, were as many kingdoms united into one; yet every God was secretly sworn to himself, for his own glory.

25/16.2. The time from the beginning of the revolt until it was completed as a confederacy was sixty-four days, and the number of inhabitants in these heavens at that time was eight billion men, women and children. And they were well ordered, in nurseries, hospitals, schools, colleges and factories, and in surveying, building ships, road‑making, and all other types of occupations that belong to the lower heavens, objective and subjective. Four billion of these were presently sent to Hored, to De'yus.

25/16.3. De'yus at once began the work laid out, and issued a decree commanding the destruction of all otevans and other vessels plying to the upper plateau, Craoshivi; and commanding the seizing and destroying of fire‑ships or other vessels that might come from the upper regions down to the lower. De'yus said: My people shall not ascend to other heavens. I have made the earth and this heaven sufficient for all happiness and glory. Whoever builds a vessel, saying: I will ascend; or if he does not say, but my judges discover him, he shall be cast into the hadan region prepared for him. And if a man or a woman preaches in my heavens, saying: Behold, there is a higher heaven, that person shall be cast into hell, as my son (Anubi) judges.

25/16.4. And I, De'yus, command the locking up of all the books in the libraries of my heavens that in any way teach of Jehovih or Ormazd, or of heavenly kingdoms above mine or greater. For I, the Lord God, will have only one kingdom, and I will draw all people into it to abide with me forever.

25/16.5. And my Gods, marshals, generals and captains, shall take their hosts and go throughout the regions of Hored, and make a clean roadway, and cut off all connection with the outer kingdoms. And they shall place in the roadway around my heavens a standing army, sufficient to guard my kingdom and my Gods' kingdoms forever. And no man‑angel, nor woman‑angel, shall pass outward beyond my roadway forever. ||

25/16.6. These things were carried out, except for the libraries. But four thousand otevans and other ascending ships were destroyed; and of places for manufacturing ships for the outer heavens, more than seven hundred were destroyed. Consequently, seven hundred million men and women were thrown out of employment! And many of these were compelled to go to Hored, where they were sorted by grade, and put to work, beautifying the capital, the Council house, and the palace of the false Lord God. Others were impressed into the standing army, being allotted seasons and years.

25/16.7. After the outward extreme of hada was thus secured in every way, De'yus turned to the interior. He said: Now I will hide away any textbooks in my heavenly places that relate to higher kingdoms or to Jehovih; for, from this time forward, He is my enemy and I am His. Upon my own self I have sworn it; the name of Jehovih and of Ormazd shall be destroyed in heaven and earth; and my name, De'yus, even the Lord God, shall stand above all else.

25/16.8. For sixty days, the armies of destruction traversed the lowest heavens, high and low, far and near; and they hid away many of the records, books and maps relating to the higher atmospherea and to the etherean worlds beyond; and in sixty days the work of destruction was complete in these heavens, and there was nothing left within sight to prove or to teach of the higher heavens, or of Jehovih, the Ormazd.

25/16.9. The Lord God, the false, said: Let my name and my place, Hored, replace those destroyed, for I will make the name De'yus rule in one‑half of the world, and the name Lord God rule in the other half.

25/16.10. The inhabitants of heaven and earth shall know where to find me, and shall behold my person, and witness the strength of my hands. Yes, they shall know my pleasure and my displeasure, and serve me in fear and trembling.

25/16.11. And the books in the schools and colleges of these heavens were thus made to rate De'yus and the Lord God as the All Highest, Most Sacred, Most Holy.

25/16.12. When these things were established thus far, De'yus gave a great feast, and he invited all the valorous fighters and destroyers that had proved themselves great in fulfilling his commandments. In the meantime, the laborers and officers in charge had extended and beautified the palace and capital of the Lord God in Hored beyond anything ever seen in these heavens, so that at the time of this feast, the place was already one of magnificence and glory. And so great were the order, temper and discipline of the more than one million officers and servants who had charge of preparing and conducting the feast, that the assembled Gods, great generals, governors, marshals and captains did nothing for a long while but ejaculate applause and astonishment.

25/16.13. Besides these, De'yus had provided fifty thousand receiving hosts, five hundred thousand es'enaurs and trumpeters, and one hundred thousand proclaiming heralds; and these latter, when conducting the distinguished visitors into the presence of De'yus, proclaimed them amid the applause of the Holy Council, such honor surpassing anything that any of them had ever witnessed.

25/16.14. The substance of the feast, being above grade twenty, which was above the animal region, was, consequently, of vegetable and fruit es'pa |890| from the earth, previously brought by trained shippers and workers, for this special occasion. But there was no es'pa of flesh or fish present on the tables; but an abundance of the es'pa of wine, and this was called Su-be (Nectar of the Gods).

25/16.15. The walls of the chamber of the feast were ornamented with sprays of colored fire, and from the floor of the chamber innumerable fountains of perfume rose upward, which were also es'pa brought up from the earth, and forced up in the fountains by more than one million servants, impressed into service from the regions of shippers, which had been previously destroyed.

25/16.16. The number of guests at the feast totaled one thousand two hundred, aside from the Lord God and his Gods; and the feast lasted one whole day, and the Gods and guests ate and drank to their hearts' content, and there were not a few who felt the intoxication of the rich nectar.

25/16.17. When the feast was over, De'yus, through his marshals, signified that he would speak before them; and when quiet was restored, he said: What greater joy has anyone in a matter than to make others happy! Because you served me, doing my commandments, behold, I have served you. My feast has been your feast; I have given my substance to you, so that you may rejoice in the glory I have received from your hands.

25/16.18. Yet do not think that the Lord, your God, ends this proceeding so: I will not end it so. I have commanded you here so that I may honor those who deserve honor from me, your God. My Gods also have great exaltation in the labor you have done in my heavens, for my heavens are their heavens, and yours also. Because you have destroyed the ascension, the most worthless and foolish of things, and cleared away the rubbish of my heavens, you have also prepared a place for endless glory for yourselves.

25/16.19. For which reason, and in justice to you, I have appointed this time to promote all of you, according to your great achievements. Nor shall you fall back on my promotion, resting in ease; for I have a greater labor for you, as well as greater honor and glory.

25/16.20. Behold, I have commanded the earth and her dominions; and you, my Gods, shall subjugate her to my name and power. And you who have proved yourselves most valiant in heaven shall be their chosen officers to go down to the earth in my name, with millions of my heavenly soldiers, to plan and fix the way of mortals to my hand. As you have cast out the names Jehovih and Ormazd in heaven, even so shall you cast them out on the earth.

25/16.21. Remember, I am a God of anger; I have declared war against all ungodliness on the earth. Whoever worships the Great Spirit under the name Jehovih or Ormazd, shall be put to death, both men and women. Only little children shall be spared, and of them you shall make slaves and eunuchs and whatever else that shall profit my kingdoms.

