God's Book of Eskra |
CHAPTER 42 EskraBirth of Joshu
28/42.1. God, Jehovih's Son, was wise above all these trials, for he had the light of Jehovih's kingdoms with him. 28/42.2. And it will be shown, presently, how much farther ahead the plans laid out by Jehovih's Sons are, compared to those plotted by His enemies. 28/42.3. Because Pharaoh persecuted the Israelites, Moses put a curse upon Pharaoh. Then, after hundreds of years in the lower heavens, behold, Pharaoh was cast into hell, and then into chaos, and no one but Moses could deliver him, as has been previously described. 28/42.4. So, Moses descended from the higher heavens, and delivered Pharaoh, and he provided Pharaoh a new name, Illaes, and sent him back to the earth to labor with the Israelites, in order to fulfill his shortness in righteous works. Illaes, therefore, became a willing volunteer, and many angels with him. 28/42.5. And these angels inspired seven hundred Israelites to separate themselves from all other people, and to go and live by direction of the angels of Jehovih. Moreover, the angels inspired these people to call themselves Es'eans, |1170| as commanded by Moses in heaven. 28/42.6. These Es'eans were, therefore, a separate people, pledged to Jehovih to have no king or earth‑ruler, except their rab'bahs. And they dwelt in communities and families of tens, twenties and hundreds, holding all things in common. But in marriage, they were monogamic; |1171| nor would they have more than one suit of clothes each; and they lived on fruit and herbs (vegetables) only; nor did they eat fish or flesh of anything that had ever breathed the breath of life. And they bathed every morning at sunrise, and worshipped before the altar of Jehovih, doing, in all things, in the manner of the ancient Faithists. By virtue of the angel hosts who were with them, they did these things. And they held communion with the angels of heaven, every night before going to sleep. 28/42.7. Illaes had said: Because I persecuted the Faithists, and raised up my hands against them and against Jehovih, I was instrumental, in part, for their fall. Now I will labor with them, to re‑establish them in purity and love. And so he labored. 28/42.8. And Illaes and his angel hosts made the camps of the Es'eans their dwelling places, watching over these few Israelites, day and night, for hundreds of years. Yes, without leaving them, these faithful angels guarded them from all the warring hosts of angels belonging to the armies of Baal and Ashtaroth, and to the Triune God, Looeamong, and his hosts. 28/42.9. And though the Es'eans lived in great purity of body and soul, yet they were evilly slandered by the world's people all around them. 28/42.10. But Jehovih prospered the seed of the Es'eans, in holiness and love, for many generations. 28/42.11. Then came Gafonaya, chief of the loo'is, according to the command of God, to raise up an heir to the Voice of Jehovih. And in four more generations, an heir was born, and named, Joshu, and he was the child of Joseph and his wife, Mara, devout worshippers of Jehovih, who stood aloof from all other people, except the Es'eans. 28/42.12. And because of the extreme youth of Mara, the child was of doubtful sex; regarding which, the rab'bahs said the child was an iesu, signifying neutral. 28/42.13. The time of the birth of the child was three days after the descent of a heavenly ship from the throne of God. And many of the Es'eans looked up and saw the star, and they felt the cold wind of the higher heavens fall upon the place and around the tent, where the child would be born. And they said to one another: Jehovih remembers us. 28/42.14. Gafonaya, the chief angel of the loo'is, knew beforehand what the birth would be, and he sent out around the Es'ean encampments extra guardian angels; and these notified the descending hosts of heaven of what was near at hand. 28/42.15. So the messengers from heaven stayed until after the child was born, acquainting Illaes of the time ahead when Moses and Elias, with their hosts, would come to complete the deliverance of the spirits of the Eguptians, whom Moses had colonized in atmospherea. 28/42.16. Illaes said: Thank Jehovih I shall once more look upon Moses' face. 28/42.17. When the birth was completed, the angels of heaven re‑entered their star‑ship and hastened back to Paradise, God's heavenly seat.
