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Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth

Which contains within it the

Book of Shalam


All of which is ante-script




Editors' Notes:



1882 Editor: We understand by this term [ante-script], and also by the book itself, that, what is set forth as being in the past, has not yet occurred. In such respect it is a picture of the future, as will be demonstrated in actual practice. The name, "Tae," is of course only figurative, and is not a man of that name, as stated, but a representative, a figurehead [who may be male or female; the same may be said of Es. --ed.]

Current editor: Tae and Es are the chief characters in the narrative of this book. Tae signifies those who go forth in the spirit and virtues of Jehovih. Es signifies those within whom the es (spirit, spirit comprehension) stands in transcendence over corpor (physical world alone), that is, Es is the spiritually-minded. |1704| The greatest accomplishment for man occurs when these two attributes work together as one, under the voice and presence of Jehovih.

Note that in the past, many Faithists believed that the Book of Jehovih's Kingdom should be taken literally, that is to say, things would unfold exactly as laid out in the book. While in actual fact, the ante-script has proven itself to define a broad sweep of general conditions, some of which have already occurred. Moreover, some of those general conditions are now occurring, and some have yet to occur.

For which reason, rather than a design mandating fulfillment precisely in the manner set forth, the Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth can instead be understood as an epitome, whose gist indicates the prevalent spirit, players and likely actions as Kosmon unfolds. Clearly instructive, it stands as a beacon of virtue from which to draw inspiration and hope, and meant to guide our souls and actions in the ways of Jehovih and His realm. ||

















1704  i.e., receptive to the unseen; with corpor utilized for the benefit of virtuous spirit; but purity of spirit not sacrificed for sake of corporeal gratification


CHAPTER 1 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/1.1. In the early days of the Kosmon era, after the revelations of the Father's kingdom on earth had been published, and known abroad over the world, many went forth in Jehovih's name, to accomplish the new kingdom for the resurrection of man, and for the glory of the Almighty.

39/1.2. Foremost, among the many who came out of Uz, |1705| was one who was esteemed wise and good above all others; and because he was a representative man, the people named him, Tae. |1706|

39/1.3. And Tae prayed to Jehovih for light and knowledge as to how best he could accomplish good for the resurrection of the race of man.

39/1.4. And Jehovih answered Tae, saying: Go, bring My people out of Uz, and establish them in a place by themselves; for now is the beginning of the founding of My kingdom on earth.

39/1.5. Tae answered, saying: Behold, O Jehovih, I have gathered together many men and women, and they all profess a desire to establish Your kingdom.

39/1.6. One desires to be a teacher; another, to be a superintendent; another, an overseer; another, an adviser.

39/1.7. And they are all learned, wise and good in their own way; but, alas, they are neither workers nor capitalists, the two chief attributes of all that I require.

39/1.8. Now, I pray, O Father, what shall your servant do?

39/1.9. Jehovih answered Tae, saying: Go, seek, and bring out of Uz, orphan babes and castaway infants and foundlings. |1707|

39/1.10. And these shall be your colony, which shall be My new kingdom on earth.

39/1.11. Tae inquired: What can a man do with babies? How shall I feed them? Moreover I do not have money to hire nurses.

39/1.12. Jehovih said: Have faith in your Creator; in a good work done for My little ones, behold, I will provide.

39/1.13. Whatever you do for them, you likewise do for Me, in which case you shall not fail.

39/1.14. Neither shall you have anything to do with any adult man or woman who is without faith in Me. Behold, My people are infants in this era.

39/1.15. Deal with them, and with only those who are willing to serve them; for as much as they are served, so am I served also.










1705  world's people; see 36/0.4


1706  Keeping in mind that the Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth (JKOE) is a representative narrative to teach mortals about JKOE, and is not a blueprint---so, in this narrative, Representative Man TAE and Spirit ES as manifestations of JEHOVIH, are working together to bring about JKOE. As such, the references made are not to certain specific individuals per se. Accordingly, as events unfold in real life, one should be careful about relating this particular narrative to any actual person, or looking for any one specific individual.











1707  Foundlings are abandoned, deserted children whose parents are unknown; castaways are those children with known parents who cast away their child; orphans are those whose parents have died.


CHAPTER 2 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/2.1. So Tae gathered together a great number of orphan babies, castaway infants and foundlings.

39/2.2. And a woman named Es, heard of Tae and his work, and she came to him, inquiring:

39/2.3. How can a man attend babies? Now, because I have heard of your work, behold, I have come to you to labor for our Father in heaven.

39/2.4. Tae said: Whoever would labor for our Father in heaven, let her work for these little ones.

39/2.5. Es said: Even for that very reason I am before you; please, put me to work.

39/2.6. Tae inquired: Do you know how to care for infants? And she answered him, saying:

39/2.7. Alas, I have had no experience in such labor, but I know Jehovih will guide me well; otherwise, He would not have inspired my soul to the work. All wisdom is possible through Jehovih.

39/2.8. Tae said: Such being your faith, you are the first chosen woman in the Father's new kingdom. Go, therefore, and fulfill your part, and may the Father be with you.

39/2.9. So, Es went to work, accomplishing what was required for the infants.

39/2.10. And Tae went to Uz again, and brought back more infants with him; many more than could be cared for by one woman.

39/2.11. So Tae issued a call:

39/2.12. Wanted, fifty men and women who are Faithists in Jehovih, and willing to take part in founding the Father's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

39/2.13. And thousands upon thousands of men and women came, in answer to Tae's call.

39/2.14. And Tae cried out: O Jehovih, what shall Your servant do? Behold, I asked for fifty men and women, and thousands upon thousands have come.

39/2.15. Jehovih answered Tae, saying: Try them, My Son, and see if they are worthy. As many as are prepared, you shall accept; as many as are not prepared, you shall not accept. Behold, there is room for millions!

39/2.16. And Tae spoke to the multitude, saying: I called for fifty men and women, and look, here are thousands, all willing to take part in founding the Father's kingdom on earth.

39/2.17. When I saw your great number, I cried out: O Jehovih, what shall Your servant do? I asked for only fifty, and many thousands have come.

39/2.18. And Jehovih answered me, saying: Try them, My Son; as many as are prepared, accept; as many as are not prepared, do not accept. Behold, there is room for millions.

39/2.19. Now, therefore, I ask you: What is the founding of the Father's kingdom? Who here knows the way, and how to take part in it?




CHAPTER 3 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/3.1. Many of the multitude answered Tae; and of all who spoke, the chief words were as follows:

39/3.2. Sutta said: To do what I am willing to do---this is to take part in founding the Father's kingdom; therefore, hear me:

39/3.3. To adjust capital and labor, so that each contributes to the advantage and glory of both.

39/3.4. And that the capitalist shall receive good profit on his capital; and the laborer receive high and uniform wages.

39/3.5. To adjust them so that they can live side by side, equally, with neither one above or under the other.

39/3.6. That they may have extensive domains and beautiful parks; excellent factories; virtuous and industrious people.

39/3.7. The part that I am capacitated to fill in this great work, is to reveal the key and the plans; to explain all things to both the capitalists and laborers. ||

39/3.8. In that manner, Sutta went on at great length; as did several others who had similar plans, but each one doubted the other's capacity to qualify for the work.

39/3.9. Aborn spoke next. He said: I have heard Sutta's project. It is a farce. Capital and labor cannot harmonize.

39/3.10. And even if they could, it would be a worldly basis. It would not be the Father's kingdom.

39/3.11. In His kingdom there shall be neither buying nor selling; neither servant nor master.

39/3.12. Now, behold, I say to you all, men and women, as such, cannot harmonize together. They are diverse in all their ideas and general knowledge.

39/3.13. The only way to accomplish the Father's kingdom is through infants, to raise them up in the way they should go.

39/3.14. But even with these, failure will result, unless their pre-natal condition is provided for.

39/3.15. Therefore the part I am capacitated to accomplish is, to become father to innumerable offspring, by most exalted and enlightened women.

39/3.16. Also, I have great knowledge of physiology and psychology, and I would be willing to be examiner and dictator as to prospective parents. ||

39/3.17. Aborn, too, spoke on his subject at great length; and others spoke similarly, but each one preferred himself as the prospective father of the offspring.

39/3.18. Next Thurtis spoke. She said: To found the Father's kingdom on earth requires the following; hear me, so that you may understand.

39/3.19. Behold, all things shall be possible through woman, especially as to raising up a new generation on the earth.

39/3.20. During the period of gestation, man should not approach woman.

39/3.21. No, in that period, woman should be treated as a very Goddess.

39/3.22. Her every want, whim and notion should be gratified to the utmost.

39/3.23. When she spoke, or raised her finger, during her pregnancy, every man, woman and child should run to do her service.

39/3.24. And she should be surrounded by cultured and exalted companions, and charmed with sweet music and delightful entertainments.

39/3.25. Indeed, all men should be reverent toward her as though she were a very Goddess.

39/3.26. When such a woman has a child born, behold, there will be one child for the Father's kingdom.

39/3.27. Now, behold, give me the choice as to who shall father my children, and that shall be my part, to help found the Father's kingdom. ||

39/3.28. After Thurtis, then many of the other women spoke similarly, and each one doubted the other's capacity to fill the place, but recommended herself.

39/3.29. Amos spoke next. He said: I have heard all these beautiful systems; I am ready for any of them. Behold, I am a landscape gardener.

39/3.30. The part I can do is to lay out the grounds; for plots of flowers, grass and ornamental trees.

39/3.31. But you shall provide laborers for me. I do not work with my own hands; I plan and design; my capacity is in my talent and education. ||

39/3.32. After Amos, five hundred physicians spoke, each one offering himself, to be the physician for the Father's kingdom. Then an equal number of lawyers spoke in the same way.

39/3.33. Next a thousand teachers of the piano spoke, each one offering to teach the young for the Father's kingdom.

39/3.34. And now, with slow and solemn aspect, five hundred priests of Brahma rose up and spoke.

39/3.35. They said: We have heard; we have seen. Behold, the Father's kingdom is none of these.

39/3.36. It is the second coming of Brahma. He shall come in flames of fire, from the east, west, north and south.

39/3.37. By the magic touch of his wand, the different castes of men shall be sorted; and the dead shall come forth from their graves, and Brahma shall judge them.

39/3.38. The sky shall be filled with holy angels, the spirits of the saints, with wings of fire and with tails a mile in length.

39/3.39. And the elect of the earth shall rise in glory, and be immersed in nirvana forever, even at the feet of Ormazd.

39/3.40. This is what founding the Father's kingdom on earth means. After which, all flesh shall come into life free from sin; the corruptible shall turn incorruptible forever.

39/3.41. Now, behold, our part, in founding His kingdom, is to preach to you Brahma's everlasting gospels. ||

39/3.42. Next to speak, were five hundred Buddhist priests. They said:

39/3.43. We have heard and seen also. Our learning, no man can deny. As for Brahma and his second coming, for that matter, he never came once.

39/3.44. No one has seen him, nor found his dwelling-place. Therefore, he is merely a superstition, a relic of the dark ages.

39/3.45. Hear us, then, as to the founding of the Father's kingdom on earth:

39/3.46. It is the second coming of Buddha, when every knee shall bow down, and acknowledge him Lord of all the world.

39/3.47. Behold, Buddha shall come with two swords and twelve spears, and he shall have ten thousand brides!

39/3.48. When Buddha blows his breath upon the earth, the graves will open, and the dead shall come forth, and speak.

39/3.49. And Buddha shall judge them; and separate them according to caste.

39/3.50. And ten trillion angels, with fiery wings, and tails two miles in length, shall spread over the earth.

39/3.51. And all flesh shall become incorruptible; the lion shall eat straw, and the lamb shall rejoice in its kin without fear. ||

39/3.52. Next five hundred Kriste'yan priests spoke. They said:

39/3.53. What profanity we have heard! Behold, as for Brahma and Buddha, they are no more than myths. It is the second coming of Kriste, which is the founding of the Father's kingdom.

39/3.54. Kriste said: Do not think I came to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.

39/3.55. It is he who shall subdue the entire world, and make men bow down, and acknowledge him Lord of all.

39/3.56. He shall come in a sea of fire, with millions of archangels. And when his servant, Gabriel, blows his horn upon the earth, the graves shall open, and the dead shall come forth, and speak to the living.

39/3.57. And he shall judge them; separating them, the bad to everlasting torments, and the good, who have worshipped him, shall rise and inherit everlasting bliss.

39/3.58. Now, behold, the part we can do in founding the Father's kingdom, is to preach and explain the beautiful doctrines of our blessed Lord. ||

39/3.59. When many others had thus spoken, Tae said to them: I called for those who had faith in Jehovih. I am not in the labor of founding a kingdom for Brahma, Buddha, Kriste, or for anyone but the Creator, our heavenly Father.

39/3.60. As for the graves opening, I have nothing to do with that; though, regarding the spirits of the dead appearing face to face with the living, behold, that has been accomplished now for more than thirty years, to hundreds of thousands of good people. So I have nothing to do with that either.

39/3.61. But since you have not proved the communion of angels during all these years, how do you hope to labor for the Father's kingdom? To all such I say, go your ways; I have no use for you.

39/3.62. At once, one-half of the multitude rose up, and departed, mocking, saying: The spirits of the dead! We will have none such, but angels with wings, and with fleecy tails a mile in length.

39/3.63. Tae inquired once more: Are there any here who have faith in Jehovih that if we labor together in His name, living our all highest light, that His kingdom will be founded?

39/3.64. Hundreds and hundreds said: It depends on having plenty of money and a good plantation. With money, it can be accomplished; without money, it cannot be.

39/3.65. Tae said: Your faith being in money, I have no use for you. I called for those with faith in Jehovih! Therefore, go your ways also. So, many more of the multitude departed, returning to Uz also, as the others had.

39/3.66. Tae asked again: Who here are capable and desirous of being leaders; let them speak?

39/3.67. More than a thousand cried out: Here! That is my part. I am suited to it by nature, and by experience and great wisdom.