25/16.22. All idols shall be destroyed, whether they are of stone, wood, gold or copper. Neither shall it save them to make an idol of the Unseen; for that is even more offensive in my sight than the others. Nor will I leave one Faithist alive on the face of the earth.

25/16.23. To accomplish this, my Gods shall select from you who are here at my feast; they shall choose according to their rank; and when you are thus divided and selected, you shall receive badges from my hand, and go with my Gods to the places and service they desire.

25/16.24. And when you get down to the earth, you shall possess the oracles and places of worship, driving away all other angels, Gods, Lords and familiars. And when mortals come to consult the spirits you shall answer them in your own way in order to carry out my commandments.

25/16.25. And when you find prophets and seers, who accomplish by the Unseen, who have with them spirits belonging to the kingdom of Craoshivi, you shall drive away such spirits and obsess the prophet or seer in your own way. But if you cannot drive away the Ormazdian angel, then you shall go to the depths of hell in hada and bring a thousand spirits of darkness, who are foul and well skilled in torment, and you shall cast them upon that prophet until he is mad. But if the prophet or seer is so protected that spirits of darkness cannot reach him, then you shall send evil spirits in advance of him to the place he frequents, and they shall inoculate the place with virus that shall poison him to death.

25/16.26. But if a prophet of Jehovih repents and renounces the Great Spirit, and accepts De'yus, or the Lord God, then you shall drive all evil away from him, and put a guard around him, for he shall be my subject in time to come.

25/16.27. And whether you reach a king of the earth by means of the oracles, or through prophets and seers, or by obsession, it does not matter; but you shall come to him by some means, either when he lies asleep, or is awake, and you shall inspire him with the doctrines and the love of the Lord your God. And he shall rise up in great war, and pursue all people who do not profess De'yus, or the Lord your God; for he shall be an instrument in your hands to do my will. ||

25/16.28. When De'yus ceased speaking, the Gods immediately made their selections, and the generals and captains were thus allotted to new places. And now the attendants carried away the tables of the feast, and the Gods, each with his captains and generals, formed twelve rows facing De'yus; and De'yus conferred badges upon them, as previously promised.

25/16.29. De'yus then departed to the Council chamber, and took his seat on the throne. The guests, and Gods and Councilors, entered the south gate, and went and stood in the middle of the floor of the chamber; here the Lord God saluted them, Warriors of God, and they embraced in the Sign of Taurus, signifying, to enforce righteousness, for the image of a bull was one of the signs above the throne. (And this was called the Edict of the Bull.)

25/16.30. These, then, are the names of the Gods and Goddesses, with their generals and captains, who were empowered in heaven to go down to the earth to subjugate it to the false Lord God:

25/16.31. The Gods and Goddesses were: Anubi; Hikas, now called Te‑in; Wotchissij, now called Sudga; Che‑le‑mung, now called Osiris; Baal, Ashtaroth, Foe‑be, Hes‑loo, He‑loo, Orion, Hebe and Valish.

25/16.32. Their generals were: Hoin, Oo‑da, Jah, Knowteth, June, Pluton‑ya, Loo‑Chiang, Wahka, Posee‑ya‑don, Dosh‑to, Eurga‑roth, Neuf, Apollo‑ya, Suts, Karusa, Myion, Hefa‑yis‑tie, Petoris, Ban, Ho‑jou‑ya, Mung‑jo, Ura‑na, Oke‑ya‑nos, Egupt, Hi‑ram, T'cro‑no, Ares, Yube, Feh‑tus, Don, Dan, Ali‑jah, Sol, Samern, Thu‑wowtch, Hua‑ya, Afro‑dite, Han, Weel, Haing‑le, Wang‑le, Ar‑ti‑mis, Ga‑songya, Lowtha, Pu, Tochin‑woh, To‑gow, Ben, Aa‑ron, Nais‑wiche, Gai‑ya, Te‑sin, Yu-be, Argo, Hadar, Atstsil, E‑shong, Daridrat, Udan, Nadar, Bog‑wi, She‑ug‑ga, Brihat, Zeman, Asrig, Oyeb, Chan‑lwang, Sishi, Jegat, At‑ye‑na, and Dyu.

25/16.33. Their captains were: Penbu, Josh, Yam‑yam, Holee‑tsu, Yoth, Gamba, Said, Drat‑ta, Yupe‑set, Wag, Mar, Luth, Mak‑ka, Chutz, Hi‑rack‑to, Vazenno, Hasuck, Truth, Maidyar, Pathemadyn, Kop, Cpenta‑mainyus, Try‑sti‑ya, Peter, Houab, Vanaiti, Craosha, Visper, Seam, Plow‑ya, Yact‑ta‑roth, Abua, Zaotha, Kacan‑cat, Hovain, Myazd‑Loo, Haur, Abel, Cpenista, Isaah, Vazista, Potonas, Kiro, Wiska‑dore, Urvash, Ashesnoga, Cavo, Kalamala‑hoodon, Lutz‑rom, Wab, Daeri, Kus, Tsoo‑man‑go, and Le‑Wiang.

25/16.34. Besides these, there were one thousand officers of lower rank; and now, when they were sealed as to rank and place and allotment, they withdrew; and De'yus gave a day of recreation so that the Gods with their officers could select from the multitude, their private soldiers.

25/16.35. And in one day's time the armies were made up, totaling three billion angels, and they departed down to the earth to destroy the Faithists and the names Jehovih and Ormazd, and establish De'yus, otherwise the Lord God, the false.




















































































































890  spiritual food carried up from the earth. --1891 glossary. [The spiritual emanation of earthly fruits is sometimes called es'pa. --Ed.]










25/17.1. God, in Craoshivi, bewailed heaven and earth. He said: Great Jehovih, how I have failed in Your kingdom! Behold, You gave into my keeping the earth and her heavens, and they have gone astray!

25/17.2. Jehovih said: Behold the plan of My government; which is, to come against nothing in heaven or earth; to seize nothing by the head and turn it around by violence to go the other way.

25/17.3. Though I am the power that created them, and am the Ever Present that moves them along, I gave to them to be Gods, like Myself, |891| with liberty to find their own direction.

25/17.4. I created many trees in My garden, the greatest of which is the tree of happiness. And I called out to all the living to come and dwell in the shade of that tree, and partake of its fruits and its perfumes. But they run after prickers |892| and they scourge |893| themselves; and then, alas, they fall to cursing Me, and accusing Me of shortness in My government.

25/17.5. I confined them in their mother's womb [i.e., the earth --Ed.] for a season, showing them there is a time for all things. But they run forward hurriedly, desiring speedy happiness and wisdom, without halting to observe My glories by the roadside.

25/17.6. I said to them: Even as I have given liberty to all My people, so shall you not impress (force) into your service your brothers and sisters. But the self‑assuming Gods make slaves of their fellows; they build roads round about, |894| and station armies of soldiers to prevent My newborn from coming to My most glorious kingdoms.

