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Book of Saphah




Condensed Histories Section

I'hin and I'huan






35/J.1. These, then, are the chief tribes, being some Faithists and some Idolaters, and these are those who were revered in after generations, namely:

35/J.2. Hode, Si, Iz, Koo, Puit, Poit, Hiut, Sem, Ham, Zerl, Haka, Shem, For, Gau, Park, Bah, Loo, Ong, Gam, Dan, Ine, Both, Asch, Howh, Bon, Art, Ia, Gaub, Don, Ref, Fet, Kii, King, Nu, Wis, Sin, Ox, Or, Ug, Wan, Ked, Mork, God, Suth, Eve, Lut, Rut, Kem, Josh, Pert, Sis, Yi, Haus, Kamp, Booh, Koa, Tu, Out, Day, She, Ji, Ish, Fush, Ab, Ak, Gan, Loo, Mish, Woo, War, Hiss, Sout, Bir, Hush, Yiam, Duji, Gug (G hard), Ke, Ail, Wang, M'hi, G'wan, He, Zoo, Sa, Lon, Gow, Fifi, Chine, Iaf, Jah, Ba, Goud, Goah, Fah, Ion, Yon, Sope, Ban, Jose, Bad, Dad, Abad, Adad, Joss, Sing, Fome, Du'e, Sam, Sar, Esk, Sham, Noah, Ives, Yi, Mu, Om, Dor, Frag, Kuk, Hum, Wok, Ise, Loke, Ia'a and Gad.





The Basis of the Ezra Bible





35/K.1. In the time of Moses, the people of Arabin'ya worshipped many Gods and Lords, whose high heavenly Captain was Osiris. Four chief Gods were under him; they were: Baal, Ashtaroth, Dagon and Ashdod. There were twenty-seven other Gods also, known to mortals.

35/K.2. When the Israelites traveled forth surrounded by the different tribes, they were beset upon to know what Lord or God they worshipped, and by what Lord or what God they were led forth.

35/K.3. The Light in wisdom and words came to Moses to say to the nations, Alas, His Name, Whom we worship, man dare not utter.

35/K.4. Within the commune families, were certain signs and passwords belonging to the different degrees. There were also oral rules of life and worship, but these were kept secret from the multitude; but the commune fathers instructed the families by this method in order to harmonize all the people.

35/K.5. For general behavior, Moses gave ten commands, which were not only made public, but incumbent on the commune fathers to teach orally to their respective families. The following are the commandments thus taught, that is to say:

35/K.6. || I am the I Am that brought you out of Egypt.

35/K.7. You shall have no Gods or Lords but the I Am.

35/K.8. You shall not make any image of the I Am out of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters.

35/K.9. You shall not bow down before idols, images, or anything having the form of anything in heaven, or on the earth, or in the waters.

35/K.10. You shall not speak My name in public, for I will not hold him guiltless who gives it to idolaters and lovers of evil.

35/K.11. Remember the sacred days and keep them holy. Six days you shall labor; but the seventh day is the Sa'abbadha.

35/K.12. Honor your father and mother.

35/K.13. You shall not kill (any living thing).

35/K.14. You shall not commit adultery.

35/K.15. You shall not steal; nor bear false witness; nor covet anything that is another's.

35/K.16. In those days it so happened that one Koetha, an Egyptian woman, a su'is, went into the lodge at noon, no person being within the lodge except herself. Now, while she was examining the remnants of showbread, |1407| and the basins and candlestick, a Voice spoke to her, saying: Do not touch these, they are sacred. But the woman, knowing it was a spirit, said: If I tell what I have heard, I will be accursed; for was it not the multitude of seeresses that brought the plagues on Egypt?

35/K.17. Again the Voice spoke, saying: I will give you the signs and passwords of the High Fathers, so that they can also know that you know. Now, with that, the Spirit told her the secrets; and he likewise said: Say to Moses: The I Am says (and Moses will wonder at your speech): Behold, these implements are sacred. Hide them by day, for those who have spirit perception, perceiving them, will obtain the signs and passwords.

35/K.18. The woman, Koetha, did as commanded, and Moses commanded workmen to make a tabernacle (a model or image of a place of worship, a portable temple), and the sacred implements were kept within this tabernacle, and this was the corporeal base of the ark (arc) of Bon, a locality in the etherean heaven, by which the light of the second heaven reached the earth to Moses and his people, in a pillar of cloud by day and of light by night.

35/K.19. The secret ceremonies commanded vegetable diet for fathers (rab'bahs), prophets, seers, and wanonas (trance subjects), and many of Koetha's people followed their example. After some years of experience, those who fasted from flesh, murmured, saying: What have we gained for our sacrifice?

35/K.20. So they broke their fasts by hundreds and thousands; and countless birds came by their camps, and they caught, killed and ate them freely; but, being unaccustomed to such diet, they became fevered and died, more than sixty thousand of them, men, women and children, and the place was called Kibrath‑Hattaavah, the place of lusters.

35/K.21. In the year 3269 B.K., the Israelites began to marry with the Canaanites, who were under the control of Baal.