39/3.68. Tae said to them: Behold the spirit of the age in which we live! No man desires a leader or dictator over him. For that reason, go your ways also; I have no use for you.

39/3.69. Tae asked again: Who here have made a study of this subject, and are prepared to be lecturers, teachers and advisers; let them speak?

39/3.70. And, behold, another thousand cried out: That is my strength. I can explain all subjects including diet, clothing, social intercourse, health, marriage and worship!

39/3.71. Others cried out: I am a trance speaker; I have angel guides two thousand years old!

39/3.72. Others said: I am inspirational; the ancient prophets are my spirit guides! St. John, the revelator! Confucius! Hosea! King Solomon! Daniel!

39/3.73. Tae interrupted them, saying: The signs of the times shows us that words, sermons and lectures are worthless as to founding the Father's kingdom. |1708|

39/3.74. See here; I have gathered together hundreds of helpless orphan babes. They care for none of the things that have been offered; they need washing and feeding, and their clothes need to be washed and mended.

39/3.75. Who among you believes in the Father to the extent that he will give up self in all respects, and work for these little ones, having faith that Jehovih will provide justly and sufficiently to all; let him come.

39/3.76. You all know how the farmers go about gathering up calves, colts and the young of all sorts; and they take them to a good place and feed them; and when they are grown up, they are the choice in market.

39/3.77. Now, behold, there are thousands of fatherless and destitute children in Uz, which, left to themselves, either die or grow up to be thieves, robbers and murderers.

39/3.78. These are cheaper than calves and young colts. And they can be raised to be of more profit to themselves and the state, than ten times as many cattle.

39/3.79. Who, then, is ready to join in this labor, without money and without pay, devoting his life to training them in practical knowledge, not only from books, but in use of their hands in trades and factories, so that these little ones may become useful citizens, and a joy to themselves and glory to the Father. Let such speak.

39/3.80. And now, behold, fifty men and women spoke, saying: Take us, in Jehovih's name. We have neither whim nor conceit to carry out. |1709|

39/3.81. We are willing and anxious to go to this labor, and we know Jehovih will provide for us. From day to day His Light will shine upon us, and we shall know what to do.

39/3.82. Your children shall be our children; your hardships our hardships. We do not come for rest, glory, or comforts; but we come to serve Jehovih in whatever He may give us to do for His kingdom.

39/3.83. Tae said: In Jehovih's name, I accept you. Whatever is mine shall be yours also. ||

39/3.84. And so it came to pass, out of all the thousands and thousands who came, only fifty were accepted.

39/3.85. And the others went their way, mocking, saying: A most beautiful Father's kingdom on earth!

































































































































































































































1708  It should be borne in mind by the reader that the aforementioned people who showed up (Sutta, Amos, Thurtis, Aborn, piano teachers, Christians, Buddhists, etc.) were/are good-minded people; that is, they are interested each in their own way, in helping to bring the world to a better condition.

Remember, they did respond to the call of Tae, which, in essence, is a call to do good; but, each interpreted from their own standpoint. Yet, as this book and Oahspe in general point out, while they may do some good in the world, they miss the mark insofar as actually founding the Father's kingdom.

And as we look upon the world's people, we can see many of the aforementioned people laboring according to their various predilections, as described in this book. Accordingly, we may infer that these people represent the spirit and mind-set, of the many types of people in the early Kosmon era, who attempt to, in their own way, found the Father's kingdom (although in the typical day-to-day uzian world, they may not state it as such or even recognize it as such, but nevertheless they respond to the call).








1709  Most likely this 50 men and women is symbolic, and not necessarily meant to represent the actual head-count in the establishment of the Father's kingdom (see e.g., 32/1.32; 32/25.16).


CHAPTER 4 Jehovih's Kingdom

History of Shalam, formerly called "Book of Shalam"




39/4.1. The Voice of Jehovih came to Tae, saying: These are quite sufficient to begin the founding of My kingdom on earth. Take your people and go where I will lead you, and you shall all be blessed.

39/4.2. So Tae and his people went to an unoccupied country, by the river Shalam, so-called because Tae had said:

39/4.3. I take the babes the Uzians would not have, and I come to a place where the Uzians would not live, and yet I will make it a place of peace and plenty; therefore, it shall be called Shalam.

39/4.4. And when they had pitched their tents and fed the children, Tae called them together so that he could address them.

39/4.5. Tae said: All things are accomplished by and through Jehovih, either directly or indirectly.

39/4.6. If directly, by His inspiration, then all things are done well, and in peace and righteousness, love and wisdom.

39/4.7. If indirectly, and through other inspiration, then, indeed, man is answered in disaster and unhappiness.

39/4.8. Foremost of all, it must be man's aim to receive light directly from Jehovih in regard to all things.

39/4.9. To do which, man must approach his Creator, in words and conduct, doing in practice the right he perceives in judgment.

39/4.10. Now, therefore, from our youth up we have repeated the prayer: Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

39/4.11. Yet, not one of us put forth a hand to accomplish what we prayed for.

39/4.12. In which matter our prayers profaned the Almighty.

39/4.13. For had we been true in heart, we would have taken hold in practice, according to our best ability.

39/4.14. But in not doing so, we were false before Jehovih, and He could not answer our prayers in truth.

39/4.15. Moreover, we had said to one another from our childhood up: Do to others, as you would have them do to you.

39/4.16. Nevertheless, we served ourselves only.

39/4.17. We did not visit the fatherless and motherless.

39/4.18. We did not sell what we could and give to the poor.

39/4.19. We professed faith in Jehovih, but we manifested faith in money, soldiers and warfare.

39/4.20. We had said: Love the Creator with all your soul, heart and mind, and your neighbor as yourself.

39/4.21. Neither of which we fulfilled.

39/4.22. Now, therefore, we were unrighteous toward man, and false before Jehovih.

39/4.23. Therefore in repentance and shame we have come out of Uz. Because we could not fulfill the commandments |1710| while dwelling in Uz, behold, we have come away from there, to begin a new life upon the earth.

39/4.24. In order that our labor and our lives may be given to Jehovih, with profit for the raising up of the race of man, and for the glory of the Almighty, let us covenant ourselves to Him in fullness of heart and soul and with all our mind, to practice all the commandments in fullness. What do you say?

39/4.25. The multitude answered with one voice: We desire to covenant with Jehovih, so that our labor and our growth may contribute to the founding of His kingdom on earth.

39/4.26. Make, therefore, your covenant with the Creator, and, so we may be in unison, behold, we will repeat your words with you, so that Jehovih may be glorified.

39/4.27. Tae said: Hear me, then, before we make the covenant to Jehovih: In the heavens, the angels surround the heavenly throne with columns of fire and water; and all the space within the circuit is named, the Place of the Holy Covenant, and it is appropriated to worship and sacred rites and ceremonies.

39/4.28. But places of amusement and all other kind of entertainments, not sacred in rites and ceremonies, are situated external to the Place of the Holy Covenant.

39/4.29. Now, therefore, in remembrance of Jehovih's heavenly kingdoms, let us mark a circular line around this place, and march in procession, dedicating the enclosure to the Holy Covenant.

39/4.30. The multitude said: This is wise; by having system and order and a place for all things, harmony will answer us. Therefore, lead the way, and we will march with you.

39/4.31. Then Tae marched, Drawing The Line of The Sacred Circle, and the multitude, two abreast, marched after him.

39/4.32. Tae said: I draw the Line of the Sacred Circle to You, Jehovih. In Your name I dedicate and enclose this, Your Place of the Holy Covenant, to be Yours forever!

39/4.33. The multitude responded: May I remember Your Line of the Sacred Circle, Jehovih, and comport |1711| myself within it for Your honor and glory forever!

39/4.34. Tae: Within this place I am about to covenant myself to You forever, as a laborer to fulfill Your kingdom on earth for the resurrection of man.

39/4.35. Response: May I remember the little ones within this Sacred Circle, whom You have given into my charge, for whose welfare on earth and in heaven, I am about to covenant myself to You, to make myself an example and sacrifice before them during all my life.

39/4.36. Together: In remembrance of the pillars of light in heaven, that surround the throne of Your Son, God of earth and heaven, we build a hedge and a fence here, as a lasting testimony that we dedicated to You, Jehovih, the enclosed Place of the Holy Covenant.




























































1710  see, e.g., 32/21.17-32












































1711  conduct, behave, carry, acquit


CHAPTER 5 Jehovih's Kingdom

The Holy Covenant




39/5.1. Then Tae and his hosts went into the center of the Place of the Holy Covenant; and the hosts formed in a crescent, and Tae stood between its horns.

39/5.2. And, while standing so, Tae, being moved by the Light of Jehovih upon him, uttered the covenant; and his hosts, in concert, uttered the words after him.

39/5.3. And these words were called The Holy Covenant, even as they are to this day:

39/5.4. You, O Jehovih! As You have declared Yourself in the Book of Jehovih!

39/5.5. To You I covenant myself, to be Yours forever! And to You only, O Jehovih!

39/5.6. And I renounce all Gods but You.

39/5.7. And I renounce all Lords but You.

39/5.8. And I renounce all Saviors but You.

39/5.9. In this, Your Place of the Holy Covenant, I covenant myself to You, to be only Yours, and forever!

39/5.10. My corporeal body, I dedicate and covenant to You, to be in Your service during all my life.

39/5.11. Because You made it out of Your own material, behold, it is Yours.

39/5.12. The workmanship is Yours; the material is Yours also.

39/5.13. I have no claim upon it; I resign it to You, and for Your service, forever.

39/5.14. Into my charge You gave it to me, as the habitation of my spirit.

39/5.15. Because it is Your gift, I will care for it, and keep it clean and pure, before You, so that it may be acceptable to You, and to the presence of Your holy angels.

39/5.16. My spirit, I also dedicate and covenant to You, to be in Your service forever.

39/5.17. My mind and soul, I dedicate and covenant to You, to be in Your service, now and forever.

39/5.18. My whole self, of which I am made, soul and body, I dedicate and covenant to You, to be in Your service forever.

39/5.19. Out of Your Own Self, You made me, soul and body, and they are Yours only, to be used by You forever.

39/5.20. Appropriate me, O Jehovih, my corporeal body, my spirit, my mind, my behavior and my thoughts, to be of profit to You, for founding Your kingdom on earth.

39/5.21. And I covenant to You, Jehovih, that I will search constantly into my every act, deed, word and thought, to make myself true in the practice of Your highest Light upon me.

39/5.22. That now and forever, I will search to find the highest Light, and I will practice the same toward all men, women and children.

39/5.23. To them I will not only do as I would be done by, but more; I will do for them, with all my wisdom and strength, all my life.

39/5.24. I covenant to You, Jehovih, that, since all things are Yours, I will not own or possess, exclusively to myself, anything under the sun, which may be entrusted to me, which any other person or persons may covet or desire, or stand in need of.

39/5.25. Neither will I talk anymore of myself, either in laudation of what I am or of what I have done. But You shall judge me, and hold me accountable for shortness in word and behavior, through which, by any means, I have manifested self-esteem, |1712| or covetousness for fame or the applause of men, even if it was for any good I may have done to others.

39/5.26. Neither will I anymore censure, nor criticize, nor blame, as an individual, any man, woman, or child over fourteen years of age, in the whole world, for any shortness in word or deed they manifest.

39/5.27. For, they are Yours, Jehovih, and not mine, to be led or driven by me.

39/5.28. To all these Faithists, my brothers and sisters in Your kingdom, I will deal, think and behave, in affiliation, as gently and truly as though they were my very own blood and kin, brothers and sisters, or father and mother.

39/5.29. And over these babes, which You have entrusted to me, I will be as loving and true as though they were my own blood and kin, sons and daughters.

39/5.30. According to Your Light, which You bestow upon me, I will raise them up to know You, and to be a glory in Your kingdom.

39/5.31. The first of my teaching to them shall be, to make them know You, and to remember that Your eye is upon them, and Your hand above them, to bless them according to their wisdom, truth, love and purity.

39/5.32. And I will teach them the way of the communion of Your angels; to develop them in su'is and sar'gis.

39/5.33. Teaching them to live for the spirit within, rather than for corpor

39/5.34. Teaching them by books and instruments.

39/5.35. Teaching them useful trades and occupations.

39/5.36. Teaching them music and worship.

39/5.37. Teaching them dancing and gymnastics.

39/5.38. And in all things, developing all the talents You have created in them, so that they may grow up to be an honor and a glory on the earth, and to rejoice because You have created them alive.

39/5.39. And I will emancipate them from infancy at fourteen years of age; and bestow upon them the rights of man and woman, as to their thoughts, words, deeds, choice and actions.

39/5.40. Throwing upon them, at that age, their responsibility to You, for their thoughts, words, ideas and behavior, as fully as I claim the same to my own self.

39/5.41. And now, O Jehovih, so that this, Your kingdom on earth, may be known and distinguished from the habitations of the Uzians, we make this our solemn oath to You:

39/5.42. We will not now, nor forever, make war, nor engage in war, nor take any part in war, nor for any God, Lord, Savior, country, king or other ruler on earth; nor will we aid or abet war in any way whatsoever.

39/5.43. Neither will we now, nor forever, eat fish or flesh of any creature You created alive.

39/5.44. And we swear to You, Jehovih, in regard to these, our babies, which You have given into our keeping, to found Your kingdom on earth, that we will raise them up to renounce war, like this our oath to You, and to avoid the carnivorous habit belonging to the Uzians.

39/5.45. Neither will we use, nor permit to be used, in Shalam, any intoxicating drink, weed, root, gum or any other drug, for the contamination of human flesh by intoxication or for stimulation unnaturally.

39/5.46. Make us strong and wise, O Jehovih, in this our covenant and oath to You, for the honor and glory of all things are Yours, time without end. Amen.





































































1712  Those of the world's people have a habit and culture of encouraging what they term self-esteem; and where they really mean confidence in one's ability, it is well, and where they really mean acknowledging and allowing consideration for one's own perceptions and individuality, as opposed to having them subdued or oppressed, it is also well.