25/17.7. They go down to the earth and inspire kings, queens and rich men, to do the same things. And they portion out to their servants, saying to them: Serve me, and I will provide for you. Little do they think their servants will become like thorns, stones, chains and spears against them in the far future. They build up a justice of their own, saying: To the extent that my servants labor for me, so will I render to them. || But I have said to them, that no man shall serve another except for love, which shall be his only recompense.

25/17.8. The king and the queen of the earth, and the rich man, shut their own eyes against Me, thinking that by doing so, I cannot see them; they flatter themselves that in heaven they will give the slip to |895| their servants. But I sowed a seed of bondage in My garden, and I said: Whoever binds another, shall himself be bound. And behold, when they are risen in heaven, their servants and their soldiers come upon them; their memory is like a troubled dream that will not depart from them.

25/17.9. Nevertheless, even with these great examples before them, there are still angels in hada who have not learned from this. For they say to themselves: I will build a great kingdom in heaven; I will become the mightiest of Gods; millions of angels shall serve me; I will shut out the Great Spirit and His distant heavens; I will wall my place around with an army of soldiers, and with fire and water.

25/17.10. As a libertine steals an unsuspicious damsel to abuse her; and, in time, she wakes up to the matter only to curse him, so do the false Gods steal upon the inhabitants of My places and carry them into bondage. But the light of My understanding dwells in the souls of My little ones; it waits for the spring sun; and it will spring up and grow into a mighty tree to accuse these Gods. ||

25/17.11. God inquired concerning warfare.

25/17.12. Jehovih said: I answer all things by good. To the good at heart I give good thoughts, desires and holy observations. To the perverse of heart I hold up My glories and the beneficence |896| of virtue and peaceful understanding. To those who practice charity |897| and good works to others, not laboring for self, I give the highest delight. Though they are pricked in the flesh with poverty and wicked persecutions, yet their souls are like the waters of a smooth‑running river. Among those who practice evil, destruction and war, I send emissaries of benevolence and healing, who have plenteous |898| words of pity.

25/17.13. These are My arrows, spears and war‑clubs, O God: Pity, gentle words and the example of tenderness. Sooner or later, these shall triumph over all things in heaven and earth.

25/17.14. Behold, these wars in hada and on the earth will continue more than a thousand years. And the inhabitants will go down in darkness, even to the lowest darkness. For which reason, you and your successors shall not provide hastily, as if the matter will change with the wind. But you shall organize a new army of deliverers for My Faithists, and it shall have two branches, one for the earth and one for hada. And the business of your army shall be to rescue My people from those who seek to destroy them. And as to the spirits of the dead who were Faithists on the earth, you shall provide means of transportation and bring them to your new kingdom, which you shall call At‑ce‑wan, where you shall provide a sub‑God, and officers, and attendants, hundreds of millions.

25/17.15. And in At‑ce‑wan, you shall provide the sub‑God with nurseries, hospitals, factories, schools, colleges and such other houses and places of instruction as are required in the kingdoms of My Lords in hada.

25/17.16. And when you have this matter in good working order, you shall speak before your Holy Council; in My name you shall speak to them in this manner: Jehovih has called for two hundred thousand volunteers; I am commanded by Him to find them; and they shall be wise and strong, and without fear. For they shall be angel‑preachers in Jehovih's name to go down to Hored, the place of De'yus, the Lord God the false, and to the kingdoms of his Gods; and their labor shall be to preach and proclaim the Father and His glories in the etherean worlds.

25/17.17. And my preachers shall not say one word against the Lord God nor his Gods; but rather the other way; by majesty of Jehovih's love, be loving towards them and their officers and subjects. For by this means my preachers shall have peaceful dwellings in these warring kingdoms; and thus their voices shall have great weight. For the greatest wisdom of a great diplomat is not to be too opposite or too vehement, but conciliating. |899|

25/17.18. Jehovih said: And your preachers shall travel constantly in the lowest kingdoms, teaching and explaining My boundless worlds, sowing the seed of aspiration with the wise and with the ignorant, and especially with the enslaved.

25/17.19. And to as many as become converted, and desire to ascend to Craoshivi, you shall say: Go to the border of your kingdom, where the Father's laborers have a ship to take you to His kingdom. But your preachers shall not go with them, lest they excite suspicion or hate, but continue on preaching and inciting the slaves to ascend to higher and holier heavens. ||

25/17.20. Then God, of Craoshivi, fell to work to carry out the commandments of Jehovih. And his Council labored with him. At‑ce‑wan was established and Yotse‑hagah was made the sub‑God, with a Holy Council of one hundred thousand angels, and with a thousand attendants and fifty thousand messengers. He was provided with a capital and throne, and with one million ship‑makers and builders of mansions.

25/17.21. After that, God and the Council of Craoshivi organized all the armies as commanded by Jehovih. And in these armies, all told, there were one billion seven hundred million two hundred and eight thousand five hundred and sixty, |900| all of whom were above grade fifty, and some as high as ninety.

25/17.22. And it so happened that these organizations were completed and in working order two days prior to De'yus and his hosts beginning their war on the earth. But the Faithist angels were distributed mostly in hada and the regions above. So that when the three billion hosts of De'yus descended to the earth, only four hundred thousand Faithist angels were there, in addition to the ashars who were in regular service.













891  Note this does not mean that Jehovih is a God per se, which is, after all, merely an office and rank of great attainment, but rather that He encompasses the highest best attributes of a God, and, so, becomes the model upon which Gods base themselves. And in that sense, He is the God of Gods---but not in their form and figure (i.e., He is neither shaped like an angel nor is He an angel).

892  prickles, thorns, barbs, thistles, briars

893  inflict pain and suffering onto









894  here and there; in the vicinity; surrounding


















895  smoothly outmaneuver in a deft and stealthy way; to escape from

























896  blessings, benefits, unselfishness, giving nature, generosity, kindness, good feelings, goodness

897  upliftment, warm-heartedness, kindness, understanding, tolerance, empathy, aid, relief, helpfulness, refreshment, generosity, compassion, altruism, goodwill, benevolence, sympathy, consideration, magnanimity, mercy, forgiveness, comfort, supportiveness, courtesy, politeness, attentiveness, responsiveness, pity, caring, mildness, tenderness, gentleness, temperance, self-control, virtue, love, etc.

898  plentiful, ample, copious








































899  to win over by pleasant demeanor, friendly actions, agreeable reasoning and mutual concessions; conciliatory; and being respectful, patient, peaceable, inoffensive and reconciling























900  i.e., 1,700,208,560; this is one of the few places where the Oahspe authors give an exact figure rather than rounding off





Of the battles of the Gods for the dominion of the earth and the lowest heavens; and these were called battles of a thousand years






25/18.1. De'yus was no slow hand; not a dull God. He had two thousand seven hundred years' experience, and his soul was quick and strong in mighty works. He did not rush in without first measuring the way, most deliberately and with great wisdom.