35/K.22. Ashtaroth, whose dominions extended jointly with Baal over Western and Southern Arabin'ya, sent spirit emissaries to the handsomest of the women of Canaan, and by impression, led them into the camps of the Israelites, to tempt the young men, for the heathen Gods decided to use these means to destroy the worshippers of the Great Unseen. And many of the Israelitish young men were tempted by the beauty of the heathen women and thus took them for wives; and these wives brought with them their own familiar spirits, who were slaves to Baal and Ashtaroth.

35/K.23. The ark of Bon immediately sent Jerub, an etherean angel, into the Israelites' camp, giving him two thousand inspiring spirits to counteract the labors of Baal and Ashtaroth.

35/K.24. Nevertheless, it so happened that when the half‑breed children were grown up, having Canaan mothers, they began to murmur against the peace policy of the Israelites, saying: As other people have kings and emperors, why not here? As other people raise up soldiers, declare war, and go forth possessing lands and cattle, why do we not do so?

35/K.25. For three hundred and ninety‑seven years after going out of Egypt, the Israelites lived without a corporeal king, or other government, except the community of fathers; and they attained to six million souls, men, women and children.

35/K.26. But in the three hundred and ninety‑seventh year, the Gods Baal and Ashtaroth triumphed, through their familiar spirits, and caused the Israelites to anoint a king to rule over them. This king was called Saul, signifying Of the Lord God. Prior to this the Israelites acknowledged no God or Lord, but covenanted with the Great Spirit, E‑O‑Ih. The name had been kept secret with the fathers, and the commandments were announced from the Great Spirit, I Am.

35/K.27. The familiar spirits now inspired Saul to change the words of the commandments to the Lord Your God, as a conciliatory stratagem to please the nations and tribes of people who worshipped Baal, Dagon, Ashtaroth, Haughak, and other Gods and Lords of the lower heavens.

35/K.28. In that way, Lord God (Land God) was substituted for Jehovih (called sacredly, E‑O‑Ih), and, as prior to this the Great Spirit had been taught to the Israelites as an inconceivable entity, Whose form and extent no man could attain to know, so was He now transformed and declared to be in the form of a man, and having a residence in the firmament of heaven. Thus they made the Great Spirit merely an idol; and so they began the overthrow of the holy doctrines of Moses.

35/K.29. Jerub, the etherean angel in command, sought to preserve the old tenets, and sought out among mortals one Samuel, and inspired him to establish a college of prophets, and this was done at Naioth, and here the inspired congregated; and they established a crescent Tablet, and made prophecies from etherea for a period of seventy years.

35/K.30. After this the Israelites were two peoples, those of the king; and those of E‑O‑Ih, of the prophets. And this placed the Israelites at a disadvantage before neighboring tribes and nations. Having sacrificed the name of the Great Spirit, and made Him into a man figure, the heathen said: What better is their Lord God than our Lord or our God? And they made war against the Israelites on all sides; and the latter having stooped to a corporeal king, went further and raised armies of soldiers and went to war.

35/K.31. In the four hundred and ninth year after the departure out of Egypt, the entire Peace Policy and Nonresistance of the Mosaical Inspiration was overthrown, and the Israelites became warriors, and even warred against one another.

35/K.32. The Israelites not only worshipped the imaginary idol, Lord God in heaven, but built representatives of him in stone and wood, and worshipped them also.

35/K.33. And now, one Ahijah, a young man from the college of prophets, foretold the coming captivity of the Israelites as a consequence of their idolatry.

35/K.34. In the year 2768 B.K., a young man, Elijah, was raised up from the branch of the college of prophets, and, under the inspiration of the angel Jerub, went forth preaching among the heathen, not preaching the Lord God, but Jehovih.

35/K.35. Ahab, a king and worshipper of Baal, said to Elijah: What better is one God than another, or more powerful? Are not all Gods simply the spirits of men raised up in heaven?

35/K.36. Elijah answered him, saying: I preach neither Lord nor God, but Jehovih, the Creator, Who is Ever Present and Potent over all things.

35/K.37. Ahab said: Then your Master has neither eyes nor ears, knowing nothing, like the wind. He is foolish, and without intelligent answer to your prayers.

35/K.38. Elijah said: Summon your priests, and your high priests, who have power through Baal, Ashtaroth and Dagon, and they and their Gods shall try in a tournament against Jehovih.

35/K.39. Ahab arranged for the tournament to take place, and when the priests and high priests of Baal had spread the sacrifice they repeated their invocations for a miracle to prove the power of Baal and the other Gods; but lo and behold, Jerub, the etherean angel, with ten thousand spirits to assist him, prevented any sign or miracle being accomplished by the familiar spirits of Baal and Ashtaroth.

35/K.40. And now Elijah stretched forth his hand to Jehovih, saying: If it is Your will, O Father, give these people a sign of Your Power!

35/K.41. And Jerub and his etherean host of angels, caused a flame of fire to descend on the altar and consume the sacrifice. |1408| The people feared, and many fell down, exclaiming, Jehovih is mighty! Jehovih is mighty!