The danger is when this leads to or encourages, preference or prejudice for one's own self, or the self of another, instead of preference for the highest light.

Accordingly the opposite of self-esteem, as expressed in this covenant, would seem to be humbleness and self-abnegation.


CHAPTER 6 Jehovih's Kingdom

The Covenant of Brotherhood




39/6.1. Now, when Tae and his hosts had made the covenant with Jehovih, behold, the Voice descended upon Tae by entrancement, with the holy angels of the God of heaven and earth, and he said:

39/6.2. Whoever chooses Me, I choose in return.

39/6.3. Whoever serves Me, I serve in return.

39/6.4. Like to like, I created the adaptation of angels and mortals.

39/6.5. As you have drawn a corporeal circle around My kingdom, behold, My holy angels have drawn a spiritual circle around you.

39/6.6. As you have dedicated to Me, so do I dedicate to you, to serve you in holiness and wisdom, by angels from the throne of My God.

39/6.7. Because you have come to raise up My little ones, I will come to you, through My angels, and raise you up also.

39/6.8. As you make My little ones wise and useful, and to rejoice in their lives, so will I minister to you.

39/6.9. As you are covenanted to Me against war, and to establish the practice of peace on earth, so will My hand be over you in this My kingdom, both on earth and in heaven.

39/6.10. And because you have come to found My kingdom on earth, so have I opened the kingdoms of the second resurrection in heaven to you.

39/6.11. Proclaim it in the east and west and north and south, My kingdom is founded on earth. ||

39/6.12. The Voice departed, and then Tae, in his own wisdom, faced to the east, and he said:

39/6.13. Hear, O mortals and angels, Jehovih's kingdom is founded on earth!

39/6.14. Then, Tae faced to the west, saying: Hear, O mortals and angels, Jehovih's kingdom is founded on earth!

39/6.15. Then, Tae faced to the north, and said: Hear, O mortals and angels, Jehovih's kingdom is founded on earth!

39/6.16. Next, Tae faced to the south, saying: Hear, O mortals and angels, Jehovih's kingdom is founded on earth!

39/6.17. And Tae made the Sign of the Circle twice cut, and his hosts answered under the sign, Jehovih's Dawn.

39/6.18. And now, the Light of Jehovih came upon Tae, and of his own accord, he said:

39/6.19. Without a covenant of brotherhood, behold, we are like an unorganized school without a teacher.

39/6.20. As satan, in the management of his soldiers for war purposes, has demonstrated the advantage of power through discipline, let us be wise in the Father's kingdom, and have discipline also, but in peace and righteousness.

39/6.21. Unity cannot be achieved except through order and discipline, rites and ceremonies, and words.

39/6.22. Power is obtained more by concerted oneness of purpose than by anything else under the sun.

39/6.23. For which purposes, let us become organic for the founding of Jehovih's kingdom on earth.

39/6.24. So that, from this time forward, we shall be a unit before the world, guided by Jehovih to the single end of establishing a community that can practice His commandments in full.

39/6.25. And, though we may fail in some measure, let us remember the generation we are raising up shall have more advantages and practice; and their successors shall also advance still higher.

39/6.26. Ultimately, the whole world shall attain to peace, virtue, plenty and wisdom.

39/6.27. Already we are covenanted to live our all highest light, and to practice it.

39/6.28. How, then, can we become organic, and still have no leader or overseer?

39/6.29. The highest wisdom in the state, or in a community, is not with the majority, but with a small minority.

39/6.30. The highest wisdom, which is the highest light, should guide the individual, the family, community and state.

39/6.31. Now, therefore, let us divide ourselves into groups of tens.

39/6.32. And each group shall select its wisest man, |1713| as speaker, and his title shall be Chief.

39/6.33. And let the Chiefs be a group also, and they shall select a speaker, whose title shall be C'chief.

39/6.34. Let the business within the colony be divided into departments, and let each department consist of one group of Faithists.

39/6.35. But let the united business of the colony, in its relations to the world, and to sister colonies, be in the care of the C'chief and the other Chiefs.

39/6.36. Now, behold, in the kingdoms of heaven, when a matter is announced, requiring the Holy Council's action, each and all the members who desire, speak upon it, giving their highest light.

39/6.37. And, after that, the Chief gives his highest light, which is the decree.

39/6.38. So let it be with us.

39/6.39. And it shall be discovered in a short time who is the highest light, not only of each group, but of all the groups.

39/6.40. And whoever is Chief, shall be held responsible for the errors or shortness of his group; and whoever is C'chief shall be held responsible for the shortness or errors of the whole colony as such.

39/6.41. Who, then, knowing that what is bound on earth is also bound in heaven, is willing to bind himself to these heavenly laws for the sake of Jehovih's kingdom on earth? ||

39/6.42. When Tae asked this, the whole of the multitude answered: In Jehovih's name, I bind myself in this also.

39/6.43. Tae said: Then, in Jehovih's name, repeat after me:

39/6.44. In the name of Jehovih, I bind myself to the C'chief's decree; and I bind myself to the Chief's decree also, and I bind myself in the brotherhood of groups.

39/6.45. When they had repeated these words of brotherhood, Tae said: Let the hosts form in circle, facing the center.

39/6.46. The circle being thus formed, Tae went around it on the inside, going with the sun, shaking hands with each one as he passed, saying: Welcome my brother (sister) into the Brotherhood of Faithists; with you, I covenant to be your equal and obedient servant, with whom I unite myself both in this world and in the next, for the resurrection of man and the establishing of Jehovih's kingdom with mortals.

39/6.47. Then after Tae, the next one on his left went around the circle also, shaking hands, and repeating the covenant words of the brotherhood.

39/6.48. And so on they went, until all of them had completed the Covenant of the Brotherhood.

39/6.49. Tae said: I salute you all under the sign, Jehovih's Name.

39/6.50. And they answered, by his instruction, in the sign, Many in One.

39/6.51. The Voice spoke through Tae, saying: Whoever joins My kingdom in the future, shall repeat My Covenant and the Covenant of My Brotherhood, before the C'chief, Chiefs and My chosen, in the manner you have done before Me and My holy angels.























































































1713  male or female


CHAPTER 7 Jehovih's Kingdom

Founding the groups




39/7.1. The Light of Jehovih being upon Tae, he said: Let the examples of Uz not be lost upon you. But whatever you have learned and acquired, you shall appropriate wisely in Shalam.

39/7.2. For which purpose, it is wise that we now appoint our groups according to what is required; to be added to later, when more are required.

39/7.3. What do you say, then, shall we appoint groups today?

39/7.4. And so, different persons spoke, and the sum of their wisdom was that there should be:

39/7.5. A group of architects;

39/7.6. A group of clothiers;

39/7.7. A group of dietitians;

39/7.8. A group of engineers;

39/7.9. A group of manufacturers;

39/7.10. A group of horticulturists;

39/7.11. A group of agriculturists;

39/7.12. A group of botanists;

39/7.13. A group of nurses;

39/7.14. A group of physicians;

39/7.15. A group of artists (sculpture, painting, gardening, etc.);

39/7.16. A group of musicians.

39/7.17. And these were all the groups required at that time. Accordingly, Tae proclaimed them, and called for volunteers for each and every group.

39/7.18. And these were filled, but since there were only fifty-two members, some of them took membership in two or three groups, so that all were filled.

39/7.19. The Light still being upon Tae, he said: Since you have made the groups, let each group now select a Chief.

39/7.20. Now, many of them spoke up, saying: I neither wish fame for being Chief, nor do I wish the responsibility of the position.

39/7.21. Tae said: Suffer me, then, to declare the Light that is upon me; which is, that you are here to fulfill whatever Jehovih may put upon you, with all your wisdom and strength.

39/7.22. Whether you are made Chiefs or not made Chiefs, it is Jehovih's work you are here to fulfill, without any regard as to your personal selves.

39/7.23. To covet chieftainship would be selfish; to refuse chieftainship would be selfish.

39/7.24. We cannot found the Father's kingdom with any other members than those who say, with all their heart, mind and soul: Whatever You put upon me, O Jehovih, that, I will do with all my wisdom and strength. ||

39/7.25. To have faith in this way, is to have faith with practice; such a person is a Faithist in fact.

39/7.26. Now those who had spoken before, relented, saying: O Jehovih, what have I done? Behold, I tripped myself up even at the start. Make this a rebuke to me, O Father, and heap upon me whatever You will.

39/7.27. Tae said: What any one can do, it is well done; where he fails because of incapacity, behold, it is not his fault, but his misfortune.

39/7.28. So, it came to pass, Chiefs were selected for every group.

39/7.29. And Tae was made C'chief. And so, Tae delivered to each of the Chiefs (men and women), a synopsis of duties.




CHAPTER 8 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/8.1. To the Chief of architecture, Tae said: Your duties shall be one with your group, and what I say to you shall apply to them also. You shall not only build houses for Shalam, providing them comfortably with rooms and wholesome conveniences, but you shall teach our adopted infants, by models and otherwise, the art and science of architecture.

39/8.2. At a very early age you shall explain to them, by blocks and with tools, the sciences and measurements of architecture, as to their names and kinds, and as to the place and use of braces, beams and roofs.

39/8.3. Moreover, as soon as they are capable of holding a pencil, you shall teach them to make drafts of houses and its various parts. And when they are old enough to handle tools, you shall teach them to make models of houses, and to estimate the strength of the parts required.

39/8.4. To the Chief of clothiers, Tae said: Your duties shall be one with your group, and what I say to you is to them also. You shall not only provide clothing for Shalam, wisely as to comfort, design and beauty, but you shall prepare the way to teach these, our adopted infants, the art and workmanship of clothing the human form in the way most conducive to health and comfort.

39/8.5. At an early age you shall teach them the art of sewing and cutting, providing them with models (mannequins) in human form, so they may learn everything from a hat to a shoe, as to the material used, the strength required, and how to determine the same.

39/8.6. To the Chief of dietitians, Tae said: You and your group shall be one; what I say to you is to them also. You shall determine and provide the diet for Shalam; as to the best herbivorous foods, and how to prepare them, and how to preserve any surplus.

39/8.7. In this matter, you shall determine and explain the constituent parts of the human body, and shall find and provide herbivorous elements adapted to development and purity, so that the best, strongest and healthiest of men and women may be made out of these, our adopted infants. Neither shall you follow whims or fancies; but support yourself by facts collected from the different nations of the earth.

39/8.8. You shall teach these infants the properties of food, the art of preparing food, and all things pertaining to food and diet. And explain to them the bloodthirsty character of carnivorous animals and carnivorous people, giving them facts and figures, so that, in all you teach them, they shall be learned wisely, and not in merely subjective notions.

39/8.9. In that manner Tae spoke to all the Chiefs, explaining their duties to them. And after he had finished with them individually, he spoke to them collectively, saying:

39/8.10. The greatest of all education is to learn how to live in the best way, so that we may be happy here and hereafter. There is no other learning as important as this.

39/8.11. Jehovih provided man neither wool nor fur nor feathers to cover his body; and yet He created him too tender to live without covering.

39/8.12. In sexual relation, man and woman alone, of all the animal world, can be taught shame.

39/8.13. Whatever dress attracts the least thought to sex is the most modest dress; whatever dress gives the fullest, best development to all parts of the body, with adaptation to comfort for the seasons, is the best dress.

39/8.14. Next to dress is diet. As to what is best to eat, for the best, healthiest corporeal man, and the best for the wisest, holiest spiritual man, is the best diet.

39/8.15. These, along with houses to live in, comprise the chief requirements for the corporeal life of man. |1714|

39/8.16. And yet, to produce these, and prepare them for man's service, many trades and sciences have been developed on the earth.

39/8.17. Now, behold, in this day, Jehovih has provided us amply. He has opened up the nations of the earth to us, where we can go and witness many things, especially the habits and dispositions of man as to his mode of life, food, clothes and houses.

39/8.18. Now, behold, you have taken a great work upon yourselves; which is to raise up these little ones according to your highest light.

39/8.19. You have bound yourselves to follow your own highest light. And you know that all light is progressive. You cannot settle down, saying: I know enough!

39/8.20. But you are bound to investigate. And how can you do this without acquainting yourselves with what has been proved among other peoples?

39/8.21. In some countries, infants are whipped for crying; in other countries, they are held up by the heels; and in some countries, infants do not cry at all.

39/8.22. The Chief of nurses shall discover these facts, and appropriate them.

39/8.23. In like manner, every Chief shall take his part, and develop the highest proven and possible standard.

39/8.24. As much as you fulfill your places thus, so shall your satisfaction and happiness be afterward. As much as you neglect your parts, so will you censure and accuse yourselves afterward.

39/8.25. As Faithists, you accept all people as angels; mortals are simply undelivered.

39/8.26. All mortals are in an embryonic state, preparing for birth (commonly called death).

39/8.27. Heaven is now, and is near, even within all who will accept it.

39/8.28. At an early age, infants can be taught that to serve Jehovih brings happiness; to serve mortal inspirations and surroundings (satan) brings unhappiness.

39/8.29. Therefore, though you teach our infants about diet, architecture, clothing and all other things, you will still be only a minor improvement over Uz, unless you teach them that the chief aim of life should be to develop the spiritual man that is within.

39/8.30. Using this system of education in Shalam, there shall be two branches, one relating to corporeal things and one to spiritual things.














































































1714  i.e., the well-known food, clothing and shelter






39/9.1. Tae said: The Uzians have schools, and they teach their young by and in books. But when their youth are educated that way as to their brains, behold, their hands are useless for providing food, clothes and habitations.

39/9.2. Education, in regard to corporeal things, must embrace the manipulation and handling of corporeal things for useful purposes. And foremost of all problems is: How to provide the necessities of life with one's own hands, so that he may not be rendered a dependent on others.

39/9.3. This will be one of the first problems you shall make our infants understand.

39/9.4. Young children not only ask questions, but they desire illustrations, with the privilege of trying to do something themselves.

39/9.5. Their nurses and teachers must answer their questions.

39/9.6. It is not sufficient within Jehovih's requirements of you that you put off His children with evasive answers, or with incomprehensible explanations.