1170 that is, followers of the spirit (in contradistinction to those who follow the dictates of the flesh); today we know them as Essenes
1171 monogamic literally means one seed: one husband, one wife; even as had been given in the Zarathustrian Law (see 22/2.13)
CHAPTER 43 Eskra
28/43.1. When Joshu was grown up, and ready for his labor, God provided a host of one hundred million angels to make a line of light from his Holy Council down to the earth; and they made it so. 28/43.2. And God provided a guardian host of two billion angels to protect the line of communication; for it was a time of war in heaven and earth. 28/43.3. Then came Moses from his realms, accompanied by Elias and a sufficient host. And he came to Paradise, to God on the throne, where due preparation had been made for them. For, the heavenly kingdoms of God were stirred from center to circumference, when it was heralded abroad that Moses and Elias were coming. 28/43.4. And Paradise was like a new heavenly city, being acceded by an influx of more than a billion visitors for the occasion. 28/43.5. And heralds, receivers, marshals and musicians extended every way. 28/43.6. A whole book could be written on the glory of the occasion, when that etherean ship descended from the higher heavens. Suffice it to say that Moses was received according to the custom of Gods. And God said to Moses and Elias: Come, and honor my throne; and I will proclaim a file before the throne, to be followed by two days' recreation. 28/43.7. Then Moses and Elias went up, and sat on the throne of God. And God proclaimed the file; in which hundreds of millions, thousands of millions, filed past the throne of God, in order to look upon Moses' face. And Moses stood up before them. Moses said: I remember standing on the earth while the hosts that came out of Egupt passed before me! Great Jehovih, what symbols of things You give. And ever with a new thrill of joy to the soul. O You Almighty! 28/43.8. That was all he said; but so great was the love and glory in his face as he stood on the throne of God, that every soul that passed said: Moses, blessed Son of Jehovih! 28/43.9. Then God granted two days' recreation, during which time the ethereans mingled with the atmosphereans in great delight. And after that, Moses, with his hosts, went to Elaban, his colony of Eguptians, who were now raised high in the grades. And Moses had them removed to Aroqu, where they were duly prepared and adorned as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. And, after suitable preparation, Moses provided for their ascent to the Nirvanian fields of Metapotamas, in etherea, sending them in the charge of his own hosts. 28/43.10. After that, Moses and his remaining hosts descended to the earth, to Kanna'yan, to the tribes of Es'eans, who had been raised up by Illaes (Pharaoh). And great was the meeting between Illaes and Moses. The former broke down with emotion. He said: All praise to You, O Jehovih! You have remembered me at last. 28/43.11. Moses came to him, and said: I have come for you, O Nu-ghan! I have a place prepared for you and your hosts in my etherean kingdoms! You have done well! 28/43.12. Then Moses and his hosts drew their otevan down to the angel camp, which was near the camp of the mortals, the Es'eans, and they made the light fall upon the boat; and many of the Es'eans looked up and saw the otevan, calling it a chariot. 28/43.13. And Moses and Elias went and stood before Joshu, and he saw them. 28/43.14. Moses said to him: My son! My son! The light of Eloih is upon you. Israel, through you, shall regain the All One, which was lost. 28/43.15. Then Moses and his hosts, together with Illaes and his hosts, went into the otevan, and immediately took course for Paradise, God's heavenly seat, where they arrived in due season. And, after three days, they again entered the fire‑ship, and took course for Moses' etherean realms.
CHAPTER 44 EskraDoctrines of Joshu and his death
28/44.1. God said: These were my doctrines, as I taught through Joshu: |1172|
1172 see image i119
i119 Joshu, was of Israelitish birth, and also an i‑e‑su, born near Jerusalem [around two thousand years B.K. --ed.]. His predecessors were of the tribe called Es'seans (Essenes), or non‑resistants. He labored to restore the true Mosaical teachings. Ultimately he was stoned to death in Jerusalem. He also taught the doctrine of one Great Spirit only. In the Christian New Testament it has been supposed that the so‑called Sermon on the Mount is a plagiarism on Joshu's teachings, adapted by the Ecumenical Council under the direction of the emperor Constantine. --Ed.