25/18.2. At first he felt his way along, doing as if by proxy Jehovih's commands, |901| in order to humor |902| the populace, till his flattered Gods and officers safely fell into his dominion and power, then boldly launching forth: I, the Lord God, command!

25/18.3. The very audaciousness of which overcame his friends' judgment, and made them believe for a fact that De'yus was the foremost and greatest, mighty God. To do whose will, and reverently applaud his name, was the surest road to home laurels. |903|

25/18.4. To win great majesty to himself, and after having sworn to devastate the whole earth in order to establish the name De'yus, and Lord God, he called to his side his five chief friends: the Gods, Hikas, falsely named Te‑in; Wotchissij, falsely named Sudga; Che‑le‑mung, falsely named Osiris; and Baal and Ashtaroth. And in dignity De'yus spoke to them:

25/18.5. It is well, my Gods, that you stand about and watch the battles; but let your generals and high captains go forth and mingle in the bloody work. In your kingdoms be constantly upraising your magnificence, and at times sallying forth to the earth valiantly, as when kings, queens and prophets are about to win a victory, or be plunged into mortal death, to show how your august presence turned the tide of battle. Then immediately return in dignity to your thrones, leaving your officers and inspiring hosts to continue on in the game of mortal tragedy.

25/18.6. Then he who was falsely named Osiris, spoke, saying: To exalt your name, O De'yus, my Lord God; and to persuade mortals that you, of all created beings, can stand in Hored, and by your will, control the victory to whoever applauds you and praises your name. You will be the bond of my solemn oath, so that I will lose or win battles on the earth according to whether they honor you, and despise the Great Spirit or any other God or Lord.

25/18.7. Then Te‑in, also falsely named, said: To keep mortals in constant war for a thousand years; to teach them that battles are won or lost according to the loudest call and praise to you, O De'yus, I will be like an ever-renewed oath taken under your thigh.

25/18.8. Sudga, |904| the false, said: By all my parts, in order to shape the arms and legs of the unborn in comeliness, my legions shall drum into the ears of pregnant women for a thousand years, swearing them to your name, O De'yus; or, if refusing, to curse with crookedness all their progeny. And when these mothers sleep, my legions shall find their souls in their dreams, and give them delight or torment, according to whether they, when awake, applaud you, my most mighty Lord God.

25/18.9. Baal said: To overturn the oracles of Jehovih, and to make the prophets and seers receive and announce your name, O De'yus, my Lord God of heaven and earth, I have already sworn more than ten thousand oaths.

25/18.10. Ashtaroth said: The work of my legions shall be to deal death to your enemies, O De'yus. To those who raise the name Jehovih, or Ormazd, or Great Spirit, my legions shall carry foul smells into their noses while they sleep. And to your enemies, who happen to win a battle against your people, my legions shall carry inoculation from the rotten dead; they shall carry the virus in the air to the breath of those who will not bow down to the name, Lord God!

25/18.11. De'yus answered them, saying: As spoken, so shall these things be; I, the Lord your God, command. Send forth your generals and high captains thus decreed; to each and every one sufficient armies to make manifest |905| these, our high resolves. Into three great armies my legions shall be divided for the earth battles: one to Jaffeth, one to Vind'yu, and one to Arabin'ya and the regions lying west and north. |906| Of the latter, you, Osiris, shall have chief command; and you, Baal, and you, Ashtaroth, you two, so linked in love and one purpose, shall be the earth managers to Osiris' will. For your efficient service, behold, I have given you these high‑raised generals and captains: Jah, Pluton‑ya, Apollo‑ya, Petoris, Hi‑ram, T'cro‑no, Egupt, Ares, Yu-be, Ali‑jah, Afro‑dite, Ar‑ti‑mis, Ben, Aa‑ron, Argo, Atstsil, Nadar and Oyeb, besides Peter, Yact‑ta‑roth, Haur, Abel, Said, Josh and Wab, who shall be the conquering spirits to play on both sides in battles, urging stubborn mortals on to religious feud till both sides fall in death, or till one bows down in fear and reverence to me and my Gods. And they shall sing their names in mortal ears day and night, and teach them to live in praise of the Lord, your God, the De'yus of heaven and earth, and to be most daring in the overthrow of Jehovih, most hated of Gods.

25/18.12. To you, Te‑in, another third of my legions is committed, to deal with the land of giants (Jaffeth), and urge them on in the same way, to greatness or to death, doing honor and reverence to me and my kingdoms. High raised are your generals: Wah‑ka, Ho‑jou‑ya, Oke‑ya‑nos, Thu‑wowtch, Haing‑le, Tochin‑woh, To‑gow and Eurga‑roth, besides Yam‑yam, Hi‑rack‑to, Kacan‑cat, Isaah, Lutz‑rom and Le‑Wiang, and others of high grade and power.

25/18.13. And to you, O Sudga, in like manner I have given another third of my legions to play battles with mortals for a thousand years. Like Osiris and Te‑in, to set mortals up in war, and move them one way and then another, and thus plunge them into each other's bloody arms and death. So that they may learn to know in truth they are only machines and playthings in the hands of angels and Gods; that they are worked like clay in a potter's hand, till they cry out: Enough! I will bow my head to God, who is Lord over all, great De'yus. Yes, more, I will fight for him and drink even my brother's blood, if only De'yus will prosper me and mine in slaying Faithists, fool‑worshippers of Ormazd, the Unseen and Scattered Wind. To De'yus, in likeness of a man, with head, legs and arms in boundary and size of a man, sitting on a throne in Hored; to him, the great Lord God, I will always bow in reverence.

25/18.14. And you, O Sudga, shall play war in Vind'yu with the most numerous, highest learned people of the earth. For which purpose you shall have these, my high‑raised generals and captains: Asrig, Gai‑ya, Nais‑wiche, Samern, Yube, Sol, Mung‑jo, Don, Hefa‑yis‑tie, Lowtha, Daridrat, Udan, Brihat, Bog-wi, E‑shong, Weel, Vanaiti, Plow‑ya, Vazista, Kiro, Cpenista, Visper, Cpenta‑mainyus and Urvash, and many others, most determined to rescue the earth from the dominion of far‑off Gods.

25/18.15. De'yus continued: Go forth you Gods, and in majesty build your thrones; in great splendor ornament your high places, so that even the magnificence shall be like a million preachers' tongues proclaiming the heavens' well‑chosen Gods. And as fast as mortals fall in battle, gather the spirits of the dead into groups, not letting them lie in chaos, but for pity's sake bring them to your kingdoms in easy riding ships. And once there, apply your physicians and nurses diligently, to restore them to their senses and new condition; and when they wake up in the heavens, |907| seeing the great glory of your thrones and kingdoms, initiate them by solemn rites and ceremonies to sworn servitude to yourselves and to me, your Lord God, to inherit such bounteous kingdoms.