39/9.7. Education must be accompanied with practice. As, for example, when you show the child certain seeds, explaining what will grow from them; you shall also plant and illustrate. And when the vine has come up out of the ground, you shall not only illustrate its corporeality, but shall display the life in it as a manifestation of Jehovih's Presence.

39/9.8. To simply teach the child the botany, without reference to the spirituality that underlies all living things, would have little effect in turning the child's thoughts to its own life and growth in spirit.

39/9.9. At an early age, these infants shall be thus put to work in gratification of their own desires to do something; and their work shall be educational, corporeally and spiritually.

39/9.10. And when they are grown enough to handle tools, they shall be permitted to work at trades, or in art; and full and sufficient explanations (including models, demonstrations and explorations) shall be given to all their questions.

39/9.11. And it shall come to pass in Shalam, that without tiresome study and tiresome labor, these infants, when reaching fourteen years of age, shall be wiser and better learned than Uzians at twenty.

39/9.12. For they shall not be limited to one trade each, or one occupation each; but, to a great extent, all of them shall know all trades and occupations.

39/9.13. For botany, they shall have a garden; and for astronomy, an observatory; for chemistry, a laboratory; for clothing, a factory; for horticulture and agriculture, they shall have orchards, fields and gardens.

39/9.14. Such, then, shall be the method of teaching our infants.

39/9.15. Now, the magnitude and perfection of Jehovih and His creations shall always be kept before the child's mind, to exalt the child's gratitude and adoration, and to make it rejoice in its own life.

39/9.16. || For in all the philosophies in all the world, there is nothing to restrain one's private life and habits from secret vice, except through belief in Jehovih's eye being always upon us. ||

39/9.17. Moreover a child who is raised up without learning angel communion, is only half raised.

39/9.18. By the actual presence of angels, and by children seeing them and conversing with them, the proximity of heaven to earth becomes firmly established in the child's mind, and it perceives the fitness of one world to the other.

39/9.19. For this education the infants shall, at an early age, be made familiar with the unseen world, by training in the crescent.

39/9.20. And their teachers shall try them to discover su'is and sar'gis in them; and, finding these talents, shall cultivate them in righteousness and wisdom for the glory of the Father.

39/9.21. And it shall come to pass that many of these infants shall not only see without their corporeal eyes, and hear without their corporeal ears, but they will attain to adeptism.

39/9.22. And the angels of heaven shall descend among us, appearing so as to be seen, and talking with us so as to be heard.

39/9.23. And, because of such exceedingly great light among us, no one shall practice deception; for the minds and souls of all shall become like an open book.

39/9.24. These are the promises Jehovih has given us; by the signs of the times they are proven probable. Through faith in Him we shall make these things true.

39/9.25. In faith He will bless you all.




CHAPTER 10 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/10.1. Now, while the organization of Shalam had been going on, Tae and his hosts had interspersed the same |1715| in laboring; some in building houses, some in digging and planting, and others in clearing the ground from stones and rubbish, while the women were busy with the infants. |1716|

39/10.2. And it so happened that among the hosts, Jehovih had provided a goodly number of musicians, players and singers, who furnished spiritual entertainment in response to the prayers and sermons of those who supplicated the Almighty.

39/10.3. In addition to these occupations, the groups were cast into responsible positions for the future; so that the members of all the groups found it necessary to begin and pursue a special line of education, themselves, so as to become teachers.

39/10.4. Consequently, each group became like a school in its specialty; for whoever had taken it upon himself to live and practice his highest light was bound also to admit an increase of light.

39/10.5. Jehovih has said: I have placed two conditions before all men, ascension and declension; let no man stand still, for I did not create him so.

39/10.6. Those who will not ascend shall be in declension; those who desire to avoid declension, let them not stand still.

39/10.7. And I have given My Gods and Lords of heaven, and wise men on earth, knowledge to provide the multitude with something to do constantly, so that satan (mischief) may not enter in among them to their injury.

39/10.8. Tae said: Now is Kosmon; men and women know, of their own knowledge, a way to provide for self-development in wisdom, virtue, truth and affiliation.

39/10.9. And it was so; the hosts of Shalam had been chosen and provided by Jehovih as an example of self-purifiers and self-instructors for founding His kingdom on earth.

39/10.10. Jehovih has said: In kosmon, purification shall not come by baptism with either water or fire. But each one shall turn his thoughts inward, to himself, becoming a constant magistrate, sitting in judgment upon himself as to his thoughts, works and behavior.

39/10.11. To perfect himself in his part, in the family of My kingdom, is My new commandment to My chosen.

39/10.12. For no man perfects himself to full potential while he leaves undone that which he might have done. ||

39/10.13. After a while, Tae and his hosts divided and apportioned the hours of the day; so many to labor, so many to rest, so many to study, arranging for one thing and another, so that the groups would be orderly. Nevertheless, entire freedom was given to all the members to come and go, to labor or rest, as they might choose.

39/10.14. Now, it so happened that more than half of the people were celibates, and they reasoned, and said, inquiring: Is it not better that the teachers and nurses be celibates? And this question extended throughout the colony, so it became necessary to determine which should be. And though the question itself was not weighty, yet, in order to provide an understanding for similar questions, the chiefs of the nurses and the chiefs of the teachers appealed to Tae, who was C'chief.

39/10.15. And the Light of Jehovih came upon Tae, and he said to them: If either one had shirked from service it would be plain what should be judged for righteousness' sake. But because you are ambitious to do good work, which is tedious, with many trials, you all deserve great honor.

39/10.16. Because you are ambitious to serve the Father, by serving these little ones, your aspirations are noble. Because you are willing to yield to one another any preference, you are an example of holiness.

39/10.17. The question you have asked, which is simply "Who can be the highest best teacher of an orphan child, a celibate who has never raised a child, or a married person who has raised a child?" is not a question, therefore, of self-interest or self-gratification, but one of knowledge.

39/10.18. If I decide this matter, behold, it would be simply one man's decision. Why should I make myself responsible in a matter that you can determine?

39/10.19. Take, therefore, sufficient time to inquire into the facts that have been demonstrated. Go, find married people who have raised children of their own in the right way, and determine their proportion compared to those married people who have raised their children in the wrong way. ||

39/10.20. The Chiefs took the matter in hand, and they not only examined those in Shalam, but hundreds of families of Uzians, and again they came before Tae, to report.

39/10.21. And this was the sum of their report, namely: Every one accuses all others; that no married people have raised up their children in the right way, and yet, each one accredits himself as having raised his own in nearly the right way.

39/10.22. Tae asked: But how did you rate the children they had raised?

39/10.23. They answered: They were all raised in the wrong way. Though they were good enough in their own parents' eyes, yet, to others, they were far short of the mark of either wisdom or righteousness.

39/10.24. Tae said: Why, then, since those who have raised children have been failures, you shall surely not choose them. The celibates have made no failures, for they have not tried.

39/10.25. Let this, then, be our rule and guide: Since every mortal life should be made ripe with experience in all things, and since celibates have no children of their own, and since these children are orphans and castaways, let it be testimony that Jehovih has thus provided the celibates as substitutes for natural parents.

39/10.26. So, let the nurses and teachers of these children in their youngest infancy, be celibates. ||

39/10.27. And this was carried out in practice.





1715  i.e., Tae and his hosts



1716  Notice that while the people seemed to have initially aligned themselves to traditional roles (common in the 1880's); the story has unfolded to show that in kosmon, castes and roles such as male/female roles, occupation and specialized areas of knowledge are not limited to types or genders of persons, but are developed in all, according to circumstance, need, predilection, etc.


CHAPTER 11 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/11.1. Jehovih prospered Shalam in every way, more than had been possible to any other people in the whole world.

39/11.2. While the nurses and teachers were providing for the infants, the rest of the people were providing habitations, factories and educational workshops, and also tilling the ground and ornamenting it with fields, gardens, orchards, walkways and terraces.

39/11.3. In regard to the houses: the temple of Jehovih, the temple of Apollo, and the gymnasium were the most important, and yet, none of these were like the buildings of the ancients.

39/11.4. Jehovih had said: Behold, the ancients built their temples so durable that succeeding generations forgot the art of building. It is better for man's talent to remain, than for stones and pillars of iron.

39/11.5. For which reason, in kosmon, you shall not build imperishably in corporeal things; but rather leave the way open for succeeding generations to build also. ||

39/11.6. The temple of Jehovih, which was devoted to public worship on every seventh day of the week, was provided with fountains in the northeast and southwest, and with the four lights of the square, and with the four dark corners of evil and temptation, and with a throne of Light in the east, with time-bells, a gau and sacred wheel. The ceiling represented the stars and planets, interblended with plateaus of the heavenly kingdoms. The east was adorned with the rising sun, the south with the sun at noon, and the west with the setting sun. The north was adorned with the pole-star and aurora borealis. The belt of the zodiac, colored in cream-yellow, crossed over the ceiling and faded down the east and west walls. On the south wall was the coil and travel of the great serpent (solar phalanx), from the time of the Arc of Bon (of Moses, Capilya and Chine) down to the Arc of Kosmon, in the etherean heavens. Flags of golden colors were provided for the four lights, and were mounted on silver-colored staffs inclining toward the altar of the Covenant; and this was in the place Tae stood, between the crescent horns, when they had, on the first day, made the covenant. And in the place of the crescent, where the fifty-one stood, a stone crescent was laid, provided with seats and gateways (aisles) for successive affiliations to Jehovih's kingdom. The outside of the temple was made of wood, and was surrounded by posts made of native trees, surmounted with a roof of cement.

39/11.7. When the temple was completed, Tae said: Who but Gods could have made anything so beautiful with such cheap material! And if it perishes in two generations, man shall gain two things; the third generation can build another; and, moreover, we shall not have left a temple on earth that will call us back from the higher heavens for more than two generations of time, to look after mortals who might applaud us.

39/11.8. In regard to worship in the temple, Jehovih had said:

39/11.9. As in ancient days, I provided a preacher to stand at the altar in the east, and speak to the multitude, behold, in kosmon, the multitude shall render before My altar an account of their fulfillment of My commandments, and My C'chief shall respond in My name. ||

39/11.10. And it was indeed so; instead of a preacher denouncing people for their sins, it was a place where the people returned thanks and praises to Jehovih, with rejoicing, in anthems and songs of praise, with pleadings in Jehovih's name for the Uzians to learn the lessons of the new kingdom.

39/11.11. And it came to pass that Uzians came and listened, looked on and examined, saying and inquiring:

39/11.12. Why was this not tried before? A people without a leader!

39/11.13. And while they pondered, they looked upon the meadows and lawns, the orchards and hothouses |1717| and the rich-growing fields, saying: Is this not the garden of Paradise? ||

39/11.14. The temple of Apollo was devoted to music, dancing, calisthenics, |1718| initiative processions, rites and ceremonies of amusement. The interior was finished illustrative of proportions and figures of symmetry and beauty. The decorations illustrated attitudes, poses and groupings. On the east summit was a figurative illustration of the God Apollo with his heavenly hosts, descended to the lower heavens in past ages, looking down to earth at a group of druks (ill-formed mortals) with long arms, who were squatting on their haunches. On a well-formed model, Apollo was illustrating to his angels how the druks of earth were to be changed into shapeliness and beauty.

39/11.15. In its external structure, the temple of Apollo illustrated a combination of one thousand designs of architecture, arches, curves, columns, pillars and so on. And yet all of this was made from the forest trees of Shalam and without money.

39/11.16. Next to these was the gymnasium, which contained, among other things, two swimming pools and one hundred single bathrooms.

39/11.17. Here also were all kinds of places for developing muscular action, with swings, ropes to walk, places for leaping, tumbling and climbing. This was under the charge of the group of physicians. The temple of Apollo was under the charge of the group of musicians. The temple of Jehovih was under the charge of the C'chief and his group of Chiefs.

39/11.18. Besides these, were the houses of Architecture and Mechanics, and the house of Horticulture, which adjoined the hothouses on their north and west. Here all kinds of fruit and herbs for food were grown, as were many beautiful flowers, profusely growing throughout the year.

39/11.19. Then there was the Agricultural house; and, too, the factories, for hats, clothing, shoes, cutlery, and, in fact, all conceivable places required by man.

39/11.20. And not the least interesting of all was the house of Nurseries.

39/11.21. Here was the heart and kernel of the whole colony, the orphans and castaways gathered up from among the Uzians.

39/11.22. Now, from the beginning of Shalam's inhabitation, the Voice had constantly urged Tae and Es to make continual additions of infants to the colony.

39/11.23. The Voice had said: Give your people plenty to do. Keep the nurses busy; give them little to mourn for coming out of Egypt (Uz); keep them at work; keep them in the rites and ceremonies.

39/11.24. Then Tae said to Es: Take one of the women with you, and go back to Uz; gather in more infants.

39/11.25. And so that you may be known and respected by the Uzians as to your occupation, go in plain black dress, without oddity, and I will give each of you a wooden triangle, which shall be suspended on your bosoms by a cord over the neck; for this is the symbol of earth, sky and spirit, the three entities which constitute the universe, being emblematic of Jehovih.

39/11.26. So, Es took Hamarias, a young woman of Thessagowan, and went back to Uz, and in the cities gathered up infant waifs and brought them to Shalam.

39/11.27. And in that way, every year they brought back twenty to fifty additional infants, and adopted them in the nurseries.

39/11.28. So that, in not many years, there were more than a thousand orphans in the colony.

39/11.29. It so happened, that in the second year of Shalam, a disease came among the cows, and the physicians forbade the babies being fed on their milk.

39/11.30. So, for some days, they were in straits as to how to support the infants till other milk could be supplied.

39/11.31. And one Abbayith, an elderly woman, said to them: Why worry? Look, the corn is in ear. Go, gather it, and press out the milk and cook it, and give to the babies; for this is also good milk.

39/11.32. So, they gathered the corn and scraped it and pressed out the milk, which, on being boiled a little, was found to be excellent food for infants.