28/44.2. You shall keep the ten commandments of Moses. 28/44.3. You shall not engage in war, nor abet war. 28/44.4. You shall eat no flesh of any animal, fish, bird, fowl, or creeping thing that Jehovih created alive. 28/44.5. You shall dwell in families [communities --Ed.], in the manner of the ancient Israelites, who held all things in common. 28/44.6. You shall have no king or queen, nor bow down in worship to any, except your Creator. 28/44.7. You shall not call on the name of angels to worship them, nor to counsel with them on the affairs of earth. 28/44.8. You shall love your neighbor as yourself, and do to your fellow man as you would have him do to you. 28/44.9. You shall return good for evil, and pity to those who sin. 28/44.10. It has been said: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; but I say, return good for evil. 28/44.11. And if a man hits you on one cheek, turn the other to him also. 28/44.12. The man shall have only one wife, and the woman only one husband. 28/44.13. As the children honor the father, so will the family be blessed with peace and plenty. 28/44.14. Remember, that all things are of Jehovih, and you are His servants, to help one another. 28/44.15. And as much as you do these services to one another, so do you serve Jehovih. 28/44.16. Behold |1173| only the virtues and wisdom in your neighbor; his faults you shall not discover. 28/44.17. His matters are with his Creator. 28/44.18. Do not call on the name of any God or Lord in worship; but worship Jehovih only. 28/44.19. And when you pray, let it be in this manner: 28/44.20. Jehovih, Who rules in heaven and earth, hallowed |1174| be Your name, and reverent among men. Sufficient for me is my daily bread; and as much as I forgive those who trespass against me, so forgive me, and make me steadfast to shun temptation, for all honor and glory are Yours, worlds without end. Amen! 28/44.21. To visit the sick and distressed, the helpless and blind, and to relieve them; to provide for the widow and orphan, and keep yourself unspotted before men; these are the way of redemption. 28/44.22. You shall take no part in the governments of men, but observe the will of Jehovih, being obedient to all governments for His sake. 28/44.23. All men are the children of One Father, Who is Jehovih; and whoever chooses Him, and keeps His commandments, is His chosen. 28/44.24. To preserve the seed of His chosen, you shall only wed with the chosen. 28/44.25. Do not contend with any man for opinion's sake, nor for any earthly thing. 28/44.26. And let your speech be for other's joy; or do not open your mouth, if your words will give pain. 28/44.27. Therefore, be considerate with your speech; teaching others by gentleness and love, to be respectful toward all men. 28/44.28. Preserve the sacred days of the rab'bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah. || 28/44.29. For three years, Joshu traveled among the Israelites, preaching, and restoring the ancient doctrines. 28/44.30. And there were gathered in groups, of tens, twenties and fifties, more than two thousand Israelites, of the ancient Order of Moses, who became steadfast followers of the teachings of Joshu. 28/44.31. But, because of persecution by the apostate Jews, they kept themselves aloof from the world, having signs and passwords, by which they knew one another. 28/44.32. First the God, Baal, and after him, Thoth, inspired the kings and rulers, against these Faithists. 28/44.33. And they proved them |1175| by commanding them to eat flesh, even swine's flesh, which, if they refused, was sufficient testimony under the laws, to convict them of being enemies against the Gods. 28/44.34. So they were scourged, and put to death, whenever found. 28/44.35. Now it came to pass that Joshu went into Jerusalem to preach, and in not many days after that, he was accused of preaching Jehovih. 28/44.36. And he was arrested, and while being carried to prison, he said: 28/44.37. You are hypocrites and blasphemers! You practice none of the commandments, but all the evils of satan. 28/44.38. Behold, the temple shall be split in two, and you shall become vagabonds on the earth. 28/44.39. At that, the multitude cast stones upon him, and killed him! 28/44.40. And Jehovih sent a chariot of fire, and bore his soul to Paradise.