25/18.16. And as you shall thus despoil those of earth, to make them know my power and yours, so shall you pursue those newly arrived in heaven, to make them swear solemnly against Jehovih, the Great Spirit, the Ormazd, and against all other Gods; but if they stubbornly refuse, though in heaven, even as they did on earth, take them before my son, Anubi, who shall further examine them; but if they still refuse, then Anubi, with his strong guard and brands (sticks) of fire, shall send them down into hell.

25/18.17. I, the Lord God, have spoken; my commandments have gone forth in heaven and earth; whoever praises and glorifies me, with everlasting service for the exaltation and glory of my kingdoms, shall enter into everlasting happiness; but whoever will not bow down to me shall be cast into everlasting torments.










901  that is, he acted as if he were doing what Jehovih would do, or would approve of

902  cater to the sentiments of; generally please







903  honor and glory; recognition bringing fame and (self) advancement
































904  recall that Sudga means Apollo




























905  real, demonstrable, concrete, substantial




906  Heleste and Par'si'e




































































907  i.e., as each awakes in one of the various false heavens





Of the hosts of Osiris, the false






25/19.1. Now sallied forth the captains, generals, and well‑disciplined hosts of hada, the angels of De'yus, bent on independence for the earth and heaven from all other rulers except the Lord God, and to establish him forever. Foremost of the three mighty divisions was Osiris' army, of more than a billion angels, going forth boldly to cover the great lands of the earth: Arabin'ya, Par'si'e and Heleste.

25/19.2. In the front, dashing madly on, was Baal, and next to him, his assistant Goddess, Ashtaroth, followed by their first attendants and high exalted officers. Some of whom displayed: Great maps of mortal cities and cultured lands, where the peaceful worshippers of Jehovih dwelt, hundreds of thousands of them. And the lists of altars and temples to the Great Spirit, where the righteous came daily and deposited their earnings and products as sacrifices for benefit of the weak and helpless. And the wide fields, where toilers religiously brought out of the earth, wheat, flax, cotton and barley, as gifts from the Great Spirit. And the canals filled with boats, carrying produce, fruit and cloth, in interchange, one district with another. And the mounds and tree‑temples of the I'hins, the sacred people, small, white and yellow; |908| the forefathers and foremothers of the great I'huan race, the half‑breeds between the brown burrowers in the earth and the I'hins.

25/19.3. Over these maps, charts, and lists, the generals and captains discoursed as they descended to the rolling earth; most learnedly laying plans to overturn Jehovih's method, and build up De'yus, the God of Hored.

25/19.4. Osiris himself, to display such dignity as becomes |909| a great God, halted in his heavenly place, now headquarters of the belligerents. And so he rested on his throne, with his tens of thousands of messengers ready to answer his summons, and bear his will to the remotest parts of his mighty army, and to return, bringing him news of the nature of the proceedings. And between Osiris' and De'yus' thrones another long line of messengers extended, being a thousand angels, high raised and resolute, suitable to travel in the ever‑changing atmospherean belts of great velocity.

25/19.5. Beside Baal, on the downward course to the earth, but a little behind him, woman‑like, was Ashtaroth, with her thousand attendants, all accoutered |910| to show their high esteem for their warring Goddess. By the often-changing wave of her hand, her part of the army had learned to know her will, and most zealously observe her commands.

25/19.6. And now, on every side, farther than the eye could see, the billion rushed on, some in boats, some in ships and otevans, and others in single groups, descending. As one can imagine an earthly kite sufficient to carry its holder high up in the wind, so, reversed, and single‑handed, hundreds of thousands flew toward the earth by ballast flags, the most daring of angels. |911|

25/19.7. Toward the earth they came as if on a frolic, full of jokes and loud boasting, sworn and swearing to forever clear the earth of Jehovih's worshippers. Many of them, long trained in the schools, colleges and factories of heaven, were only too glad for a change of scenes and labor, all having been promised by their superiors that with this campaign, they were taking their first lessons in becoming Gods and Goddesses; and thousands and thousands hoped to accomplish some daring deed, in order to gain sudden promotion.

25/19.8. To the east and west, and north and south, Baal and Ashtaroth spread out their armies, wide as the three great lands they had sworn to subdue to the Lord God, who, of woman born, was the most presuming son the earth had yet brought forth. And the theme and project was to alight on the earth, to flood the temples and altars with so great an abundance of spirits as would drive Jehovih's ashars into disastrous confusion, and vanquish them. The temptation of promotion caused the warriors on every side to strive with their utmost speed and power, desiring to be foremost |912| in so great a work.

25/19.9. Which Jehovih foresaw, and so, spoke to God in Craoshivi, warning him. Accordingly, due observance of the danger had been communicated, by messengers, to the managing angels in the altars and temples of worship. And these, through the rab'bahs and the oracles, had spread the caution far and wide among mortals regarding the threatened dangers.

25/19.10. Thus Jehovih's angels fortified themselves, through the faith of mortals, and held on, bringing together their scanty numbers, knowing well that by Jehovih's law they must not resist by arms, but only through words and good example, high‑toned by faith in the Father over all.

25/19.11. Down, down, down on these, on every side came the billion destroying hosts; with oaths and loud clamor rushing for the altars and temples; flying suddenly to the holy arcs; in hundreds of thousands of places, shouting:

25/19.12. Leave this arc! Vacate this altar! Depart this temple! You Jehovihian usurpers, be gone! In the name of the Lord our God! We command!

25/19.13. But alas for them, every arc, every altar, and every temple to Jehovih was invincible. So strong in faith stood His angels, unmoved and majestic, that even the assailing spirits halted, overawed. And as they stood a moment contemplating, wondering where such great majesty came from that it could manifest in such a lowly place, the Jehovihians made this reply:

25/19.14. We bow in adoration to none but Great Jehovih! Whose Very Self contributed to make us what we are, His servants in doing good to others with all our wisdom and strength! In Him we stand to shield His helpless ones by virtuous peace and harmonious love. For what reason, then, do you come in arrogance, demanding our wards to service of your God, born of woman?

25/19.15. The Osirians said: Fly, O sycophants! |913| You who bow down in fear and trembling to One as hollow as the wind, and Personless. Too long have earth and heaven been cajoled |914| by far‑off foreign Gods, who come here to win subjects for their kingdoms' glory, using that pitiful tale of an Ever Presence Over All, Whom none have seen or known. Be gone! Give us these earthly anchorages! To build earth and heaven in unity, ruled over, along with ourselves, by Gods we know and revere!

25/19.16. The Jehovihians said: Is this your only power? By threats and commands? O harmless words, in mockery of truthful Gods! You of no good works or promises, except to exalt the self of earth and hada, and glorify your masters, born only equal with yourselves. Why not rush in and carry us off, you who are a thousand to one, and by your deeds prove the great source from which you draw your power?