35/K.42. When the tournament ended, Elijah went upon Mount Carmel, and prayed for rain; and Jerub, with ten thousand times ten thousand angels, brought the winds from the north and south and east and west, and the moisture in the air above was converted into rain, thus ending the long drought.

35/K.43. In the year 2635 B.K., the college of prophecy raised up Jonah, Amos, and Hosea.

35/K.44. In the year 2574 B.K., the kingdoms of Israel perished, and they became a scattered people, and fell into bondage again.

35/K.45. 2439 years before kosmon, Manasseth, son of Hezekiah, established idol worship, and by law, abolished the worship of Jehovih. He caused the prophet Isaah to be sawn in two; and the judgment was, because he worshipped Jehovih.

35/K.46. For three hundred years following that, the only Faithists among the Israelites were the prophets, and the followers of the prophets, who had never affiliated with those of the kingdoms and armies.

35/K.47. The Faithists proper were a small minority, and scattered in many lands. The rest, who were called Jews, lived under written laws and ceremonies, which were compiled and established by Ezra, in Jerusalem (under the inspiration of Looeamong), which combination of books was called the Bible, and was completed in the year 2344 B.K.

35/K.48. From that time forward, the Jews became worshippers of the Lord and the God, but the scattered tribes of the Faithists still held to the Great Spirit, Jehovih, keeping their service secret. These latter were without sin, doing no war nor resistance of evil against evil, but returning good for evil, and loving one another as one's self.

35/K.49. From the Faithist branch sprang the Asenean (Es'sean or Es'ean) Association, cultivating prophecy and purity of spirit. For further light, read of Pharaoh in the lower heavens, and the migration of the East Indian Gods westward, in another part of Oahspe.

35/K.50. The angels of Jehovih now dwelt with the Aseneans, who were the true Israelites in fact. Though many of the Jews also professed Jehovih under the name of God and Lord God.

35/K.51. In three hundred and fifty years after this, Jehovih raised up from the Aseneans, one Joshu, an iesu, in Nazareth. Joshu re‑established Jehovih, and restored many of the lost rites and ceremonies.

35/K.52. In the thirty‑sixth year of Joshu's life he was stoned to death in Jerusalem by the Jews who worshipped the heathen Gods.

35/K.53. Forty years after Joshu's death, a false God, Looeamong, with millions of angel emissaries, obsessed the inhabitants of all those countries and plunged them into war and anarchy.

35/K.54. The Faithists were scattered to the four ends of the earth.

35/K.55. Jehovih said: Never more shall My chosen have kings. I alone am King.

35/K.56. And it is so to this day.

35/K.57. Looeamong, the false God, now changed his name and falsely called himself Christ, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge. And he raised up tribes of mortal warriors, who called themselves Christians, who are warriors to this day.

35/K.58. The doctrine of these warriors was, that knowledge, which implies general education, was the best preventive against crime and misery. Neither did any man understand in those days that the word Christ had any reference to a man or person. Now, from the time of Moses to Ezra, there was an interval of four hundred years, in which the Jews had no written record.

35/K.59. The age of the Ezra Bible is not, therefore, from the time of Moses, but from the time of Ezra, 2344 years B.K.




















































1407  Meaning, Bread of the I Am, being 12 loaves of unleavened bread blessed and placed on the altar in the temple every Sabbath. (The old spelling is shewbread.)
























































































































































1408  In this day there are many Spiritualists who have witnessed the production of fire by the spirits. Professor Zollner and Henry Slade had a candle lighted without any mortal contact or assistance. --Ed.



Condensed History of the East subsection |1409|







35/L.1. Descended by the Yi‑ha light through mortals, and in the Vedan Gods revealed from Zarathustra in Juian, Zend and Haizariyi, and then into Vede, and then into Sanscrit, and by Brahma and by Buddha. These, then, that follow, are the pillars of light of Great Jehovih, still standing as the remnants of His beloved sons and daughters in the East.

35/L.2. Airyana, the good, created things. Anra'mainyus, the evil, created things. Gau, place of science in heaven. Mouri, the second holy heaven. Bakhdhi, third holy place in heaven. Haroyu, confederate republics in heaven. Haetumat, emancipated heaven above the lower or bound heavens. |1410|



1409  The segments in this subsection present the teachings, concepts and realities that had a major impact upon the Vind'yu people (India, Tibet, etc.), but also upon Jaffeth (China), Arabin'ya (Near East & Africa) and Par'si'e (Persia), during the cycle of Fragapatti; although afterward many of the teachings continued on, especially in Vind'yu.



1410  All of the above have, in modern interpretations, found corresponding places on earth. --Ed. [That is, the translated spellings may vary, and that which is heavenly may be interpreted to be earthly.]


Basis of Vede





35/M.1. Variena, a circle divided by cross‑lines into four quarters; made for Thraetaono, a holy name, which had power over the Dahaka, serpent, i.e., evil.

35/M.2. Nisai, faith, belief; a created place in the unseen heavens, which nurtures man's soul, created by Ahura'Mazda, the good Creator.