39/11.33. And so, artificial milk was discovered, even as it is bottled and sold to this day. And the chemists also made water extracts from slippery elm bark, and from flax seed, combined with rice milk, and this also made an excellent liquid food for infants.

39/11.34. Jehovih had said: Whether it is flesh, milk or cheese that man uses for food, behold, in the herbs, plants and trees I created, I gave the same things. Let man discover them, and understand the fruit of My inventions.



















































































1717  greenhouses



1718  exercises, movement, aerobics; perhaps in time with music


CHAPTER 12 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/12.1. Es, the Chief nurse, had said: I must tell you about the wonderful Light of Jehovih, that always comes to us in time of emergency. Even at the moment despair is about to reach us, lo, His Light provides for us.

39/12.2. I had undertaken to nurse, with bottles, ever so many babies, more than was possible for one woman to attend, taking one at a time on my lap, but I could not get around in time. So, also, I had observed that babies should be held in somebody's arms, and that when they cried they should be taken up, held upright, and diverted by walking with them or by tossing them.

39/12.3. To do these things for many babes was not possible for one nurse; so, after I had prayed for strength and light as to what would be best to do, the Voice came to me, plainly, as if I had read it in a book, saying:

39/12.4. My Daughter, why thwart the way of My creations? If I had designed My little ones to be upright, I would have provided a way for them.

39/12.5. You shall permit them to lie down, and to roll about. Neither shall you encumber them with pillows and cushions. Permit them to exercise themselves by crawling in their own way.

39/12.6. And when the proper time comes for them to stand upright, and to jump, behold, I will be with them. ||

39/12.7. Es said: And so, I began a new system. I not only searched to know myself, but to develop these little ones. And when I took away the pillows and cushions, giving them double blankets to lie on, and opportunity to exercise by rolling about, behold, they grew in strength daily, and not only soon ceased to cry, but began to sing songs (to me they were songs) and to laugh and amuse themselves with their hands, toes and whatever they got hold of.

39/12.8. From this little light, of applying the law of development to babies, I applied myself to make them understand that they should divert themselves, without depending upon their nurses. For many of the orphans we had received were little tyrants, having been spoiled by former nurses, and they screamed constantly, to make someone carry them about and divert them.

39/12.9. With that experience I perceived that Jehovih required more of me than merely to feed and clean these little ones; the minds of the spoiled ones had to be remodeled; they should be made to comprehend that no one was slave to them; and, moreover, that they themselves should cultivate patience, gentleness and love, as better attributes than fretfulness and authority.

39/12.10. For, let no one be surprised, even babies can be spoiled to think themselves an authority, with power to command obedience from adults. And they discover, at an early age, that giving vent to peevishness and passion brings the nurse to do them service.

39/12.11. And I saw, too, that some, even among those who could barely hold up their heads, became jealous, to be the first fed, or the first washed, and answered my negligence with fearful screams.

39/12.12. Now it came to pass, when I ceased taking them up to feed them, and did away with the pillow-props, and laid them all down alike, and gave them food at the same time (according to their groups), I had not only provided them better corporeal development, but better spiritual development.

39/12.13. Those who had been peevish and jealous stopped these former habits, and began to look with respect to the other babies rolling beside them.

39/12.14. Not many months passed till they began to be interested in one another, examining their feet and hands, and evidently trying to comprehend who they were, and where they came from. And they also saw in one another a representation of themselves, appreciating a fellowship that was surpassingly beautiful.




CHAPTER 13 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/13.1. Tae said: Never grew such straight and handsome children as those of Shalam.

39/13.2. And it was so. And, moreover, they were of all shades of color, and of all nations and peoples on the earth.

39/13.3. And they were scheduled and disciplined from the very start; a time to be fed, a time for bathing, a time for dressing and a time for sleeping.

39/13.4. Beside these times, the nurses provided music twice a day for them, and at regular times. And many of the babies began to sing and to beat time to the music, even before they could stand upright.

39/13.5. And when the children were able to walk, the nurses provided them with music to their steps, in processions; and a time was also set apart for these.

39/13.6. Soon after this, they were given simple calisthenics; and when older, calisthenics proper, for the development of the arms, limbs and person.

39/13.7. In this way, they were trained to keep time with music; to carry themselves erect; to control the motions of their feet, limbs, arms and hands, and, also, made to develop the full use of their joints. And they were taught the names of the bones, joints and muscles, by repeating the words in time to the music, being in songs and semi-songs.

39/13.8. So great were the delight and interest these little ones took in these exercises; that even while they were little more than babes, they had mastered the names and uses of the bones and muscles of the body.

39/13.9. And they were timed and limited in exercise, adapted to the most delicate and slender, and to the most robust; and every one learned simply by diversion, and not by talk or labor.

39/13.10. After this, they were taught marching, slow and fast, even running to time in music; and, after this, simple tournaments.

39/13.11. Simple tournaments embraced games of hunting and chasing; some children taking the part of foxes or wolves, and others, the part of hunters. [Note that modern-day equivalent games, e.g., hide-and-seek, and tag, that emphasize the excitement of the chase, have eliminated the association with killing. |1719| --ed.] Yet, in all these games, the teachers and musicians took part, directing and cautioning, guarding and supervising the games, teaching the little ones the oneness of teachers and pupils. Teaching the stronger children to be observant and gentle toward the weaker ones, illustrating to them how Jehovih had made them all as brothers and sisters.

39/13.12. Es said: Never was I so reproved for the shortness of my former life, and for my belief in the depravity of man, as now, when these little ones demonstrated love and respect toward one another, as if they had indeed been begotten by the angels of heaven. They were like little saints, and more of a lesson to their teachers of the glorious creation of Jehovih, than the teachers were to them of the wisdom of man. ||

39/13.13. Among their first lessons of labor were those in the gardens, teaching them how to plant; teaching them the names of seeds, flowers, plants, trees and all growing things; explaining to them how Jehovih, by His Ever Presence, gives life, growth and form to all things.

39/13.14. And they listened, comprehended, and, with delight, sought their turns and privileges to do some little work.

39/13.15. Now, with the beginning of labor also came the beginning of times and seasons for recreation (play), which, for the first six years, occupied the principal part of the day. And yet, even then, they took lessons of a few minutes every day in painting or drawing, or demonstrating with blocks, cords, squares and angles.

39/13.16. At six years of age, they were entered as apprentices to labor, devoting half an hour daily to knitting, sewing, or working with tools, giving them an opportunity to manifest their best adaptation.

39/13.17. At six years of age, they were also taught for half an hour one evening in the week to sit in the sacred circle for angel communion, so that they could become conversant with angels, seeing them, and hearing them discourse on heavenly things. Here they were taught praying in concert, and the order of praise to Jehovih and His creations.

39/13.18. And the angels appeared among them, often carrying them in their arms, and otherwise demonstrating the tangibility of the presence of the spirits of the dead.

39/13.19. And the children were delighted, often ejaculating thanks to Jehovih and praise for His everlasting heavens.

39/13.20. Now was also the time that many of them began to manifest su'is, being capable of seeing and hearing angels while in normal conscious condition, and also of seeing and hearing corporeal things miles away, and without their corporeal eyes and ears.












































1719  Presumably the Oahspe authors felt it important to present an easily recognized example of the game-genre (type), so that it would be recognized even centuries later; and fox-on-the-prowl or wolf-on-the-hunt is such a one.

Also, there might be meant some type of lesson associated with learning sympathy for creatures (including man) that are brought to suffering at the hands of others. And too, it may have been thought important that children understand the way of the beast and the beast world.


CHAPTER 14 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/14.1. This, then, is the manner of their angel communion: The sacred circles were composed of sixty-six children, seven teachers and one Chieftainess.

39/14.2. The Chieftainess sat in the center, and was representative of the Light, repeating from the words of Jehovih or His Ambassadors. And the responses were by the children, and by the angels, and many of the words were like this:

39/14.3. Chieftainess: I am the Light and the Life; My creations are for the joy and glory of My Sons and Daughters.

39/14.4. Response: All Light is Jehovih; let His Sons and Daughters rejoice in Him.

39/14.5. Proclaim Him with great joy; shout with glee in the house of the Almighty!

39/14.6. C: I send My holy angels from My kingdoms on high to show them the glory of My love, and the wide dominions I created for their everlasting inheritance.

39/14.7. R: Who shall fathom |1720| the inventions of Jehovih, and the foundation of His love! He provided His holy angels to come down from the skies, the light and joy of His everlasting heavens.

39/14.8. He made a way for the soul of man to live forever. From the resting-place of the spirits of the dead, He brings them |1721| in the voice of His love.

39/14.9. C: I have swallowed up death in victory; the pain of the parting, between the living and the dead, I have bridged over with My own hand, for the joy of My chosen.

39/14.10. R: Greater than life, greater than death, is the Almighty; with His own hand He handles them as toys; by His breath He blows away all terrors.

39/14.11. He provided us a life on the earth to learn earthly things; death was His invention to adapt us to His imperishable heavens.

39/14.12. Glory to Jehovih on high; glory for His beloved angels who come to bless us.

39/14.13. Sing to the Almighty, O little ones; His eye guards over you; His hand reaches to the utmost places.

39/14.14. C: The earth is My paradise; the songs of My beloved reach up to My realms in the skies.

39/14.15. R: Proclaim the Creator to the ends of the world; He gave the earth to His children as a paradise.

39/14.16. Sing a song of gladness to the Almighty; with the harp and the horn, and with the voices of His beloved, mete |1722| out praise forever!

39/14.17. Let us praise Him; let us adore Him; the Almighty has given us loves on the earth and loves in heaven.

39/14.18. Shout to Him in love; be outspoken to the Almighty; He answers in fair fields and plenteous harvests. He fills the air with sweet perfumes; the color of the fields and the forests are records of His skill. ||

39/14.19. Now, during the chanting, the angels came and joined audibly in the response, and often took on the semblance of corporeal forms and walked about inside and outside the sacred circle, and, at times, spoke a few words of greeting and joy in Jehovih's name. |1723|






















1720  determine the extent of, comprehend wholly





1721  the angels






















1722  give, send







1723  Up to this time [circa 1882], there are tens of thousands of Spiritualists who have witnessed all that is described within this chapter, so far as the singing and speaking of the angels are concerned. The words of chanting are, however, of a higher order than what is generally sung at so-called spirit circles. --Ed.


CHAPTER 15 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/15.1. At six years of age, the children were entered in the school of oratory, and also given the signs and graces of unspoken words by means of gestures. And now, they began to take part in theatricals and operatic performances.

39/15.2. For such purposes, these two houses were provided with angel chambers adjoining the stages, and during the performances the angels came in sar'gis, also taking parts in the operas, ascending and descending before the audiences, singing and speaking audibly, so all could hear them.

39/15.3. Many of the plays and operas were composed and prepared by the angels, who also gave directions |1724| how to put the pieces (productions) on the stage. And in some of the pieces there were, of the children and angels combined, more than three hundred performers on the stage at one time.

39/15.4. Instead of the crude and loud-sounding horns and hideous instruments, as used by the Uzians for their operas, the opera here was provided with an organ of full power, and with instruments of delicacy and sweetness, so that the most refined ear would not be shocked or pained by any crude or disgusting noise, so common in the Uzian orchestras.

39/15.5. Now as to the plays, whether in the opera or in the theater, they varied on different nights, some being adapted to young children, some to older ones, and some to adults. But, for the most part, the plays and operas pertained to illustrations embracing a life on earth and an entrance into the lower heavens, showing also the part that angels of purity take in real life, guarding, and advising mortals by inspiration to righteousness, and also showing how drujas inspire mortals to sensual things and to wickedness.

39/15.6. So that the plays required the presence of angels, to illustrate their parts in the affairs of mortals; and every play was made a lesson and sermon on life, so simple a child could understand them and apply the instructions to its own soul.

39/15.7. Here, then, was the difference between the plays and operas in Shalam, compared to those of the Uzians: With the latter, they apply to the lives and adventures of mortals, and to histories of mortal affairs and occurrences wrapped up in inexplicable causes; but the plays and operas with the Faithists, in Shalam, illustrated the same things by showing the causes that govern and control mortals by spirit-presence.

39/15.8. So that, for example, if it were necessary to exhibit a drunkard on the stage, it was also shown how the drunkard was surrounded by dark spirits (drujas), who inspired him to his course; and the struggle of his guardian angels to save him was also exhibited, showing thus how the choice lay with himself as to Whom he would serve, satan or Jehovih.

39/15.9. In the simple plays, where the children took their first parts, they were taught without books, by repeating after their teachers.

39/15.10. And here was a new school, not known among the Uzians; which was, to learn by hearing words spoken, then repeating them back. First they practiced with half a dozen words, then with a dozen words, then with two dozen, then four dozen, and so on. And in a little while, many of the children could repeat whole chapters, by simply hearing the words spoken once.

39/15.11. Tae said: That clearness of mind resulting from an herbivorous diet, which was and is wholly unknown among the Uzians, first began to manifest here.

39/15.12. Tae said: And Jehovih further blessed our children in su'is, so that many of them who had not yet been taught to read, could lay a hand on a printed page, and repeat it word for word.

39/15.13. Tae said: And their little playmates, hearing them, could repeat the same things. And some of them would hold a sealed letter in their hands, and read it word by word; so that dissemblance |1725| and secrecy had become like a farce |1726 before Jehovih's children.
















1724  as to staging, choreography, set design, lighting, costuming, etc.






























































1725  concealment, disguise, mask, pretense, deception

1726  something absurd and ridiculous


CHAPTER 16 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/16.1. || Jehovih had said: Let the order of the labor of My little ones be incremental; half an hour a day at six years of age, one hour a day at eight years, two hours at twelve, and three hours at fourteen.

39/16.2. Nevertheless, you shall temper these times according to their strength and inclination, making labor itself a delightful pastime. ||

39/16.3. And it was so; all avocations were like a change from one amusement to another. And to so great an extent were their capacities developed, to comprehend all things, that at the age of fourteen, they were master of all trades and occupations.