25/19.17. The Osirians said: To give you a chance of liberty, to save you from the Savior's judgment, Anubi, who shall cast you into hell, we hoped to find your willing departure in peace. Behold, then, we will wall this altar around and shut off the attendant ashars with mortals, and flood the place with drujas, to obsess them to total madness. If, then, you love your wards as you profess, abandon all to us, for the glory of De'yus, whose son is Osiris, our commanding God.

25/19.18. The Jehovihians said: Words! Words! Words! You had no explanation at first, only your command. Now, behold, an argument! And presently you will withdraw, deceived in what your commanding Gods told you would result. We tell you we will not leave, except by orders from our superiors, who are Jehovih's, rightly raised to precedence. |915|

25/19.19 The Osirians said: For which reason, behold our Lord God, who was honored in the title through Jehovih's hand; whom you should obey according to your oaths.

25/19.20. The Jehovihians said: Until the Lord God put aside Jehovih, we were his; but when for his self‑glory he denied his Creator, his false position freed us from obligation to him. To obey him now, would make us false to Jehovih, and forever weaken us in reaching the Nirvanian kingdoms.

25/19.21. But now the clamoring Osirian angels in the background crowded forward menacingly, and the tide rose to the highest pitch. The morning sun was dawning in the east, a most wonderful assistant to Jehovih's sons in time of battle; and their messengers brought from the fields and country places many ashars who had been on watch all night with sleeping mortals. The Osirians saw them coming; knew the turn, one way or another, was at hand! But by the audacity of the Jehovihians, outnumbered one to a thousand, the Osirians were kept looking on in wonder till the sun's rays pierced their weapons and melted them in their hands.

25/19.22. First one and then another of the Osirians, then tens and hundreds and thousands, turned away or looked about, discomfited, like a host of rioters attempting to assault a few well‑trained soldiers, and, becoming frightened, turn and flee harmlessly. So Jehovih's sons and daughters won the victory in the first assault, except in rare instances, one in a hundred, where the Osirians triumphed and got possession.



























908  Again, this is a generalization; recall, e.g., that Arabin'ya had I'hins of all colors (see 19/3.4).








909  suits, befits, matches, puts in the best light, reveals, shows, demonstrates













910  equipped and outfitted











911  When Oahspe was written, parachutes, hang gliders (and flying machines) had not been invented, yet here they are described as we know them today. --cns ed.




















912  first, at the front, eye-catching, outstanding, distinguished above all others, most important, indispensable, dominant




































913  overly servile persons given to hollow flattery; obsequious dupes; fawning parasites

914  wheedled, sweet-talked, coaxed, inveigled, lured, enticed, tricked





























915  higher rank; a command office










25/20.1. All over all the lands, east and west and north and south, of Arabin'ya, Par'si'e and Heleste, stood the discomfited Osirian angels, in groups, tens of thousands, unseen by mortals, and considering how best to proceed to overthrow Jehovih and His worshippers.

25/20.2. Meanwhile, messengers and mapmakers bore the disastrous news to Osiris, who in turn sent word on up to De'yus, the self‑Lord God, who now, through Osiris, his most favorite God of power, sent these commands:

25/20.3. When night comes and mortals sleep, my hosts shall fall upon the ashars, the guardian angels, and drive them away, obsessing every man, woman and child, in these great divisions of the earth. What do I care about altars, temples, oracles and arcs? Possess the mortals before tomorrow's morning sun. Hear the command of De'yus, the Lord your God, through his high‑raised son, Osiris!

25/20.4. And the well‑stationed messengers plied all day long to the near and remote parts of the assaulting armies, giving De'yus' commands. And before the sun went down, the whole billion knew their work, and were wheeled in line, to march with the falling darkness, and pounce furiously upon the ashars of Jehovih.

25/20.5. But the true God, in Craoshivi, had been warned by Jehovih's Voice of the course of events, and he had sent his messengers with all speed down to the earth to warn them of the enemy's designs for that night; which the messengers only just accomplished, for when they completed their most exhaustive work, the sun had already dropped below the west horizon.

25/20.6. So, at the midnight hour, the terrible approach began on all sides; and to each and every guardian spirit, enemies came, in tens, and hundreds, and thousands, shouting: Be gone, you Jehovihian fool! The Lord our God and his son, Osiris, command! Away from your sleeping mortal ward, or by the voice of God we will cast you, bound, at Anubi's feet, food for hell! Be gone!

25/20.7. Each Jehovihian answered: To Great Jehovih I am sworn! Though you bind me and cast me into hell, by the Great Spirit's hand I will free myself and come here again and teach His sacred name. And repeat forever my peaceful mission to raise up this heir of Jehovih!

25/20.8. Again the threatening adversaries stormed, and wondered while they stormed, how one alone could stand so boldly in the face of such great odds and not fly away at once. And every ashar laid his hand on the sleeping mortal in his charge, for by this, his power was multiplied a thousand‑fold, and raising up his other hand, he addressed the All Highest: By Your Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, circumscribe this, Your sleeping heir, so that whoever touches the mortal part shall cut himself off from Your everlasting kingdoms!

25/20.9. And, with the words, a circle of light fell about the place, bewildering to the assaulters, who, having once halted, opened the way to recoil within them, their own cowardice, a most valiant warrior against unrighteous deeds. And so a war of words and arguments ensued, till again the morning sun rose upon the almost harmless assault, and left the Osirians discomfited and ashamed.

25/20.10. Though not in all places, for in some extremes they did not wait for words but rushed in and laid hands on the mortals, gaining sufficient power to hurl clubs, stones, boards, stools or tables about the house, and so roused to wide awake, the mortal occupants. Who, seeing things tumble about by some unseen power, were quickly up and frightened past composure. Some hurried off to the rab'bahs, some to the oracles and temples, to inquire about the trouble between the ruling Gods. ||

25/20.11. And in these few places, once De'yus' spirit‑soldiers gained possession, they fastened on in thousands, even quarreling as to who had most honor in the hellish work. And yet not one of the ashars in all the lands was seized or borne away.

25/20.12. And now, as the sun rose, the messengers of the Lord God flew hastily to Osiris' kingdom, where he sat on his throne, expecting news of an overwhelming victory. And when they told him about the most pitiful failure, except in so small a degree, Osiris raved and swore: By my soul, I swear an everlasting curse, that I will fill all the hells in hada with these foolhardy ashars! Yes, even if I have to go down to the earth in person, and with Baal and Ashtaroth go from house to house throughout the world!

25/20.13. Osiris again sent word to De'yus, who was of vast experience, and not so hasty; a wiser God, and better acquainted with the tides in mortal energy to serve Jehovih. So De'yus sent back word to this effect: To rest the soldiers three days, so that the surveyors could measure the stature of mortal faith, and so make the third attack more successful. And he concluded with these words:

25/20.14. Because of the long spiritual peace among mortals, there must be many grown to intellectual disbelief in an All Highest. By groveling down |916| in the earth to measure the rocks, and to study the habits of worms and bugs, for generations, their seed has brought forth many skeptics, believing nothing of spiritual kind, but rating high their own judgment. With these, because of their lack of faith in Jehovih, the ashars are powerless to ward off my soldiers. Mark them out in every city and in all the country places, and again at midnight, fall upon them, crowding away Jehovih's ashars.