1173 perceive, look at, consider, regard, discern, see
1174 hallowed = holy, adored, sacrosanct, sacred, inviolable, profound, devotional, unstained, blessed. reverent = worshipful, revered, righteously regarded, held in reverence. trespass = do wrong, offend, transgress, sin
1175 discovered them, or if merely suspected, this was the manner of proof
CHAPTER 45 Eskra
28/45.1. The Lord said: Now, behold, Looeamong no longer stood upon the practice of righteousness, but upon might. 28/45.2. Nor did he consider any more the resurrection of mortals or angels. 28/45.3. The craft and wisdom of Baal baffled Looeamong, in both his heavenly battles and his battles for mortals. 28/45.4. Behold, the whole of the countries of Egupt, Par'si'e, Heleste and Uropa were in war; and the heavens of these countries were also in war, with hundreds of hells within them. 28/45.5. Looeamong fought no longer for the Trinity nor for the Holy Ghost, but to save his heavenly kingdom, lest he be captured, and cast into hell. 28/45.6. And Baal was even more desperately situated against Looeamong. 28/45.7. In the meantime, the other two Triunes began to war against each other in their heavenly kingdoms, contending for boundaries and subjects. 28/45.8. Thoth sent the following message to Looeamong: Greeting to you, O Most High Triune, in the name of the Holy Ghost. 28/45.9. Where I am embarrassed, I pray, give me leniency. My suit is not without due deliberation and prayers to the Holy Ghost. Long I have fought your battles, and I have gained great power and authority in many kingdoms, in heaven and earth. 28/45.10. But, behold, I labor against Gods who have the advantage of me. The Chine'ya rebel Gods and the Vind'yu rebel Gods, that fled from the Triune kingdoms in the east, have taken upon themselves names popular with mortals. Witness these names: Nestor, alias Puith; Neptune, alias Poseidon; Oileus, alias Pendre; Priam, alias Hogath; Phoebus, alias Onewakax, alias Apollo; Pales, alias Shugansitha; Pelides, alias Peleus; Saturn, alias Kronos; Thaleia, alias Musae; Thestor, alias Suko, alias Bayrith, alias Calchas; Thetis, alias Arama, alias Mi, alias Mara, alias Achill'ya, alias Argos; Venus, alias Seinalt, alias Vishnu, alias Mira, alias Thor, alias Theo; Vulcan, alias Anawahah, alias Ir, alias Agni, alias Hefaste'yan; Calianessa, alias Vritta; Hecla, alias Jah, alias Tyronia, alias Nileus; Nemertis, alias Itra, alias Prometh'ya, alias Ari, alias Mithra; Opsendes, alias Miletus, alias Brahma, alias Ishaka, alias Davetat, alias Sakaya, alias Morototha; Pherna, alias Holasa, alias Iao, alias Crite, alias Thammus; Speio, alias Pelides, alias Hecla, alias Vulcan; Thor, alias Padua, alias Hermes, alias Belus, alias Hiroth, alias Yossammis; Thoa, alias Thor, alias Neptune, alias Orion, alias Aph, alias Thulis; Quiurnus, alias Vishnu, alias Ahambre, alias K'isna, alias Atys, alias Etus. || 28/45.11. Thoth continued: And yet these are not all. For these Gods have no fear of the Holy Ghost, and they choose any name that will be flattering to mortals. And the magicians, priests, and others who have power to hear the voices of spirits, are led to believe that they hear the very Gods whose names are given. 