35/M.3. Kanthiuzhada, unbelief; a place in the unseen heavens which nurtures unbelief in mortals, created by Anra'mainyus, the evil creator.

35/M.4. Yatu, to sin against Ahura'Mazda, or against one's own being.

35/M.5. Hapta Hendu, India; land of seven rivers.

35/M.6. Yima, a Savior; self‑assumed Lord of the earth. A spirit with many provinces in atmospherea. He sent emissaries (spirits) to the temples and oracles of India, for over a thousand years, and thus compelled mortals to worship him. He said he was the Son of Ahura'Mazda, doing His will. He claimed to have been born of Mi, Mother of the Creator, and he was the only begotten Son; that he lived on earth and worked miracles, even cleaving the earth asunder and enlarging it. To prevent his final overthrow in atmospherea, where he had four hundred million slaves, Yima and his spirit emissaries inspired mortals to construct the written doctrines of the Vedas as they now are.

35/M.7. Daevas, all evil, and evil men in general. But a real and wholly acting Daeva is a sodomite.

35/M.8. Druks Nagus, literally, rotting; also that decomposition of flesh which becomes food for insects and vermin.

35/M.9. Crossha or Craosha, an angel sent by the Creator, speaking for Him.

35/M.10. Druks and Daeva, druks, sinful men.

35/M.11. Tistrya, an angel from the still heavens who ruled the flocks of mortals. He was said to reside on Sirius; and that star was later named after him; and then mortals later worshipped the star, forgetting the legend of their forefathers.

35/M.12. Ctara, or Gaura, who was also said to have dwelt on a star, and was forgotten in the lapse of ages, and the star worshipped in his stead.

35/M.13. Zami, another angel who became a star in the same way.

35/M.14. Urvar, also a star thus named.

35/M.15. Gogpend, ditto. These different Gods were originally assigned certain labor on earth. One had charge of all growing things in the water; another of the purity of vegetable seeds; another of grain seeds; another of breeding of horses and cows; another of mortal marriages; another of young children and the newborn. Yima, who was chief God over all the other Gods, assigned them to their position; and each and all these Gods of second degree had hosts of ministering spirits under them, and these were distributed and appointed over mortals as guardian angels, and, by inspiration and by other impressions, caused mortals to worship their masters, the Gods who claimed to reside on the stars. And in that way, Yima taught mortals that only through him and his kingdoms, could man prosper on earth, and rise in heaven after death. In time, however, the inhabitants of earth forgot the angels, and worshipped the stars instead.

35/M.16. Jahi, taurus, the bull. The God of force. In the Ebraic language this same God is called Jah. In time, mortals forgot the origin of this God, and ignorantly supposed the name to be an abbreviation of Jehovih. In the Cuneiform inscriptions his name is called Bagho. The Panic origin is Taughad. (See Tablet Bienei Poit, i034, the figure of a bull, with man's face.) The spiritual meaning is: force, or force of character, or energy to do, or decree with authority. As the pope issues a Bull (an official edict), of which the preceding was the original.

35/M.17. Caoka or gha‑oka. Good, genial and amorous. (See Tablet Bienei Poit, i034, the figure of a ram.) He is also called Hoebah and goa‑bah.

35/M.18. Airyana, a protector. In Tablet Bienei (i034) he is made in the form of a lion, with man's face.

35/M.19. The term, horses, signifies dominions in the lower heavens.

35/M.20. The term, cow, usually means adaptability to the creative period. In the original Panic, cow meant receptivity, as in English a term of dollars signifies the extent of a man's possessions, although he may have only lands and houses. Similarly in the Yi‑ha language, horses had no reference to the animal horse, nor did cow have any reference to the animal cow. But in the lapse of ages, these figures received an earthly interpretation.

35/M.21. Hukairya, a kingdom in etherea.

35/M.22. The Lords of atmospherea ministering through the temples and oracles to mortals of the Hyan period, and embraced in Mithra inspiration, were as follows: Maidhyozaremaya; Moidhyosheema; Paitis‑hahaya; Ayathrecma; Maidhyairya; Hamacpathmoedaya, the Holy Lordess; the Gatha‑Ahunavaiti; Yacna‑Haptan‑haiti; the Goddess Mother, Gatha‑Ustavaiti; her Holy Sister, Goddess Gatha-Cpenta‑Mainyu; her Holy Daughter, Goddess Gatha‑Vohu‑Khsha-thra; the Lord of Measure, Airyama; Fshusha‑manthra; Hadhaokhta; and the Creator, Ever Present Spirit in all places, Ruler over all else and Dispenser.

35/M.23. (For the origin of the words refer to cyclean period of Ahura.)

35/M.24. Mazdayacniaus, Faithists in the Great Spirit. Opposite to idolaters. The Haptans did not worship the Lords or Gods, but revered them as exalted spirits sent from etherea to minister to mortals, both through the temples and oracles, and in the family spirit circle even as Christians of this day believe that Christ ministers. With the Haptans, however, Mithra occupied the position that Christ does in men's eyes, and the Lords and Lordesses, and Gods and Goddesses, were under him, alternately with Yima.