25/20.15. Besides these, find the ignorant and superstitious among mortals, who are lazy and of lustful desires, because by their habits the ashars have little power in their presence. Mark these also, and, at midnight, fall upon them and possess them.

25/20.16. And go among the rich, whose sons and daughters are raised in idleness and pleasure; whose thoughts seldom rise to heaven; for the ashars are also weak to protect them, they being most excellent subjects to spirits fond of sporting |917| pleasures. Mark them also, and at midnight fall upon them, driving away the ashars.

25/20.17. For the present, abandon the altars, arcs, temples, oracles and all the strongest, most zealous Faithists; except those few who still flatten the head and are dull in judgment, whom you shall also possess. ||

25/20.18. Accordingly Osiris, Baal and Ashtaroth prepared for the third assault on Jehovih's angels and mortals. Their millions of groups were kept in constant drill, ready for the work. The first fire and flush of boasting was already gone from them, except for a few, and the serious aspect of a long war stared them in the face.











































































































916  wallowing or crawling, with faces downward

















917  mischievous; making jest with; to treat as a pawn or plaything; to play for a fool; perhaps engaging in dalliance, libertinism, philandering










25/21.1. Thus lay the three great countries, Arabin'ya, Par'si'e, and Heleste, of which Par'si'e was mightiest, peopled with very giants; lofty‑bearing men and women, who were red, copper colored; with an abundance of long black hair; high in the nose and cheek bones; with determined jaws, and eyes to charm and command; mostly full‑blooded I'huans, half‑breeds between the I'hins and the burrowers in the ground, the brown people, dull and stupid. |918| The Par'si'e'ans were a proud race, built up in great comeliness by the God Apollo (the first), whose high‑raised office was to fashion the breeds of mortals into noble forms. Par'si'e was foremost in all great deeds in the world, and in men of learning, and in ancient wars. It was here that great Zarathustra was born and raised for Jehovih's Voice and corporeal words. Here the first great City of the Sun was built, Oas, whose kings aspired to rule the entire world; and it was here where great riches among men were first tolerated by the Gods.

25/21.2. A strip of Par'si'e'an land cut between Jaffeth and Vind'yu, and extended to the sea in the far east; but the great body lay to the west, covering the Afeutian Mountains, still plentiful in lions, tigers and great serpents. Into these mountains the I'huan hunters came to catch lions and tigers to fight in the games, where unarmed men often went into the arena, and fought them with their bare hands, choking them to death before applauding multitudes. From these mountains the hunters supplied the private dens of kings and queens with lions, whose duty was to devour thieves and other prisoners, according to mortal law.

25/21.3. And these traveling hunters often dwelt with the sacred little people in the wilderness, the I'hins, whom Jehovih had taught to charm even the great serpents and savage lions and tigers to be their friends and worshippers. And from these sprang a people called Listians, who, living mostly in the forests, went naked, to whom the I'hins taught the secret of charming and sacred hand power, |919| who worshipped Jehovih, having no man or God as master, for which the Great Spirit named them Shepherd Kings, for they ruled over flocks of goats, which supplied them with milk, butter, cheese, and wool for cloth for crotch‑clothes, the only covering they wore.

25/21.4. These Shepherd Kings, the Listians, lived in peace, wandering about, making trinkets, which they often exchanged with the inhabitants of cities and the agricultural regions. One‑fourth of the people of Par'si'e were Listians, who were well guarded by Jehovih's angels. And De'yus meant to obsess these for future use in terrible wars; but the other three‑fourths of the population lived in the fertile regions of Par'si'e, lands rich in yielding ample harvests. The cities were filled with mills, factories, colleges and common schools, free for all people to come and learn; and altars, temples of worship, and oracle structures made without windows, so Jehovih's angels could come in sar'gis and teach His Holy Doctrines. Also there were temples and observatories for studying the stars, which were mapped out and named even as their names stand to this day. And next to these were the houses of philosophy, in all the cities; where great and learned men undertook to examine into the things of earth, to learn their character and properties. And whether of fish, worm, stone, ores, iron, silver, gold or copper, they had learned to read its worth and nature. And their houses were well filled for the benefit of students and visitors, with things dead and extinct from the earth, and with strange stones, and skins and bones of animals. It was these people that De'yus meant to have his armies possess, body and soul, for his own glory, knowing that by their researches in such matters for many generations they had strayed away from Jehovih. For such is the rule pertaining to all children begotten on the earth. If the father and mother are on the downward road in unbelief, the child will be more so; but if on the upward way, to glorify an All Highest, the child will be holier and wiser than its parents.

25/21.5. In ancient days the Gods had inspired the Par'si'e'ans to migrate toward the west and inhabit the lands of Heleste, also a country of giants, but less given to rites and ceremonies; and they carried with them three languages: the Panic, of Jaffeth; the Vedic, of Vind'yu, and the Par'si'e'an; and because they mostly used the same sounds, but different written characters, a confused language sprang out of these, and was called Fonece, and the people thus speaking were called Foneceans, |920| that is to say: We will use the same sounds, but use whatever written characters we choose according to our judgment. || Hence, Fonece is the first and oldest of mortal‑made languages; and this was styled in heaven as the period of the emancipation of mortals from the dictatorship of angels in regard to written signs, characters and words. Jehovih had said: In that respect man on earth has advanced enough to stand alone; and it was so, for, from that time to this, neither Jehovih nor His angels have given any new language or written characters to mortals. And all languages that have come from that time onward, are only combinations, branches, amalgamations and malformations of what existed then on the earth.

25/21.6. The Helestians were rich in agriculture, and in herds of cattle and goats, both wool goats and hair goats; for it was in this country that the angels first taught man how to breed the goats for hair or for wool, accordingly as he desired. And these people were also mostly worshippers of Jehovih, and had many altars and temples; dwelling in peace, and loving righteousness.

25/21.7. Arabin'ya had four kinds of people within her regions: the I'huans, the Listians, the I'hins, |921| and the brown burrowers in the ground, with long noses and projecting mouths, very strong, whose grip of the hands could break a horse's leg. The brown people, though harmless, were naked, living mostly on fish, worms, bugs and roots; and they inhabited the regions of the great river, Tua [Nile --Ed.]. Over these people, to subdue them and destroy them, Osiris allotted his great angel general, Egupt, servant of De'yus. Egupt called the region of his allotment after himself, Egupt, the same that is corruptly called Egypt to this day.