39/16.4. And, of the first thousand children that reached fourteen years, scarcely one could be found who was not master of horticulture, agriculture (with botany), engineering, surveying, landscape gardening, architecture and general mechanics. They knew how to make shoes, hats, clothing (also spinning and weaving cloth), the mathematics of musical instruments; and they were musicians as well.

39/16.5. Tae said: Though they lacked the age and strength of full-grown men and women, yet they had attained to practical knowledge, the like of which had never been known to any adults in all the world. Scarcely anything was known that they could not make, or describe how it should be made. ||

39/16.6. And yet, in all things, hardly any part had been taught to them by means of books, but by practical observation, illustrations, and actual measurements.

39/16.7. Jehovih has said: By My spirit, I move infants to ask questions; answer them, and, behold, they shall become like Gods. For this is a door I opened with My own hand; whoever does not answer them, shuts the door against knowledge, and abuses My loves.

39/16.8. Tae said: With all that our children knew, behold, we still rebuked ourselves because we had not answered half the questions they had asked us. ||

39/16.9. Now, from ages twelve to fourteen, they were initiated into the religious rites and ceremonies of the ancients, after the manner set forth in the Book of Saphah, with explanations of signs, symbols, emblems and the sacred implements; learning the ranks of Gods, Lords, Saviors and archangels; the divisions of the higher and lower heavens; the first, second and third resurrections in atmospherea, as set forth in the books of Knowledge, Discipline, and Judgment; and with the cosmogony of the corporeal worlds; the position and travel of the solar phalanx; with actual observations of the stars, planets and satellites, with their times and seasons, as set forth in the Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy.

39/16.10. And they could point out the constellations; describe the distances and revolutions of planets; explain the zodiac, the polar lights, and the use of telescopes and the spectrum. |1727| And, yet, not one of them had been bored or wearied in learning all these things.



























































1727  spectroscope and spectrograph


CHAPTER 17 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/17.1. The Voice came to Tae, saying: The fourteenth year is My year. Behold, the harvest of My laborers, who came first out of Uz, is ripe for deliverance.

39/17.2. In the heavens of My Gods, I bequeath a time for them to labor also; and when their angel hosts are prepared for a new resurrection to a higher heaven, I come and deliver them.

39/17.3. For fourteen years, you and your hosts have labored with My infants; those whom I gave into your keeping have prospered, and now shall be emancipated, and you shall be emancipated also, from all further responsibility over them, except any whom you may take upon yourselves.

39/17.4. Call your people together, old and young, and, with suitable rites and ceremonies, fulfill My commandments for them, and bequeath to My children the titles, Brides and Bridegrooms of Liberty.

39/17.5. So Tae appointed a day of emancipation, and had it proclaimed before all the people of the colony.

39/17.6. And on that day, one thousand of the infants who had attained to fourteen years of age came into the temple of Jehovih. And they were clothed in white, with uncovered heads, boys and girls, each carrying a sprig of acacia, and they marched in from the west, two abreast, then separated one to either side, forming a crescent with the horns to the east.

39/17.7. The fifty-two founders sat in the east, and were thus between the horns of the crescent, and they were clothed in black, with white aprons, but with Zarathustrian hats |1728| on the men's, and with sky-crescents on the women's heads.

39/17.8. Behind the founders, another thousand children of younger years were stationed, and they bore the flower-wreaths intended for the Brides and Bridegrooms of Liberty.

39/17.9. Outside of the crescent, the next younger class of a thousand infants was stationed. And beyond these, were the members of Shalam (who joined after the founding 52); and beyond them, were the visiting Uzians.

39/17.10. On the north and south the musicians were stationed, and between them and the crescent horns, on the exterior, were the marshals of Shalam.

39/17.11. Es arose and went and stood in the center of the crescent, facing east. Tae represented the Voice of Jehovih, and Es the voice of the young brides and bridegrooms who were to speak in concert with her. || After prayer and suitable music:

39/17.12. Tae said: In the name of Jehovih, and by His Light upon me, I declare the place of the Holy Covenant open to the voice of mortals. Who here knows the times of Jehovih, and the day and year in the place of His kingdom?

39/17.13. Es and the Brides and Bridegrooms of Liberty: In Jehovih's name, greeting from the west. Behold, this is the brides' and bridegrooms' day of liberty. We stand before you and your hosts to answer our love for the benefits you have bestowed upon us in the Father's kingdom. We bring you sprigs of acacia as tokens of remembrance of the everlasting life you have shown to us.

39/17.14. Tae said: The east answers in love and sorrow, but receives your keepsakes with great joy.

39/17.15. EBB: Before the Almighty, all things move onward; to His decrees we bow in reverence.

39/17.16. Tae: Are you not satisfied?

39/17.17. EBB: We are more than satisfied with the love and blessings we have received.

39/17.18. We were fatherless and motherless, and you gathered us up, fed and clothed us. But, greater than all, you have taught us to love and honor you in our Father's name.

39/17.19. Tae: We went forth in duty, but Jehovih has answered us with love. We found you helpless, with none to care for you, or to save you from destruction. We brought you here and provided for you without price and without expectation of reward.

39/17.20. EBB: But you have bound us; how can we ever repay? None can know the fullness of our gratitude.

39/17.21. Tae: We have watched you since before you stood upright; your every little step has been both a responsibility and a joy to us. O, why will you leave us? Who knows the love of the aged for the young, whom they have watched from day to day?

39/17.22. EBB: We will not leave you; but, behold, we are no longer children, we are strong and learned.

39/17.23. As you saved us, so let us go forth in our might to save others. Who can teach the aged that those they raised up are not always babes? O, give us our liberty! Behold, we are clothed as brides and bridegrooms!

39/17.24. Tae: And turn you loose without anyone over you to guard and bless you?

39/17.25. EBB: Jehovih will guard and bless the righteous who serve Him. We are His!

39/17.26. Tae: Who is Jehovih? And where?

39/17.27. EBB: He is the Life and the Knowledge, Who is present everywhere, the All Person, Who created us alive, Who, by giving, created all things. He is our shield.

39/17.28. Tae: It is well that your faith is in Jehovih, but you have bound us with your love. What is bound on earth shall remain bound in heaven. Though we give you the formality of liberty, our hearts will ever go out in love to you.

39/17.29. Though we emancipate you here on earth, remember, we are growing old. Before long, we shall join our fathers in heaven. Where we go, we shall again prepare for you.

39/17.30. And, when you come to us again for a season, behold, we shall go on together again for a time and a season.

39/17.31. EBB: O Jehovih, preserve us ever pure and wise, so that Your hosts may continue this love in our travel through Your everlasting kingdoms!

39/17.32. Tae: Such is ever the beginning of a kingdom of the Father: Where a few gather together in His name, fulfilling the commandments, there is the starting-place for them.

39/17.33. Pity those who live and die in this world, not having found and lived within a kingdom of the Father.

39/17.34. EBB: To remain true to Jehovih's heaven, what a glory, time without end! Make us strong and wise, O Father, to bring them into Your kingdom on earth. Help us to make them comprehend.

39/17.35. Tae, in the Voice: With liberty I also give responsibility.

39/17.36. Es, in the Voice: Your chosen comprehend; as You give them liberty, even so do they emancipate those who saved them.

39/17.37. Tae: I provide saviors to the helpless; but to the wise and strong, I say: Save yourselves.

39/17.38. EBB: We want no one but You, Jehovih, to save us. We bind ourselves to You from this time forth, forever!

39/17.39. Tae: Whoever strives to save himself, shall not fail before Me.

39/17.40. EBB: We covenant to You, Jehovih, to strive now and forever, to save ourselves from all sin and unrighteousness, in thoughts, words and deeds, and to serve You with all our wisdom and strength, by doing good to others as long as we may live.

39/17.41. Tae, of himself: Then, in Jehovih's name, and by His authority vested in me, I bequeath you liberty forever. Jehovih be with you all. Amen.

39/17.42. The Brides and Bridegrooms: In Jehovih's name we release our saviors from all responsibility for us forevermore. Jehovih be with you all. Amen!

39/17.43. Tae: Draw to Me, and receive from My hand, says Jehovih. Whoever covenants to Me, I covenant to him.

39/17.44. Whoever registers to Me, shall be registered in My heavenly kingdoms. When My chosen enter heaven, behold, My holy angels are there to receive them.

39/17.45. The Brides and Bridegrooms: We covenant to You, Jehovih, to be Yours forever.

39/17.46. Register us in Your everlasting kingdoms; make us acceptable associates for Your holy ones in heaven.

39/17.47. Teach us, O Jehovih, to look down into our thoughts, words and behavior, every day and hour, with swift reminder to do all the good we can to others, so that we may be an honor and glory in Your works.

39/17.48. Tae: Come to Me, My beloved; receive from My altar the token of liberty in My name! ||

39/17.49. The marshals then brought the points of the crescent together, in front of Tae, leaving a space between. The guards, then, brought the children with wreaths forward, filed to pass between Tae and Es, who had advanced to the apex of the horns. The saviors (the founders) drew up in single file, facing the west.

39/17.50. And now, at a signal from the chief marshal, the brides and bridegrooms turned in at the crescent, one from each side, and, as they did so, they gave the acacia to the founders, while the wreaths were placed on their heads by Tae and Es, the bearers passing the other way. And as they did so, Tae said:

39/17.51. Receive this token of liberty in the name of the Almighty. It was grown by Him, gathered by His loves, and is bestowed by your benefactor as a crown of Jehovih's kingdom on earth.

39/17.52. Es, in response: This is more precious than the crown of any king or queen on earth. In Jehovih's praise I receive it; it is an emblem of a new beginning in my life, a wreath of liberty. The saviors (founders) said: This acacia shall be my register before the Almighty of your love. ||

39/17.53. After this, the musicians sang and chanted while the audience resumed seats.

39/17.54. Tae said: A new life is before you. In the past you were directed and criticized, and told what to do and what not to do. Now you shall not be disciplined so, but you shall discipline yourselves.

39/17.55. Because we have bestowed you with liberty and responsibility, so shall you bestow one another. So that from this time forward, you shall not criticize, direct, or dictate to one another. For, as you are free from us, you are free from one another.

39/17.56. In the past, you reproved one another for various trifling faults; but now, you shall not reprove one another, nor reprove any person above fourteen years of age; remembering constantly that you are not keepers or supervisors over your equals or your elders.

39/17.57. And for any faults or shortness you may perceive in others, except infants, turn away, do not see them or mention them. Such matters are between Jehovih and the doers.

39/17.58. And now, behold, it is proper for you to go into Uz, and see the uzians, and observe how they live, both in splendor and in misery.

39/17.59. For which purpose, you shall be provided in groups of a dozen or more, and be accompanied to the cities of Uz to visit there for a season.

39/17.60. And, if it so happens that you desire to remain in Uz, then so be it; you shall remain.

39/17.61. And if you desire to return here, then you shall return.

39/17.62. But you shall not return here as you came, as helpless babes, but as workers.

39/17.63. And if you choose to remain with us, then you shall make the covenant of brotherhood with us, being one with us in all things; and this place, or its sister colonies, shall be your home as long as you may desire.


































1728  Hi-rom (see 20/38.8-9; 20/37.20-27)


CHAPTER 18 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/18.1. When the groups were prepared to visit Uz, Tae himself took charge of one dozen, going with them. As the incidents of these visiting groups were similar, the following account of Tae's group suffices here:

39/18.2. Tae took them to the city of Meig, to the most fashionable hotels, and had them provided with every luxury, so-called.

39/18.3. He had only just provided for their accommodations, when they came to him, saying: Our rooms are small; the air of the city smells foul.

39/18.4. Tell us, what is the meaning of so many people strolling about in idleness? Why do they sit reading papers? Which are the masters, and which the servants? How do they know? Why do the servants not be masters, and have the others serve them? What beautiful wagons! What beautiful mirrors! What do the women have their clothes stuffed for? What are those bells ringing for? Are they in the temples of Jehovih? Take us there! What causes these disagreeable smells? See that old woman with a half naked babe, and leading that dirty child! Why does she hold out her hand as we pass? Is she a servant or a master? Why hasn't someone told the rich, it is wrong to pass that poor woman by without helping her to a home? Why does she not come into our hotel, and have a room? What do the people mean about rights and privileges? Can one person in Uz have more rights and privileges than another? And why so?

39/18.5. What is that sour smell, down there, in that cellar, where they talk so loud? What is sour beer? Look, a man with a bloody face! Fighting? What with, a tiger? Are those the flesh-eaters? Why do they smoke? Why hasn't someone told them they should instead seek to purify themselves, than to do the opposite? O, here is the temple of worship, take us in!

39/18.6. Tae took them in, and they heard the sermon, and afterward, they said:

39/18.7. O the mystery of mysteries! How can those things be? The Chief preached most excellently; he knows all the doctrines for right-doing; but why is it that his people do not heed him? Why does he not gather up little children, and raise them up to observe the commandments? He must be the best of men. Take us to see him.

39/18.8. Tae took them, but a servant met them at the gate, and demanded to know their business.

39/18.9. They answered: We have come to consult about the poor. Then the gatekeeper withdrew a while, but returned, saying: The preacher is not at home!

39/18.10. From an upper window, behind the lattices, they saw his face; not at home!

39/18.11. They said: Can these things be? O, take us to the poor; to the streets of misery! Let us see them.

39/18.12. Tae took them, and when they looked about, they asked: Why do the poor live in the dirty streets? Why do they not go away, and dwell in the beautiful places? Who gave these different allotments to the rich and poor? Why do the poor not clean themselves, and clean their clothes, and clean their houses? Why do the poor remain in the cities? And huddle together in such little rooms?

39/18.13. What is that large house? A theological college? What is that for? What is the meaning of, teaching religion? Can it be learned with words? What is the reason they do not live religion? Why hasn't someone explained to the professors that religion is a thing of practice? Could they not understand? Why do they not love their neighbors as themselves? Dividing up what they have, with the poor? Why do these children go without shoes, and so ragged and dirty? Why do the professors and students in the theological college not go, and wash them and clothe them? ||

39/18.14. In that way, Tae took them among the fashion and splendor, and among the poverty and shame of Uz; showing them the banks and great merchant houses, and the fleets of ships; and then to the prisons and poorhouses, and to the houses for the insane, and to the hospitals.