35/M.25. The traveling hosts from heaven were as follows: Havanana, Atarevakhsha, Fraberata, Abert, Agnata, Racthwiskare and Craoshavareza.

35/M.26. Haoma, juice, milk, that which is received. As milk nurtures the corporeal man, so haoma feeds the spirit, i.e., spirit nutrition.

35/M.27. After the invocation to Ahura'Mazda, the Creator, the All Brilliant, the All Majestic, the All Greatest, Best and Most Beautiful, then the following Gods are invited, namely: (verses 28-34)

35/M.28. Vohu‑mano, who is the voice and engraved word. (In the back period the Scriptures were taught orally, man to man, repeating over and over the same texts, until the whole three thousand Holy and Most Sacred Verses were learned.) The position of the Most Holy Lord, Vohu, was to be present in spirit and person or through his representative spirit underlings, and see to it that there were no innovations in the original text, and to assist the learner to remember the words. Vohu, i.e., ga‑mo, signifies voice. Mano, i.e., c'fome, signifies word in the Yi‑ha language.

35/M.29. Ashavahista (properly Ashaohavah), the God of self‑subduing. To teach and assist man to put aside selfish desires.

35/M.30. Ksha‑thra-vairya (Ka‑sha-thrag‑o‑mak), the Most Holy Teacher and Bracer‑up of Faith.

35/M.31. Cpenta‑armaiti (originally feminine). Goddess and God, Adapter. That which within man makes him compatible to others. (Yi‑ha).

35/M.32. Haurvat, home. He who made spiritual homes in heaven for mortals, and brought the Kingdom of the Father to men's souls. (Yi‑ha).

35/M.33. Amereth, forgiveness. Anh-air-that (Yi-ha). To make one's self childlike and willing to learn. To make one's soul like a sieve, so that it will not hold anger.

35/M.34. Havani, the Bearer of souls to the second heaven. The Most Holy Lord of Transit. (Yi‑ha).

35/M.35. The emissaries under these, the Most Holy Lords, active on earth, were called, Cavanhi‑Vicya. Twenty‑eight of these helpers and Lords being appointed, ministered in each and all the temples of Baragas (Upper Tibet), and, during the religious ceremonies of mortals, were often seen participating near the altars.

35/M.36. Ushi‑darena, a mountain above which the Most Holy Lords referred to in verse 35 held their Spirit Congress for over three hundred years! In this Congress, Zantuma was president. It was through this Spirit Congress that Mithra, the Savior of the Haptans of that day, promulgated the doctrine that Ahura'Mazda was no Creator, but merely the star Iaza (Jupiter) and that he, Mithra, was the Chief and Highest of all personages, either on earth or in heaven. This was the beginning of a war in heaven between Yima and Mithra.

35/M.37. Arbury, the Father's Kingdom, literally around all worlds. Alburj (Yi‑ha). Gaisi, i.e., mortal (or earthly things), became confounded with heavenly, for the migration of the people on earth confounded the stratagems of Mithra, the Savior.

35/M.38. Gah, the change of the watch of the Gods. A prefix to the names of Gods. Gah, true, a fact (Gau). The times of day and evening and night.

35/M.39. Fradat‑vira, God of numeration of mortals, interest in progeny.

35/M.40. Nairy‑Canha, God of messengers. All spirits coming from Mithra's throne in atmospherea as messengers were under the command of Mairya‑canha. Of these, there were thirty-three messengers‑in‑chief, and they held office for one year, when they were replaced by new appointments. When the time for changing watch came, they gave mortals ten days for feasts, five days in honor of the ex‑messengers, and five days in honor of the new messengers. It was customary to have thirty vases or dishes in the temples, adapted to as many varieties of food, and each and all of these were also named after the name of the spirit messengers.

35/M.41. Zaothra, holy water, also God of sprinkling. When the worshippers were assembled they were frequently sprinkled with water by the spirits. |1411|

35/M.42. Zaota, a priest, through whom the Gods can cause rain to fall.

35/M.43. Barecme, literally, spirit light. Some were baptized by water, and some by fire.

35/M.44. Moon Gods, four in number, were usually changed once in seven years. But when Mithra proclaimed himself God and Savior of heaven, |1412| he allotted the moon Gods a hundred years each. But the chief of these remained in office for four hundred years. This was:

35/M.45. Arstat, chief moon God of that period, and a friend to the God Craosha. Mortals, however, continued to keep holy one day in seven, in honor of the moon's changes, which were accredited to the change of watch of the Gods. In the original worship, mortals were taught to wish here, with love and praise, the four reigning Gods. But they were so full of devotion that on the seventh day they remembered many of the ex‑Gods also, sometimes a hundred or more, all of whom they wished here with love and praise. Many of those Gods (spirits), taking advantage of the devotion of mortals, established themselves in petty kingdoms in atmospherea belonging to Vind'yu, and thus aggrandized themselves, making slaves of spirits newborn into heaven.