28/45.12. This, then, is my misfortune, O most Holy God of the Triune: I am commanded to give only one name, even the Holy Ghost, or the Father, to mortals. But whether my angel hosts speak to the oracles or to persons capable of hearing spirits, and say to them: Fight for the Holy Ghost, or fight for the Creative element---mortals do not heed us. Or, they irreverently mock us, saying: What do we care for a God that is only a ghost, a shadow, a creative element? Give us Gods that talk, and on their own behalf. We want no angels from the Holy Ghost. Bring your Gods, and let the oracles tell us what they say. || 28/45.13. Looeamong then sent messengers and a suitable escort to Jerusalem on the earth, to where Thoth was stationed at the time with an angel host of warriors, commanding his presence before his Holy Council in Hapsendi, Looeamong's heavenly city and kingdom. 28/45.14. Now, after Thoth went there, and they held a Council of many days, a disturbance arose in the Council in consequence of the heat of the debates. 28/45.15. For the Gods of the Council, for the most part, said: What better are we than the Jehovihians? What greater power do we have than the Jehovihians? Who can answer the philosophy of Thoth? It is a truth that mortals have never been satisfied with An Angel from the Gods. They want the God himself. 28/45.16. Was this not forever the weakness of the Jehovihians? Such angels could give no name that mortals knew, unless they falsely assumed a name [which of course they would not do --ed.]. Hence their weakness, compared to angels who unscrupulously assumed to be Gods. 28/45.17. We all knew these things before our Holy Confederacy was formed. Yes, one of the chief reasons for forming a confederacy in heaven was that we could more effectually overcome the power of evil spirits over mortals. 28/45.18. In that day, we said: The three persons, the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost, would enable us to appear in person and with authority to mortals. 28/45.19. Behold, it has now come to pass that mortals desire a more definite God, one known to them. We cannot truthfully take the name of any God Thoth has named, nor of any other God worshipped by mortals. 28/45.20. Looeamong then ordered his Holy Council from the palace, so that he could have an opportunity to reason with himself, as to what he should do.
CHAPTER 46 EskraSatan enters the Holy Council of Hapsendi, and speaks to Looeamong, the Triune
28/46.1. Satan said: Hear me, O most upright of Gods. Mine is a tale of pity and of horrors for your people. 28/46.2. Behold, your one‑time brother Triunes have had greater advantages than you from the start. 28/46.3. They had more populous kingdoms and subjects of higher grades. 28/46.4. Nevertheless, in the ways they have prospered, you shall be wise. 28/46.5. They also found it necessary to have a name that mortals could call to. 28/46.6. And they took upon themselves the names, Brahma and Buddha, both of which signify knowledge; no more nor less. 28/46.7. This has satisfied mortals. 28/46.8. Now you shall choose the name, Kriste, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge also. 28/46.9. In this, then, you shall have truth on your side in heaven before your Holy Council, and on earth you shall have a personal embodiment. |1176|
1176 This personal embodiment would be the fabricated composite Iesu alias Iesus alias Jesu alias Jesus, as presently described.