39/18.15. Now, since their infancy up, many of them possessed su'is, and could see the spirits of the dead, even as they saw mortals. And they asked Tae about these spirits:

39/18.16. Who are these restless, sullen spirits, strolling about the banking houses?

39/18.17. Tae answered them: These were bankers; these were the founders of great banking houses. As they bound their minds and thoughts to earthly gain while they were mortal, so they drift now, even as they bound themselves on earth. They cannot leave.

39/18.18. Again, they asked: Tell us, then, what spirits are these strolling sulkily in merchant houses and on the docks?

39/18.19. Tae said: These were great merchants and their shipmasters; see how they also float into the places they bound themselves.

39/18.20. Tell us, then, who are these drunken, foul-smelling spirits in the saloons?

39/18.21. Tae said: These were tipplers, |1729| drunkards, gormandizers; these were their mortal resorts. They cannot depart.

39/18.22. And in that way, Tae explained the tens of thousands of spirits that huddled in the different places in the city of Meig, in the land of Uz.

39/18.23. Now at the end of the visit, Tae said to them: What will you do, remain in Uz, or return to Shalam?

39/18.24. And they answered: O, take us back; give us clear air to breathe; let us be where we can hear and see Jehovih!

39/18.25. But since you and your people gathered us up in Uz, and took us from here, let us go and gather up children also, and take them with us. We will raise them up in the light of our Father in heaven.

39/18.26. So, in fact, they did; and they returned to Shalam, taking with them a great number of homeless, abandoned and orphan children.






































































































1729  Tipplers are lovers of alcohol, connoisseurs of alcohol, frequent drinkers of small quantities of alcohol, habitual drinkers. Drunkards are those who are routinely drunk.


CHAPTER 19 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/19.1. When the multitude returned to Shalam, the place was more than filled, and the Voice came to Tae, saying:

39/19.2. You have now fulfilled the first part of My kingdom on earth, but, behold, it is yet only a small branch of that which will spread over this great land.

39/19.3. Moreover, let the lessons of Uz be of use to you and your people.

39/19.4. Because the Uzians build large cities, their would-be reformers are powerless to work righteousness among the people.

39/19.5. Do not let the cities of My chosen be larger or more populous than Shalam is already. This size is sufficient for all that is required for the fulfillment of mortal life.

39/19.6. Therefore, you shall proclaim to My chosen, that no city shall contain more than three thousand people.

39/19.7. Suffice it, then, as I have placed the example of bees before you, showing how they swarm, and depart to establish a new hive, according to their numbers, even so shall My people depart and establish a new place, similarly to Shalam.

39/19.8. Proclaim all this to them; and also ask for volunteers in My name to accomplish these things righteously, as an example to coming generations. ||

39/19.9. So Tae called the people together, and proclaimed Jehovih's words, adding also:

39/19.10. Whoever volunteers to depart shall not find the fullness of Shalam, but, instead, shall find discomforts and hard work!

39/19.11. Beware of disappointments, trials and hardships. For is it not the way with all men to desire to reap the harvest too quickly, and to consider its fullness (fruits), rather than to contemplate the labor of tilling the ground and sowing the seed?

39/19.12. For the spirit of man conceives the result of perfection; but the judgment looks to the labor required to bring it about.

39/19.13. Who, then, having the joys and fullness of Shalam, will turn away from them, in order to build another place, and yet, all the while, not regret his choice?

39/19.14. A colony shall stand as an individual before Jehovih. Accordingly, a colony may thwart its own righteousness by living for itself only.

39/19.15. The whole world is to be redeemed. It is not sufficient for Shalam to say: Behold, I am the fullness of the Father's kingdom. Let others go and do as I have done!

39/19.16. Therefore even as an individual guards against his own selfishness, so the selfishness of a colony shall be guarded against.

39/19.17. Discipline, regarding the means and power of a colony, shall manifest in directing these to the given purpose of founding the Father's kingdom.

39/19.18. Shalam might appropriate her excess of production by sending it into Uz, and giving to the poor.

39/19.19. Jehovih forbid that this should be done. The business of Shalam is not to distribute charity where it would thwart its own purpose.

39/19.20. Instead, Shalam shall use her surplus to extend the Father's kingdom, in building new colonies.

39/19.21. Jehovih is with us, and we shall draw Uz to us, to make them know Jehovih. To feed Uz in his debauchery is to send him in the way of destruction.

39/19.22. Therefore, guard the appropriations of Shalam for those who labor for Jehovih's kingdom. As we have drawn a few away from Uz, let us prepare to draw more.

39/19.23. The way is open for any to depart and found a new colony. Neither shall it be a branch of Shalam, nor a dependent. But it shall be an independent sister colony.

39/19.24. Neither shall it copy Shalam, saying: Shalam shall be our example.

39/19.25. This would be following an earthly light.

39/19.26. Nor shall its people copy Tae, saying: Tae did so, and so let us also.

39/19.27. For, this would be following a lower light.

39/19.28. But it shall follow the Light of Jehovih as it comes to you who establish it.

39/19.29. Unless Jehovih establishes it, those who attempt it shall fail. |1730|

39/19.30. Jehovih did not design man to build his house exactly like his neighbor's. The misfortune of man is to copy others, instead of following Jehovih's Light as it comes to himself.

39/19.31. Do not let this misfortune come to Shalam's sister colony. Another locality will call for other things. Be mindful of these, and adapt yourselves accordingly.























































































1730  i.e., fail to make it a bona fide kingdom of Jehovih's on earth


CHAPTER 20 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/20.1. And two hundred adults volunteered, and went out of Shalam with more than three hundred children, of whom more than a hundred were infants.

39/20.2. And they went into another part of the country, and came to a place called Busiris, which was unoccupied. And they purchased the country there, and settled, and called the colony Illaem, signifying, healing waters, for mineral springs were located there, said to contain great virtue in healing the sick.

39/20.3. Now, in a manner similar to Shalam, Illaem set about building and improving the place. But the people of Illaem had less hardship, for they drew supplies and assistance from Shalam.

39/20.4. Nevertheless, they also had many hardships and trials, for several years.

39/20.5. And Jehovih prospered Illaem also, so that, over time, it was established in great perfection.

39/20.6. As to Shalam, after the first swarm departed, the inhabitants sent some of their women back to Uz, and they collected more infants, castaways and orphans, and brought them to Shalam, and there raised them in the same way.

39/20.7. From this time onward, every year, a goody number reached the age of fourteen, and they were also liberated from infancy, and admitted as brothers and sisters. And nearly every year, a swarm departed out of Shalam.

39/20.8. In addition to the infants admitted into Shalam, many adults were also admitted. But these were examined in the same manner as those at the first founding of Shalam.

39/20.9. And none were accepted except those who were Faithists in the All Person, Jehovih, and who were willing to work.

39/20.10. But many of the poor of Uz came, seeking membership for charity's sake.

39/20.11. But none of them were admitted. || Jehovih had said: The laborers, in establishing My kingdom, shall not do for charity's sake. Their labor shall be to provide a way to prevent poverty, not to alleviate it. Behold, I will have a new race of people in the world, and they shall not waste their substance on those who deny Me. ||

39/20.12. But the poor were fed and sent on their way.

39/20.13. Now, it happened that many lazy people from Uz, having heard of the beauty and peace in Shalam, also sought to become members, being willing to make any covenant and to swear any oath, for the sake of living in idleness.

39/20.14. But the Light of Jehovih had also made this matter clear; so that they were permitted to remain a while in Shalam at work, and to attend the schools of discipline, so that they could be judged; and, if found worthy, they were admitted, but if unworthy, they were rejected.

39/20.15. But it happened that many who came with no thought of self-resurrection, looking for a home, or to be cared for by others, were entirely changed in their habits in a few months, being converted in truth, from worthlessness to industry and self-improvement.

39/20.16. And many of these became zealous in purification and good works, even above the average.

39/20.17. But nearly all who applied for admittance were poor, misfortunate, or discouraged with life and with the ways of the world in particular.

39/20.18. Nor did many of the rich come; thus fulfilling the saying, the difficulty for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

39/20.19. For, having corporeal comforts, they held little concern for the spirit, especially as to affiliation.




CHAPTER 21 Jehovih's Kingdom

Of the Voice of Jehovih




39/21.1. This is the sermon of the Voice, as delivered in Shalam to those who were admitted on trial:

39/21.2. My Voice is with all men, says Jehovih.

39/21.3. Whoever is admonished against wrongdoing has heard Me. By that he shall know My Presence.

39/21.4. The man of Uz cries out in mockery: Who has heard Jehovih? Do the Faithists say, they have heard the Creator's voice? How can empty space speak? ||

39/21.5. But I am sufficient to all My creations. The ant hears Me, as does the bee, the bird and the spider, and all kinds of living things which I created.

39/21.6. How do you think they hear Me, learning to do My will? Do I go to them with lips and tongue, or with a trumpet? [No.]

39/21.7. I am Spirit; I am the Soul of things. By way of the soul My Voice comes to every living creature that I created.

39/21.8. But man locks up his soul, and will not hear Me.

39/21.9. He pays attention only to that which comes upon his corporeal senses. And this darkness grows upon him, generation after generation.

39/21.10. Then he cries out: Where is Jehovih? Who has heard Him? Perhaps the ancients; but no one in this day.

39/21.11. Jehovih says: I am like one on the top of a mountain, calling to all people to come up to Me. But they pay attention to the darkness at the foot of the mountain, calling them down into corpor.

39/21.12. Now, behold, whatever you hear, see, read, or any indulgence, that raises you upward, the same is My Voice to you.

39/21.13. But whatever you hear, see or read that casts you downward, is the voice of darkness.

39/21.14. Whoever studies to know the right, shall hear Me; whoever strives to be all truth, to himself and to others, already hears My Voice.

39/21.15. Whoever indulges in anger, vengeance, or wrongdoing, casts a veil up between Me and himself; he shuts out My Voice.

39/21.16. It is a talent to hear Me; I bestowed it upon all the living; it is seated in the soul.

39/21.17. By cultivation, it grows; yes it becomes mighty, above all other talents.

39/21.18. By its culture, man attains to all possibilities, for so I created him.

39/21.19. When My Voice is weak, because of the darkness of man, he calls Me conscience, or sets Me aside as a faint impression.

39/21.20. But with culture, behold, My Voice comes to man with words and with power.

39/21.21. And he knows Me, and is mighty in good works and wisdom.

39/21.22. And he becomes a proof before the world, that My Voice is with him.

39/21.23. Jehovih says: Whoever has not heard Me, is in darkness indeed. He has not yet turned his thoughts inward to purify himself and seek wisdom.

39/21.24. Whoever has heard Me, knows it, and all the world cannot convince him to the contrary.




CHAPTER 22 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/22.1. The following was commanded to the inhabitants of Shalam:

39/22.2. You shall not persuade any adult to come into the Father's kingdom.

39/22.3. But you shall say to whoever comes your way: Come and see us, and judge, in your own way, what is best for you and for the world.

39/22.4. Others shall come to Shalam, inquiring for curiosity's sake, and for the sake of relating mischievous falsehoods founded on a grain of truth.

39/22.5. Therefore, be guarded, saying to those: The time of word-doctrines is at an end; examine, and judge as you will.

39/22.6. Others will seek to convict you of self-righteousness. Therefore, if they inquire in this manner, namely: Do you say that the Faithists are immaculate (without sin, perfect, right in all things), or, do you say that all others are wrong? || Then you shall answer them, saying:

39/22.7. Nothing mortal is immaculate; and as to others, we are not their judges. Make your inquires to Jehovih. To do all the good we can, having faith in Jehovih, this is sufficient for us.

39/22.8. Some will seek to trap you on the subject of marriage, inquiring in this manner:

39/22.9. Do you say that celibacy is higher than marriage? Or, is marriage higher? What do you say about marriage and divorce?

39/22.10. To these you shall answer in this way: We are no man's keeper; neither do we say whether celibacy or marriage is higher. We give liberty to all to serve Jehovih, on that matter, in their own way. One marriage only do we permit to any man or woman. And, though one or the other dies, yet the survivor cannot marry again. And as to those who are married, they can, at the option of either one, return to celibacy, by being publicly proclaimed in the temple of Jehovih.

39/22.11. And if they inquire of you regarding leadership, saying:

39/22.12. Who is the leader? Who is the highest? Who is the head? You shall answer them, saying: Jehovih. We have no man-leader; no man who is higher than another. We are brothers and sisters.

39/22.13. They will press you, inquiring: Some men can do more work; some men are stronger; some men are wiser; now, therefore, how do you grade them in order for excellence to be known and respected?

39/22.14. To these you shall reply, saying: All men are Jehovih's. He designed the strong ones to carry heavier burdens than the weak; He designed the wise ones to teach the less wise. Why, then, shall we give any preference to one over another? They are not ours, but Jehovih's. It is sufficient for us to do our own parts, with all our wisdom and strength.




CHAPTER 23 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/23.1. In course of time, the first heirs of Shalam came to maturity and marriageable ages. And since they had been guarded as to diet and controlling their passions, they were unlike Uzians in their general characteristics.

39/23.2. Because they had never known what it was to say: This is mine, and that is yours, they were without selfishness or selfish desires; looking upon all things as Jehovih's, and considered themselves as laborers to render good to others.

39/23.3. They said: We were created in order to help rescue the world from darkness, and to rejoice in our own lives, because of the good that we can do for others.

39/23.4. Behold, we were orphans and castaways; Jehovih wedded us to the whole world. ||

39/23.5. Having, therefore, wisdom and purity within themselves, and also having sufficient association to choose from, they chose and wed for love's sake.

39/23.6. Nor did any worldly ambition control their choice, or influence them in hope of any gain from their wedded partners.