35/M.46. Besides the weekday festivals, the Gods of Mithra, through the priests and magicians, established monthly festivals, on which occasions the Gods were honored with new prayers, and all these Lords and Gods of the lower heavens were awarded, by Mithra, with petty kingdoms in atmospherea belonging to Vind'yu. Usually, each mortal city was allotted to the keeping of one of these spirit Lords or Gods, and the guardian spirits of mortals within that city were subjects to that chief Lord or God. The places of meeting of these spirits were in temples of worship. And all of the foregoing Lords, Saviors and Gods, professed to give the revelations of Zarathustra, who, in men's eyes, had ceased to be a man but was a principle of Truth descended from Ahura'Mazda, Creator.

35/M.47. Myazda or Draona, feast of sacrament. Rice or other meal made into cakes and eaten in remembrance of the Vow to Purify Myself.

35/M.48. Haoma, in the latter sacrament of the Vede, was saluted as heaven's perfect type of corporeal beauty and cleanliness.

35/M.49. Yima, a self‑made God in after times, who announced himself, Son of Vivanho.

35/M.50. Cruvara, serpent with four legs. This was the lizard species, and in the time of Yi‑ha they were large enough to eat twelve full‑grown men at a meal. They were of a dark green color, and fifty paces in length.

35/M.51. Gaccus, a giant who contrived traps to destroy the great serpents, the Cruvaras.

35/M.52. Asha, oratory. Power of reciting with effect.

35/M.53. Fravashi, pure spirits of the Faithist order, i.e., spirits who are not bound to idols, Gods, or Saviors, but having faith in Ahura'Mazda, the Creator.

35/M.54. The opposers in heaven to the Fravashi were: The Daeva, Pairika, Cathra, Kaoza and the Karapana.

35/M.55. Verethragha, a God in heaven who labored for the Fravashi and against their opposers.

35/M.56. The following plateaus in the lower heavens belonging to Vind'yu are often described as mountains, and in later days earth‑mountains have had corresponding names given to them. That is to say: Mount Tshidarena, Haraiti, Zereaho, Ushidhao, Ushidarena, Erezifya, Fraorepa, Arezura, Bumza, Eezisho, Arana, Bazana, Vapa, Iskata, Kancotofedhra, Hamankuna, Vagna, Fravanku, Vidwana, Aezaka, Maenaka, Vakhedhrakae, Acaya, Tudhockoe, Ishvkoe, Asnavao, Draoshisvao, Cairivao, Nanhusmao, Kakahyu, Antarekanha, Cichindavaoo, Ahuna, Racmana, Asha‑ctimbana, Urunyovaidhae, Ushaoma, Usta‑garenas, Cyamaka, Vafrayo, Voouusha, Jatara, Adhutavao, Cpitavarenao, Cpentodata, Kadrva‑acpa, Kaoirica, Taera, Barocrayana, Barana, Frapayao, Udrya, and Kaevao. To each and every one of the foregoing plateaus in atmospherea, a God or a Lord was assigned, and these had direct superintendence over the affairs of mortals vertically under them. (Vede).

35/M.57. Kanculoo, a running (es) sea in atmospherea, dividing the foregoing plateaus.

35/M.58. Caoshyane, God of the (es) sea, Kanculoo, supposed, by people in darkness, to be the God whose coming would be the Second coming, or manifestation of Ahura'Mazda on earth. It was believed that with his second coming all sin on earth would be put down, and all things revealed. Caoshyane, a Savior; to sin not (Anar).

35/M.59. Franrava, God of the Turanians, the opposers of Faithists. He inspired the Turanians to war and to deeds of cruelty.

35/M.60. Parodars, an angel, a bird, a picture, or as one looking in a mirror sees himself. That which he sees reflected is parodars. Thus, when a pure man dies, his soul remains for three days near the head of his corporeal body, reciting prayers and anthems, but on the fourth day he wakes to his condition and rises and goes forth. The first living creature he sees is parodars (a female); a flying person of great beauty. He salutes her, inquiring who she is. She answers him, saying: I am your own soul and good thoughts. I am the law you have built on the corporeal earth. Behold me, I am yourself, and now you see your own self. I am most beautiful, because your earth‑thoughts were beautiful. I am pure because your earth‑thoughts were pure. Put away yourself and come and inhabit myself. I am the part that can ascend to Nirvania, the second heaven; you are the part that dwells as a druj, a bound spirit. On the fifth day the pure man puts away self and inhabits the parodars, and so ascends and becomes a Lord in heaven. (Foivitat).

35/M.61. Foivitat says: If an evil man dies, his soul remains at his feet three days. On the fourth it goes abroad; but because of its clouds, it does not see parodars, the smothered bird, but it goes into places that stink to the nose, deafen the ears, and blind the eyes, and, like a druj, cannot speak truth, find love, or learn. The soul of such a man becomes the inhabitant of foul houses and battlefields where madness lives on madness, and evil spirits cannot depart.

35/M.62. Kava-viscacpa, a councilor and friend of Zarathustra, a high, Holy Lord and Giver of Truth.

35/M.63. Hura, a onetime man.