25/21.8. In the time of Abraham this country was called South Arabin'ya; but when, in later years, the great scholars entered the records in the kings' libraries, the later names were used, |922| being written in the Fonecean language and not Eguptian, which was the language of the unlearned.

25/21.9. But the majority of the people in Arabin'ya were I'huans, being similar to the Par'si'e'ans in color, size and figure, |923| for they also were the offspring of the I'hins and the brown earth burrowers, |924| the hoodas, from whom they inherited corporeal greatness, even as from the I'hins they inherited holiness of spirit. But the flat heads had mostly disappeared from Arabin'ya.

25/21.10. And here, even as in Par'si'e and Heleste, were thousands of cities, great and small; |925| and like Par'si'e, they also had colleges and houses of philosophy, besides thousands of public libraries, which supplied books freely to the poor, who came here to be taught in the sciences, and in the arts of painting, engraving and sculpture, and in astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, minerals, assaying, and in the rules for inventing chemical combinations. But the Listians were the only people who dealt in charms and the secrets of taming serpents and beasts by virtue of the hand, and by curious scents, prepared secretly. And the Listians maintained the fifth rite in the resurrection, by which on the fifth day after death, the soul of the dead appeared in mortal semblance to his living people, and advised them lovingly, after which he ascended in their burning incense going to Jehovih!

25/21.11. These, then, were the people over whom De'yus, named Lord God, had set his billion, to subdue them for his own glory. And so it came to pass that Jehovih spoke in Craoshivi, saying: The time shall come when angels and mortals shall know in truth that the Lord God is a false God, and a vain‑glorious usurper. For I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama [the North American Indian --Ed.], even till the era of Kosmon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never invents a God in the figure of a man born of woman. And that only through the inspiration of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, has any people ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man.











918  Again, these are generalizations, being the modes of certain peoples from the distant past; and much commingling has happened since then even as before then. Because every person alive today has all three of I'hin, I'huan and druk lineage in them (whether from the Par'si'e region or from elsewhere), skin color is not indicative, much less determinative, of spiritual grade or intelligence; nor is skin color alone sufficient to determine lineage (see 06/1.16<fn-war>; 06/2.4<fn-stout>; 19/3.4<fn-knowledge>; 22/11.18<fn-years>; 24/24.5<fn-burrowed>).

Note that in Par'si'e, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya, the color of druks was generally brown. And the I'huans were generally copper colored; copper being reddish brown, and somewhere on a continuum from copper brown (brownish copper) to orange-ish copper to yellowish copper to pinkish or reddish copper. Now recall that Ahura in the previous cycle (Fragapatti's cycle) promoted or allowed mixing of races.

Therefore it is wise to keep in mind that there was some mixing between the I'huan and the druk; and although the tendency of this line was to degenerate, nevertheless if the offspring of such a combination was wedded to another I'huan, this could and would bring about brown I'huans capable of upward inspiration. (Recall that by the end of the cycle of Fragapatti, all the races of man were now capable of eternal life, 22/18.13).

919  To charm is to bring into an agreeable mood, to soothe, to enchant, to captivate, to enthrall, to entrance---perhaps by a chant or song, amulet or talisman, or by using hand motions.


















































920  Today's historians, what little they know of them, know these people as the Phoenicians.























921  Recall that the I'hins, being the little sacred people, the people of spirit light, of Arabin'ya, were of all skin colors, and this included brown I'hins and black I'hins. || The Listians were apparently immigrants from regions east.











922  This replacing of the old geographical, regional and city names with the Fonecean equivalents is not unusual; in our own corporeal records, when discussing things of Egypt, the Greeks often used the Greek equivalent word instead of the Egyptian word. Historians and writers of Latin and English also did the same thing, as did those of other countries. Thus, for examples, Espaņa is what the Spanish call their country, but in English it is called Spain; Deutchland is what the Germans call their country, while in English it is called Germany.

923  See 25/21.1, which indicates reddish copper; copper is defined in 25/21.1<fn-stupid>.

924  see note at end of this chapter

925  Note that as well as the Fertile Crescent, this includes all of Africa; see e.g., 25/50.22<fn-interior>.




924  Looking at statistical modes of color, Oahspe says the druks were black and brown; and one supposes a range or continuum ran from black to brown, although how light the brown was, is not specified; and while I'hins were mainly white and yellow, some were darker-skinned, and these latter inhabited Arabin'ya to such great extent, that no statistical mode regarding skin color could be stated for there.

Now post-Flood, the Lord took the I'hins to all divisions of the world (13/1.2). Could it be that the darker-skinned I'hins, because they would suffer less from the heat, were brought to live in the warmer climates? (Oahspe speaks later on light skin suffering from heat.) While the lighter-skinned I'hins were brought to cooler climates? If so, we can thus perceive a cause for darker-skinned people in the warmer zones. If we compare the people around the world in the time world-wide exploration began (circa 1500's c.e.), in general, those with darker skins would be found in more abundance in the warmer climates, while in the temperate zones, those with comparatively lighter skins would predominate.

What is their lineage? Around 6000 years before kosmon, Jaffeth, Par'si'e, Guatama and Arabin'ya all had copper I'huans. Jaffeth had brown druks as well as white and yellow I'hins; Par'si'e had brown druks as well as white and yellow I'hins; Guatama had black druks and white and yellow


I'hins; and Arabin'ya had brown druks but I'hins of all skin colors including dark (24/24.5; 25/21.1,9; 25/24.15).

Yet around the time of world exploration (1500's;  c. 350--250 bk), the Jaffethans, Par'si'e'ans and Guatamans, all had lighter skin colors, in general, than the Arabin'yans. Since in 6000 bk, all the mentioned regions had similar colored I'huans, besides brown or black druks, this suggests that the later Arabin'yans had darker skins because their I'hin forebears were darker skinned than I'hins elsewhere.

Thus the difference in skin color of the darker Arabin'yans would seem to come from the relative abundance of dark-skinned I'hins. Indeed we are told that the I'hins of Arabin'ya mated significantly with the I'huans (19/5.13). And more, this mixing was likely greatly increased during the cycle of Spe-ta, for the line of I'hins was prophesied to end shortly after.

In conclusion, from the evidence presented, the many dark-skinned Africans owe their dark skin color chiefly to the dark-skinned I'hins. As to the druks' contribution to color, there is nothing in Oahspe to suggest it was more than other regions; in fact, 27/21.7 suggests it could be less. So while all people today have I'hin heritage in them, in those mortals with dark skins, should we not consider contribution from the dark-skinned I'hins? --ed.




Summary Table of Skin Color Modes*


I'hin Color

Druk Color

I'huan Color

6000 bk

Man's Color

c 300 bk


white & yellow



yellowish copper-brown


white & yellow


reddish copper

light brownish copper


white & yellow


reddish copper

reddish copper


all colors


reddish copper




* Compiled by the present editor. While this chart cannot show all the range of color, it can serve as an indicator of approximate differences between regions.





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