39/23.7. And it came to pass that the offspring of these were indeed a new race in the world, as to wisdom, love, purity and spirituality, and also new in beauty and shapeliness, the like of which had never been before in all the ages of the world.

39/23.8. And they were by birth so developed in su'is, that, when they were grown a little, education came to them without books. To see and to hear, either corporeally or spiritually, was all they required in order to wisely accomplish all things required for mortals.

39/23.9. And the heavens were like an open book for them; the libraries of the heavens as the sound of voices full of wisdom.

39/23.10. And the angels of ancient and modern times came, and stood by them, and walked with them, revealing the past and the future.

39/23.11. And now, the fame of Shalam and her people was spread abroad, and lo and behold, colonies were springing up in the east, west, north and south.

39/23.12. Hundreds of forest places and unoccupied lands were purchased and put under cultivation.

39/23.13. The wisest and best people began to depart out of the cities of Uz. Many of the Uzians, including lawyers, preachers, priests and physicians, gave up their callings. And they went forth, saying: Alas, what good have I produced in the world? O Jehovih, teach me the way to work in one of Your kingdoms.

39/23.14. And some of the rich gathered up their means, calling: Come, O all you poor and helpless! Behold, I have purchased land; come here, and build a colony for Jehovih.

39/23.15. And judges and governors gave up their callings also, and went and joined the Faithists, founding and practicing Jehovih's kingdom on earth.

39/23.16. And kings, queens and emperors deserted their thrones, and went and dwelt with the poor.

39/23.17. So, colonies of Faithists in Jehovih spread in every direction, becoming the chief foundation of the state and of the world.

39/23.18. And, yet, none of these colonies were bound by written laws, neither did any of them have leaders or masters, nor any government, except the Light of Jehovih.

39/23.19. Nor was one colony bound by the customs and commands of another colony; but all of them lived by the highest Light that came to them.

39/23.20. Nor did any man, woman or child, own anything more than the clothes he or she wore; but all things were Jehovih's, in the care and keeping of the colony.

39/23.21. Nor was there buying or selling between the colonies; but they exchanged with one another according to production, and without any regard to value.

39/23.22. And whoever came and joined a colony, bringing gold, silver, or valuable goods of any kind, donated them to Jehovih, and not to the colony, to be distributed according to the light of the colony for the Father's kingdoms.

39/23.23. Neither did anyone labor for the colony, but for Jehovih; nor did any colony hire any man, woman or child to work for them.

39/23.24. Such, then, was Shalam and her example before the world, of the Father's kingdom on earth.





CHAPTER 24 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/24.1. These are the records of the C'chiefs of the Father's kingdoms:

39/24.2. Jehovih separated the people, the Uzians on one hand, and the Faithists on the other.

39/24.3. And He said to the Uzians: Because I called, and you did not come;

39/24.4. Because you said: Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, and you did not put forth a hand in My behalf;

39/24.5. Because you saw the multitude going after intoxicating drink, smoke and opium;

39/24.6. Because you did not rise up, saying: Stay your hand, satan!

39/24.7. But shirked, granting licenses to these sins;

39/24.8. And you have become a polluted people;

39/24.9. Given to drunkenness, smoking, and all manner of dissipation;

39/24.10. Each one casting the blame on others, and hiding himself in self-righteousness;

39/24.11. Thus opening the doors of your houses of debauchery as a temptation to the young:

39/24.12. Behold, I have risen in judgment against you.

39/24.13. My holy angels I shall withdraw from your cities;

39/24.14. And from your places of worship;

39/24.15. And from your government, and your lawmakers and rulers;

39/24.16. For they have profaned Me.

39/24.17. Making laws and granting licenses to carry on evils, knowingly and willfully, for policy's sake;

39/24.18. Hoping for personal favor and gain.

39/24.19. For they knew that what was not good for one person, was not good for a nation;

39/24.20. And that, whatever sin indulged in, would, sooner or later, bring its own punishment.

39/24.21. And they said: We derive great revenue from the duties and licenses for these iniquities!

39/24.22. Thus hoping to justify themselves by compounding themselves.

39/24.23. And I said to them: Revenue thus received shall be expended in prisons and alms-houses, and shall not be sufficient.

39/24.24. Because you granted licenses, and polluted the people, behold, the pollution shall more than balance the revenues.

39/24.25. The criminals and paupers shall be a greater burden than if you received no revenue.

39/24.26. Behold, I showed you that as an individual could not sin against Me without, sooner or later, becoming answerable to Me, so, also, I showed you that the same responsibility and result would befall a nation or a people.

39/24.27. For which reasons, and because of your evasions of My commandments, I called to My God, Lords and holy angels, saying: Do not waste your time and labor anymore with the Uzians;

39/24.28. Nor answer their prayers when they call on My name;

39/24.29. And even if their chief rulers and lawmakers are in the throes of death, and they call, saying: O Jehovih, heal our Chief Magistrate!

39/24.30. Yet, you shall not go to them, nor do them any more service.

39/24.31. For they have become a conceited people, saying: There is no God, and Jehovih is void as the wind.

39/24.32. Behold, you shall let them go their way; their cities shall become full of crime, for angels of darkness shall come among them, and no city shall be safe from theft, murder and arson.

39/24.33. And vagabonds shall roam the country places, stealing, robbing and murdering.

39/24.34. And their great men shall take bribes, and their judges shall connive with sin; and the innocent shall be confined in madhouses.

39/24.35. And justice shall depart away from them.

39/24.36. The employee shall pilfer and steal from his employer; and the employer shall hire others to keep those in his employ under surveillance.

39/24.37. But all things shall fail them.

39/24.38. For I will make them understand, I am the First Principle in all things;

39/24.39. And that I am Justice;

39/24.40. And that I am Purity;

39/24.41. And that whoever raises a hand against justice, purity, virtue, wisdom and truth, also raises his hand against Me.

39/24.42. I made the way of life like going up a mountain; whoever turns aside or goes downward, shall ultimately repent of his course, and he shall retrace his steps.

39/24.43. To a nation and a people, and to a government of a people, I am the same.

39/24.44. Righteousness shall be first and foremost of all things.

39/24.45. Their governors and lawmakers shall be made to know this.

39/24.46. When they were a monarchy, I held the king responsible.

39/24.47. But when I gave liberty for the multitude to govern themselves, behold, I also gave responsibility to them.

39/24.48. And they did not seek to make laws for righteous government over the whole, but sought to favor certain cliques of iniquities, and to make laws to protect them in evil manufactories, and for traffic in tobacco, opium and alcohol.

39/24.49. And no man any longer sought to be a governor or lawmaker for the good of the people, or to serve Me.

39/24.50. But he sought office for profit's sake and vainglory.

39/24.51. Now, therefore, My holy angels went away from them, and no longer answered their prayers.

39/24.52. And the righteousness of the first days departed away from them.

39/24.53. And they became a nation of money-getters and servants of mammon.

39/24.54. And I did not bless their marriages or their households.

39/24.55. And their sons and daughters did not respect their fathers and mothers; for, as the fathers and mothers did not respect Me, so, disrespect and misery came upon them.

39/24.56. And their sons and daughters became profligates and idlers, growing up for no good under the sun, depending on their wits to work out a life of sin and luxury.

39/24.57. And whoever married, peace did not come to them; but contention, jealousy and bitterness of heart.

39/24.58. And their offspring fell in the grades, becoming outcasts, paupers and criminals.

39/24.59. And husbands and wives cried out for divorce on all hands.

39/24.60. And the lawmakers granted them and favored them; but, lo and behold, the evil multiplied on the earth.

39/24.61. In pity I cried out to them, saying: You may make laws forever, but My kingdom does not come by the road of man's laws. Unless you turn around, and begin again, there is no help for you under the sun.

39/24.62. But they would not hear Me.

39/24.63. Then I sent My angels to them, teaching them the same things that were taught of old, among which were: As you bind yourselves on earth, so shall you be bound in heaven; as you live on earth, serving self only, so, into a selfish heaven, you shall enter My es worlds.

39/24.64. But they denied My angels, and abused My seers and prophets.

39/24.65. In their own self-esteem, they set themselves up to judge Me, saying: There is no All Person; there is nothing, except certain natural and divine laws, and they are dumb, like the wind; they do not see, nor do they hear.

39/24.66. Then I called out over the earth, saying: The time of My kingdom has come. Now is the time of My reign among mortals.

39/24.67. And those who had faith came; and behold, they have built for Me.

39/24.68. I have a new people on the earth.

39/24.69. Again I called to My God and his angel hosts, saying: Behold, I have separated the wheat from the chaff; I have divided the sheep from the goats.

39/24.70. Go to those who serve Me in the practice of My kingdom, for they shall become the chief people in all the world.

39/24.71. They shall rejoice and prosper in all things; they shall sing songs of gladness.

39/24.72. Their sons and daughters shall be an honor to them and a glory in My household.

39/24.73. All this shall come to pass because they seek to serve Me, by practicing good works with all their wisdom and strength.




CHAPTER 25 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/25.1. This rule I made in all My works, says Jehovih: When I separate the people, the good go away, out from among the evil.

39/25.2. Even as I drew the Israelites out of Egupt.

39/25.3. And those who go out prosper in My hand; I make them an everlasting people.

39/25.4. But those who remain go down to destruction; and they become unknown upon the earth.

39/25.5. Their great men are forgotten, and their wisest men lose caste in the histories of a thousand years.

39/25.6. Behold, I had made these things known to the generations of the earth.

39/25.7. Now, when I separated the Faithists and the Uzians, in the Kosmon era, I sent angels, warning them. I said to them:

39/25.8. Do not flatter yourselves that man is all wisdom; I say to you, I am with the righteous; might (power) shall not triumph through wrongdoing. Behold, a judgment shall come upon this people.

39/25.9. When I begin to call them, My chosen shall come and found My kingdom; and they shall come faster and faster every year.

39/25.10. And the Uzians shall fall into iniquity, more and more every year.

39/25.11. And, now, look at what has been!

39/25.12. The prince of devils came upon the Uzians, saying:

39/25.13. Do not think that I come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword.

39/25.14. I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother. ||

39/25.15. Now, therefore, when My angels went in behalf of My kingdom, behold, the prince of devils invaded the places of the ungodly.

39/25.16. And those who received My angels, and practiced righteousness, were fallen upon by the emissaries of the prince of devils, and unmercifully treated with curses and tortures.

39/25.17. But I called the righteous away from there, and they built My kingdom for Me.

39/25.18. And I said to the Uzians: Let this be a testimony to you of the power of the Almighty;

39/25.19. You go about building ships of war, and harbors for defense, with torpedoes, and all types of wicked inventions;

39/25.20. But I say to you, this nation, this government and this people shall not be attacked in the places you build.

39/25.21. It is within.

39/25.22. For I will draw away the righteous, and none but rogues shall accept your great offices.

39/25.23. And this trend shall continue to grow upon you in the way of evil, declining in virtue more and more every year.

39/25.24. Look, therefore, at your grade; judge the words of the Almighty.

39/25.25. My hands shaped the signs of the times.

39/25.26. As the hirer this day hires one man to watch another, so shall it come to you in the great offices of your government.

39/25.27. You shall hope to overcome the prince of devils by force and might, but you shall fail.

39/25.28. And in the proportion that you go down in corruption, so shall the Faithists go away into My kingdoms.




CHAPTER 26 Jehovih's Kingdom




39/26.1. The C'chiefs said: And Jehovih prospered the New Kingdoms, as they were called in mockery, for they were not kingdoms, but the opposite.

39/26.2. Jehovih had said: A republic cannot follow the highest light; it follows the majority. And a majority is, was, and ever shall be, the lesser light.

39/26.3. Therefore, a republic is not the all highest government; and, since only the All Highest can triumph in the end, observe, and interpret what shall come to pass.

39/26.4. The C'chiefs said: But many did not understand. Nevertheless, the Faithists had little in common with the Uzians.

39/26.5. The Faithists established a reciprocity between different colonies.

39/26.6. For, some were suited to agriculture and some to manufacturing.

39/26.7. And they exchanged products, so there was neither buying nor selling between them.

39/26.8. And it also came to pass, that, as some of the colonies were situated to the south, where it was warm, and some to the north, where it was cold, so the people went and lived in any climate suitable to them, continuing their membership wherever they went.

39/26.9. || And thus it had come to pass, that in Jehovih's kingdom on earth, man was without a government, such as man's government.

39/26.10. And this was the next higher condition that came upon the earth after republics.

39/26.11. The angels of Jehovih, perceiving this was coming to pass, said to the Faithists:

39/26.12. Do not bother your heads much about passing new laws for the Uzians; nor take any part in the government, whether it does this or that.

39/26.13. For many men shall rise up, saying: If the government would make a law of peace; or, if the government would prohibit the traffic and the manufacture of this curse or that curse.

39/26.14. But we say to you, all these things shall fail. Do not trust in the ungodly to do a godlike thing.

39/26.15. The societies shall fail; the Peace Society shall become a farce; the Prohibitory Society shall be lost sight of.

39/26.16. Even the churches that profess peace and temperance will not embrace peace and temperance. They will fraternize with liquor-traffickers and with colonels and generals of war, for the sake of policy.

39/26.17. The boast of the Uzians shall be: This is a home for all peoples; but, nevertheless, even while boasting they shall make prohibitory laws to the contrary.

39/26.18. For they have fallen under the lower light; none can turn them around the other way.

39/26.19. Under the name of liberty, they shall claim the right to practice ungodliness.

39/26.20. But you shall come out from among them, and be as a separate people in the world. ||

39/26.21. And so it came about that the people were admonished by God and his angels, and by Jehovih speaking in the souls of mortals.

39/26.22. And those of the Spirit believed; but those of the flesh disbelieved.

39/26.23. Wider and wider apart, these two peoples separated. And the believers, having faith in Jehovih, practiced righteousness, rising higher and higher in wisdom and purity. But the disbelievers went down in darkness; were scattered and lost from the face of the earth.

39/26.24. Thus, Jehovih's kingdom swallowed up all things in victory; His dominion was over all, and all people dwelt in peace and liberty.



End of Oahspe





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