35/M.64. Hura the entity, Happiness. In all the Avanischor system, which descended to the Haptans and afterward to the Hijans, and finally to the Vedes of the Upper Thibet, happiness is called an entity; |1413| so is unhappiness; so is faith; so is unbelief; and they are likened to seeds planted, which grow by nurture, according to the behavior of mortals, into great trees. If, therefore, a man strives for Hura (happiness), it will grow in him; but not until he so strives. And likewise of the other entities.

35/M.65. Kam, the air, the unseen atmosphere, or Kam‑qactra, the high air, etherea, beyond the earth's atmosphere; that part of the firmament beyond the earth and earth's atmosphere which has laws of its own. Etherea, the higher abode for exalted spirits who have risen above corporeal laws. As Anra'mainyus (evil), in atmospherea, looks downward to the earth to evil, so Cpenta'mainyus (good), of etherea, looks upward to good.












































































































































































































1411  Spiritualists have often witnessed this in spirit circles. The origin of sprinkling in churches, as practiced to this day. --Ed.





1412  It is apparently not unusual for false Gods to proclaim themselves God of all heaven and earth, even though their actual dominion is less than that.





























































































































1413  a thing or person that has a real existence



Lords of the Hosts in Heaven

Heads of Spiritual Societies in Atmospherea, of Those Days





35/N.1.1. Maideashenea, Patishahaya, Ayathrema, Maidyarrah, Hamachapathmada, Yemehataman, Aunviti, Haptanaihaiti, Ustavaiti, Cpenta'Mainyus, Kshathra, Vahistoisa, Airyamaishya, Fshushamanthra, Hadhaokhta, Cpenta‑armaiti, Zaothra and Barecma, Mithra, Kama‑qactra, Havanana, Aarevahsha, Roethwiskare, Vohu‑Kasha, Aiwyoonhana, Nairayo-canha, Asha-vahista, Haome, Lord of Haoma rites, Frava‑daiti, Lord of Fravishes, Pailvish-hahin and Ustav, Beryejaga, Ayathrema, Tistrya and Yima, Son of the Sun, the All Light.

35/N.1.2. Of the second rank above these were:





The Gods of the United Hosts of Heaven

[In other words, the Upper House --Ed.]





35/N.2.0.1. The Creator, Chief over all, Yima and Mithra, Amesha, Cpentas, Havanyi, Cavaghi and Vicya, Rapithurna, Fradotfshu and Zantuma, Fradatvira and Dagyevma, Aiwicruthrema-Aibigaza, Fradat‑vicpanum‑hujyaiti, Vishaptatha, Ish‑Fravashi, Athwya and Kerecacpa, promoted by special decree.

35/N.2.0.2. In addition to the above, the oagas (Gathas) of Zinebabait (afterward Lower India) the Zend, The Lord Gods, that is, officers of kingdoms in heaven and ruler over nations on earth.





Officers of Note





35/N.2.1. Khahnaothra, an Ahurian of the Zarathustrian period.

35/N.2.2. Ardvi‑cara, an Ahurian of the Zarathustrian period.

35/N.2.3. Rashnu, a Fragapattician of the Yi‑ha period.

35/N.2.4. Haha‑Naepta (Goddess) of the host of Fragapatti, of the Theantiyi period. By the Ayustrians, Gathas meant Gods.

35/N.2.5. Iaya‑Haptanhaiti, special to Haptan, of the Hi‑ga period.

35/N.2.6. Ctatoa‑Zacnya (Goe‑howjhi), an Ahurian of the Fragapatti period.

In Ushtai‑bhonyia-paria‑vi‑hyiyi and to their descendants, the Gujerati and Huzvaresh, the Ahura is omitted, as in the original. Thei and Aph and the Creator, are called Armadz, or Ormazd, or Ormuzd.

Ahiram, betrayer of secrets, becomes in the lower heavens a confederate with the Daevas, the drujas, the Kikas, the Paris and the Ughsa of the Yi‑ha period.

35/N.2.7. Naotara, of Aphian period, an instructor, who gave many sciences to mortals. These sciences and religious ceremonies were afterward called his sons, and they are now called Fravashis. In addition to the sciences this Lord God, through oracles and otherwise, revealed two hundred and seventy kingdoms in the lower heavens, the most important of which are: Zairi‑vairi, Yukhata‑vairi, Crisookhshau, Kerecaokhshan, Vyareza, Vanara, Bujicravo, Berejzarsti, Tizhyarsti, Perethwarsti, Vezhyarsti, Naptya, Vazhacpa, Habacpa, Victavaru and Frand‑hanm‑vareta. All of these divisions, including the two hundred kingdoms, had spirits‑in‑chief (Lord Gods) to each and every one who took up stations in the temples of worship on earth, and employed thousands of spirit servants, whom they allotted to the different mortals who came there to worship, to be their guides and guardians, day and night. These spirits appeared in tangible forms through the prophets and high priests in the midnight worship, and also at dawn in the morning, taking part in the ceremonies.