CHAPTER 47 EskraLooeamong falsely announces himself the Kriste (Christ)
28/47.1. The Lord said: Behold, it came to pass as had been foretold by God, Jehovih's Son: The Triunes will all become false Gods, because they have denied the Almighty. 28/47.2. God said: There is only One, who is All Knowledge. Whatever angel or God announces himself to be All Knowledge, is false in presence of Jehovih. 28/47.3. Nevertheless, Looeamong had it proclaimed in heaven and earth that he was The Kriste, which is the Ahamic expression for All Knowledge. 28/47.4. The Lord said: Now, therefore, Looeamong was from this time forward, a false God in heaven and on earth. 28/47.5. And Looeamong commanded Thoth, his angel warrior in command of his earthly dominions, to raise up tribes of warriors among mortals. 28/47.6. And, by the inspiration of Thoth, these warriors were induced to call themselves Kriste'yans (Christians). 28/47.7. God said: So that man may know this is true, behold, the followers of Jehovih are not warriors, nor have they ever been. 28/47.8. Jehovih said: This mark I put upon man from the time of Cain to the present day, that whoever raises his hand against his brother, raises his hand against Me also. And this mark shall distinguish My servants to the end of the world. Behold, I, alone, am All Knowledge. 28/47.9. Now it came to pass that from this time forward, great success attended the wars of Looeamong, for the glory of his heavenly kingdoms. 28/47.10. And for the space of three hundred years, Looeamong gradually gained on Baal and his allies, both on earth and in heaven. 28/47.11. And Looeamong captured and cast out of his dominions more than seven hundred false Gods and false Lords. 28/47.12. And he broke up six hundred and eighty oracle‑houses and temples, used for consulting the spirits, who called themselves Gods, whose only service was to advise on war, conquest and destruction. 28/47.13. So that even in Looeamong's falsity to himself, he rendered a great service to Jehovih, against Whom he was doing battle. 28/47.14. For three hundred years more, Looeamong, with more than six billion angel warriors, pursued war in heaven and on earth; and he had captured nearly all the earthly strongholds of other false Gods. Baal, however, still maintained himself in Roma, and as God of the Roman empire, but under many names. 28/47.15. God, Son of Jehovih, said: Now, behold, even Looeamong, the false God, bewailed the wars, and he also bewailed his own doctrines. 28/47.16. Looeamong cried out in his despair, saying: To whom shall I pray, O you Holy Ghost? You shadow, you nothing, you void? 28/47.17. Shall I say: O you all nothing? You inconceivable? You unknowable? You all hidden? 28/47.18. Or shall I say: O you nature? You God of nature? You senseless? You scattered? 28/47.19. You that does not hear? You that does not know? You that does not see? 28/47.20. You essence? You fountain that is dumb? You accident? You shapeless? 28/47.21. You imperson? |1177| You shortness in all? That charms us to come here, to find you? Or to go there to find you? 28/47.22. And find in truth, that we do not find you? But only come to understand that you are the waste and desolate of all that is? 28/47.23. And, as for the Father, which we three built up, is he not dead? A divided kingdom, with three astrayed |1178| sons? And every one for himself? 28/47.24. O Brahma, you had a peaceful division. And you Buddha, a place of great profit. 28/47.25. But I, your equal, with an unprofitable division of these western heavens. Mine are warriors in heaven and on earth. Yours, peace and profit. How can I embellish Hapsendi, my heavenly seat? And make it a place of grandeur, like yours? 28/47.26. Behold, my billions of angels are needed for warriors. How do I have time to embellish my throne, and my heavenly city? No wonder, you two point the finger of mockery at me, for the poverty of my heavenly kingdom. 28/47.27. Have I not been fighting battles with satan all these hundreds and hundreds of years? Did I not find heaven, even from the start, a place of war? 28/47.28. Shall these things continue forever? Whom shall I inquire of? Have I not declared I am one with the Father, and one with the Holy Ghost? 28/47.29. Why, then, should I not look to myself? And is this not the sum of all? Everyone for himself? Was myself not a self from the start? And to continue a self for itself forever? 28/47.30. From this time forward, I shall not go down to send peace on earth; I shall not go to send peace, but a sword. 28/47.31. I go to set man at variance against his brother and father, and woman against her sister and mother, and a daughter‑in‑law against her mother‑in‑law. 28/47.32. I will make the foes of a man, those of his own household. 28/47.33. He who loves father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. 28/47.34. And he who will not take up his sword and proclaim me, is not worthy of me. 28/47.35. My signs shall be a sword, a skull and crossbones, and a bull. 28/47.36. My edicts shall be bulls; by these my enemies shall be destroyed. 28/47.37. Every knee shall bow down before me, and every tongue confess me, Lord of all. 28/47.38. Behold, I will give them a book and a guide, by which they shall know me; in blood I will seal them to the end of the world. |1179|
1177 non-person, impersonal force
1178 amiss, awry, errant, off course
1179 This book would be the New Testament to the Christians, which he cleverly then had attached to the Ezra Bible in order to easier gain converts in his region.
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