35/N.2.8. Thrita, God of healing, the founder of a mortal race to whom he revealed the secret remedies for all diseases. He enjoined that the remedies should only be revealed from father to son on the deathbed, and when the father thus revealed, he himself lost all power to heal.

35/N.2.9. Hiac‑kaus, Lord of the Seal of Heaven. He bestowed the power of Ahura'Mazda on mortals, enabling the prayers of the living to redeem the spirits of their forefathers from torments.

35/N.2.10. Takma‑wrupa, cunning. The entity cunning. Like a fox, whose strength lies in cunning. Like the wind. Like the air; subtle, appearing mild; appearing nothing, yet full of deceptive poison. By takma‑wrupa the successful man is successful. He binds apparent goodness in his face, but his golden footstool is cunning, the air with the golden tuft.

35/N.2.11. Ashi‑vanuhi Goddess of dress. She was fourth Airon under Mithra. The duties of her inspiration to mortal women were to clothe themselves and to decorate themselves with gold and silver ornaments. She had twelve hundred Goddesses under her, and they were allotted one day in each month to speak and teach through the magicians, oracles, prophets and high priests. Some of these spirits spoke through the seers by entrancement, and some wrote on the sand‑table. Prior to this period Iranian women seldom wore clothes.





Earthly History of the Faithists of the East





35/O.1. The Voice was, The Great Spirit, The I Am.

35/O.2. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to be a Faithist in the Voice, as it comes to the pure, was the highest that man could attain.

35/O.3. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to build up one's own faith in the I Am would produce the highest happiness.

35/O.4. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that each self must learn to build itself up in love and wisdom, and after them, power, trusting in the I Am.

35/O.5. As the Voice came to Zarathustra, the all pure, Zarathustra perceived that the I Am must have a name in order to be distinguished by men.

35/O.6. Zarathustra said, Or (Light) Mazd (entity of), |1414| and he called the Highest Known, Or'mazd, being The Person, The All Master.

35/O.7. Or'mazd spoke to Zarathustra, saying: Some I have created with desire to dance, some with desire to sing, some with desire to pray.

35/O.8. Some I have created with faith in men, some with faith in spirits, some with faith in Me only.

35/O.9. Let those who have faith in men, have faith in men; let those who have faith in spirits, have faith in spirits; let those who have faith in Me, have faith in Me. The last are Mine. What is Mine I will gather together.

35/O.10. Mine shall be a people by themselves, of themselves.

35/O.11. Or'mazd spoke to Zarathustra, saying: |1415|

Mine have no Gods but Me.

Mine have no idols or images of Me.

Mine do not bow down before idols.

Mine covenant in My name secretly.

Mine remember the four sacred days of the moon.

Mine honor their parents.

Mine kill nothing I have made alive.

Mine do not commit adultery.

Mine do not steal, tell lies, or covet anything.

Mine return good to all men.

Zarathustra taught these words, and those who were followers styled themselves Zarathustrians.

35/O.12. Or'mazd spoke to Zarathustra, saying: Take the ten suggestions: What are they?

35/O.13. Zarathustra said: My flesh is not my own substance, but Or'mazd's. How then can I claim the ten suggestions? These, then, are not the Zarathustrian Law. They are the Or'mazdian Law. All things come from Him. All things are His.

35/O.14. Zarathustra went forth, preaching, and his followers numbered hundreds of thousands.

35/O.15. Zarathustra worked no miracles. He said miracles were the tricks of spirits and mortals. The highest of all good was to do good, and be good.

35/O.16. God did not give to the Zarathustrians as he had to Israel, to move among strangers, but to dwell amid the heathen within their own countries. And the Zarathustrians never established kings of their own. Nevertheless they fell into constant persecution by the worshippers of Gods and Lords.

35/O.17. By the time of Brahma they were nearly destroyed. And again God raised them up and established them as a mighty people. But being non-resistants they were again nearly destroyed. And again God raised them up through Capilya; this was in the time of Moses.

35/O.18. And they prospered and became numerous in all of Vind'yu and Jaffeth. For four hundred years they were a great people.

35/O.19. And about the time the Israelites made Saul their king, darkness came upon the Zarathustrians also.

35/O.20. The Lords and Saviors, through the oracles, inspired the kings and rulers to despoil the Zarathustrians. And for nine hundred years they were persecuted and tortured; and millions of them put to death---so that the name of Zarathustra was forgotten among men. And the great learning, and light and knowledge, of those nations went out, not to return for a long season.

35/O.21. God said: Because they have persecuted and destroyed my chosen, I will turn my face away from them, and they shall go down in darkness. Behold, when they persecuted my chosen in the land of Egupt, I shut out the light from them, and they perished.

35/O.22. Let this be testimony to all peoples, that whoever divides my people or despoils them, shall also be divided and despoiled.

35/O.23. This is a law of Jehovih; whoever goes away from Him shall not find Him; to turn from Him is to curse Him; to curse Him is to curse those that do it, and it shall be answered to them.

End Condensed Histories Section

















1414  i.e., Or + mazd = The Entity of Light; or the Master of Light














1415  Ten Commandments of Zarathustra. --Ed.




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